People Flashcards
- “Move to Caanan”
- long journey - people already living there, “your descendents will inhabit it.:
- Egypt - Pharoah “she’s my sister”
- Abraham tells Lot he can choose whatever land he wants, and he chooses to go live outside the Promised Land. Again, God promises Abraham he will have many descendents and plenty of land to support them.
- Abraham gets involved in a dispute between two groups of kings, wins a battle, and then a priest, Melchizedek, generously provides a feast for him, reminding him that his mission is spiritual, not militaristic.
- Sarah gives Hagar - pregnant. Jealous. Hagar flees. Angel
- God’s messengers “baby in a year”. Sarah laughs
- Sodom – Lot and family saved. Wife looks back
- Abimelech – “she’s my sister”
- Isaac born. Hagar and Ishmael sent into wilderness. Promise re: Ishmael
- Abraham and Abimelech make a deal about rights to a well called Beersheba, giving Abraham full ownership of the water. Abraham makes the land around it his permanent home.
- asked by God to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac.
- Abraham was willing to listen to God and obey him. Abraham was a prophet. He performed the first healing in the Bible. He died at age 175.
David is Israel’s second and greatest king.
Book of 1 Samuel
- Samuel annoints David to be King
- plays harp for King Saul
- David and Goliath
Book of 2 Samuel
David’s Triumps
- Ishbosheth rebels but is killed
- A Good King
- Ark to Jerusalem, new capital and worship center
- CH. 7, God’s Covenant with David - Your house and your kingdom will continue before me for all time and your throne will be secure forever.
David’s Troubles - with himselft
- Adultery with Bathsheba
- Nathan confronts David
- God forgives David for his sin, but not without punishing David for his crime (your own household will rebel against you, your wives violated in public)
David’s Troubles - with his family
- Amnon and Tamar
- Absalom’s crime and flight
- Absalom’s revolt
David’s Troubles - with his nation
- nation united again
- Sheba’s revolt
David’s faliure (cencus)
- Isaac, the second patriarch of Israel, son of Abraham and Sarah, and father of Jacob and Esau.
- Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age, his name means “to laugh.”
- his half brother Ishmael was banished with Hagar, as Isaac alone was designated as Abraham’s heir.
- Abraham proved willing to comply with the divine command to sacrifice his son on Mount Moriah. An angel stopped Abraham from slaying Isaac, and offered a ram as a substitute.
- Abraham sent a slave to his family in Mesopotamia to procure a wife for Isaac (Gen 24:1-10).
- marriage to Rebekah
- bore him twins, Esau and Jacob
- Isaac grew blind, and through a ruse by Rebekah and Jacob, gave his blessing to Jacob instead of Esau.
- Elijah was a prophet in Israel
- He fought against the cult of Baal, and clashed frequently with Ahab’s wife Jezebel
- Ran away, fed by ravens
miracles as a prophet of God,
- caused a jar of meal and a jar of oil to constantly refill during a drought
- brought widow’s son back to life (I Kings 17)
- caused fire to come out of the sky and consume a burnt offering,
- ended a drought
- ran faster than King Ahab’s chariot.
- parted waters of the Jordan River by striking it with his mantle, and crossed on dry ground with his understudy, Elisha.
- “As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlpool into heaven” (2 Kings 2:11).
Elisha then picked up Elijah’s mantle and became a prophet of God. Elijah remains one of the most intriguing of the prophets. In the New Testament, the angel Gabriel tells Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son “with the spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17).
Mentored by Elijah
They reached the Jordan River, and Elijah used his cloak to part the waters.
Double portion of your spirit? “Yes, if you see how I am taken away by God”
Elijah taken up in chariot of fire.
16 Miracles recorded
- Parted the waters of the Jordan River (asked for a sign of his anointing after Elijah taken)
- Purification of the water source for Jericho with salt
- Protection of the prophet by two she-bears (Baldy – 42 children)
- Water for the army of Israel and success over the Moabites (Moab thought they saw blood when sun shone on the water.)
- Providing the widow’s oil (kept pouring until no more jars)
- Told the woman from Shunem (You will have a son)
- Resurrection of the son of the Shunammite woman (laid on top of him)
- Purified the poison soup (poisonous gourds accidently put in. Discovered when they went to eat it. He threw in some “meal”)
- Multiplication of loaves (20 barley loaves feed 100 men. Leftovers)
- Healing of Naaman (Commander of the army. Servant’s girls told him to go to Elisha. He said dip in the Jordan 7 times)
- Gehazi cursed with a skin disease (Elisha’s servant. Took payment from Naaman that Elisha had refused. God Leprosy)
- Miracle of finding the axe. (borrowed axe fell in water. Elisha threw in stick. Axe head floated)
- Capturing a band of Aramaeans by striking them blind (Elisha kept telling King of Israel what Aramaens were planning. They surrounded Elisha. He opened eyes of his servant to show him he did not have to be afraid And the LORD opened the eyes of the servant, and he saw that the mountainside was filled with fiery chariots and horses around Elisha. Elisha asked God to strike them blind
- Prophesizing relief from the enemy and the famine
- Prophesizing the death of Ben-Hadad and the rise of Hazael
- Prophesizing that Israel’s defeat of King Hazael of Damascus
- Angel told his mom have a boy, Nazarite
- chose Philistine (enemy) for wife
- Went to visit her. Dead l_ion_ killed with hands = first sign of strength. On way home bees and honey in carcass. He ate (violation of Nazarite - don’t go near dead body)
- Wedding feast young men challenged him. Riddle. Wife got answer from him. He killed 30 men to pay the young men
- Father - in- law gave wife to another man (thought Samson must hate her) Offered him her sister
- Samson tied 300 foxes together by tails - torches between them. Burned down corn fields
- Philistines retalieated by burning wife and household
- Samson war against Philistines. Lots killed.
- 3000 Philistines went to ask him to turn himself in. Bound with rope. Broke ropes when in camp and killed 1000 with jawbone of donkey
- Philistines locked city gates to keep him out. He wripped them from their hinges.
- Fell in love with another Philistine, Delilah. She cut his hair. no more strength
- gouged out eye, lead to temple to be mocked. Prayed - strength - temple fell
- Israel’s first king, tall, handsome, noble
- Annointed by Samuel, given 3 signs, given a new heart and God’s Spirit
- Hides when he is going to be publically chosen
Rejection by God
- made offering at Gilgal
- cursed Jonathan - he ate honey
- fatal mistake. He disobeyed God by failing to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions, as God had commanded.
- The Lord withdrew his favor from Saul and had Samuel the prophet anoint David as king.
- jealous of David
- plotted to kill him.
- the Philistines gathered for a huge battle against the Israelites. By that time Samuel had died.
- consulted a medium and told her to raise Samuel’s spirit from the dead.
- King Saul and the army of Israel were overrun. Saul committed suicide. His sons were also killed
- Hannah - Eli
- God spoke to him - child. God told him about death of Eli’s two wayward sons, Hophni and Phinehas,
- grew and faithfully conveyed messages from God, it became obvious that God was working through him.
- annointed Saul and David
- message to Saul that he was rejected by God as king
- a Judge of Israel, telling them to put away their false idols and faithfully turn their hearts back to God.
- 4th judge of Israel
- also musician, prophetess, wife
- Diplomat (superior to Barak, yet spoke to him as if inferior)
- Daredevil (went in to battle, commanded the commander of the army)
- Deliverer
- “mother of Israel” (name for herself)
Great leader - victorious faith
Only Joshua and Caleb enter Promise Land (of all exiles)
Joshua, by faith, led the next generation of Israelites into Canaan and began to conquer with amazing power.
- Jordan River parted
- Walls of Jericho fell
- Sun stood still
Exhortation before he died - “Choose you this day whom you shall serve”. As for me and my house “We will serve the Lord”.
Gideon, when called, was negative and reluctant (I am so small and weak!)
Before he would be convinced, he wanted to see a sign from God (God burned up meat and bread with tip of his staff)
- first act as judge, destroy the pagan altars and idols and to build an altar to the LORD -too afraid to do this in daytime, so he did it by night
- Jerub-baal - “Let Baal defend himself”
- Given the Spirit of God, bold, confident in the LORD
- Sign of the fleece -If you are truly going to use me, fleece wet, ground dry. Please don’t be mad, do it the opposite way
- The 300 men against Midianites -Too many men! If you are afraid, Go Home! Still too many men. If cup hands to drink water, fight.
- The barley-bread dream -God told G to take servant and go listen to what enemies saying. Dream about loaf of bread tumbling down into Midianite camp and knocking tent flat. Interpretation given = Gideon will have victory over Midian and allies
- Trumpets and torches -Gideon blew rams’ horns and broke clay jars and shouted “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon” Warriors panicked and fought against themselves
He spoke true wisdom, but acted in folly
When the Israelites requested him to rule over them, he said, “I will not rule over you, nor shall my son… the LORD shall rule over you”. Yet he then requested gold from them, out of which he made an image, and the people of his city worshipped it! This image “became a snare to Gideon and his family”(Judges 8:22-28).
God took account of his faith
Gideon, a child of his times, followed some customs that were not the way of God. However, God saw Gideon’s faith, and by it Gideon joined those who “out of weakness were made strong” (Hebrews 11:32-34).
- Rachel favours Jacob (cook, gardener), Isaac favours Esau (hunter)
- Steals birthright
- Steals Esau’s blessing
- Flees to Paddan-Aram – to Uncle Laban
- Jacob’s dream (stairway to heaven, blessing
- Marries Leah, Rachel
- Children through wives and servants, wealth (despite Leban)
- Rachel only Joseph and Benjamin (died)
- Flees Laban
- Gifts to Esau
- Wrestles with God, Israel
- Peace with brother
- Most quoted prophet in the NT
- lived during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah, and was struck by the moral breakdown of the times.
- reminded the people of the need to keep God’s covenant but people didn’t listen
- temple vision – chapter 6
- Israel will be chopped down and burned, will be like a smoldering stump. But the stump will be a holy seed that will survive
- Tells King Ahaz of Judah that he will fall. Assyria will attack and then Babylon, but there is hope.
- Because of God’s promise to David, he will send a new king, Immanuel, who will set God’s People free from oppressors. He will be empowered by God’s Spirit to rule over a New Jerusalem, justice. All nations will look to him for guidance. He will bring peace.
- Predicts judgement and hope for the nations (tale of 2 Cities – Lofty City vs. New Jerusalem)
- influenced King Hezekiah of Judah - religious reform
- Assyrians laid seige to Jerusalem in 701 BC, but Isaiah said not to worry, and God saved the city
- Hezekiah showed off everything to Babylonians, Isaiah said, Judah would fall to Babylon.
- moral decay - Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord were destroyed by the Babylonians - the Babylonian Exile (after Isaiah died)
- introduces the term Day of the Lord**, a time for judgment, punishment, retribution, and vengeance for the sins of mankind - related to the second coming of the Lord.
Deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 1-18) -
- rescued as a baby
- raised by Ph. daughter
- killed Egyptian, ran away, married
- Burning bush
- plagues
- Red Sea
Israel in the Desert (Exodus 19 to Numbers)
- 10 Commandments
- Built ark and Tabernacle
- The march toward Canaan (Numbers)
Moses’ final days (Deuteronomy)
From the moment God first appeared to him at the burning bush, Moses consistently turned his eyes toward God. As Moses responded to God in faith, the Lord developed his character as a mighty leader of His people.
Moses was a great man of prayer. Whether trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptians or facing the people’s rebellion in the desert, Moses laid his problems and his decisions before God.
Moses showed that great leadership requires humility. When attacked, Moses did not defend himself but laid the matter before God and waited for God’s vindication. “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.”
Facing Pharaoh, and subsequent challenges in the wilderness, Moses did not fear. Because Moses knew and trusted God completely, he had great courage in facing seemingly insurmountable challenges.
“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you.” ‘ “
- son of David and Bathsheba
- Adonijah claimed throne, but David crowned Solomon
- Dream - God told him he could have anything. Wisdom
- God gave him wealth, honour and long life also
- built temple
- too many wives - divided heart
- God decided to divide up the kingdom
- Jeroboam - S’s official - Israel, Rehoboam S’s son - Judah
Cupbearer to King of Artexerxes of Persia
- Exiles (many) already returned to Jerusalem
- hears about state of the walls - asks King to go
Builder of the wall
- walls completed in 53 days
- used 1/2 people and 1/2 to guard
Governor of the people
- scripture found, read, explained
- temple was being neglected (Zerububal)
- Sabbath dishonoured (Ezra)
- intermarriage within walls (Nehemiah)
- Nation confronted and cleansed
“Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant” (verses 9-10).
During King Josiah - found the Book of the Law that was hidden in the temple. Called the people to reform.
Jeremiah and Josiah called the people to reform. Josiah’s father (Amon) and grandfather (Manasseh) had promoted idolatry and child sacrafice.
When Josiah died, the people turned again - worshipped false gods, sacrificed children, didn’t take care of their poor, orphans, widows, immigrants.
Jeremiah told the people that because of their sin, Babylon was going to invade Jerusalem.
But also promise of restoration through a Messianic King, and that the exiles would return after 70 years
People didn’t like his message so plotted againsh him, even own family
Put in cistern , in mud - to starve die. Was pulled out
Kidnapped and taken to Egypt
God didn’t allow Jeremiah to marry.
Was taken to Babylon with everyone else
Peter was a fisherman from Galilee, but Jesus called him to be a fisher of men Because Peter was willing to leave all he had to follow Jesus, God used him in great ways. As Peter preached, people were amazed at his boldness because he was “unschooled” and “ordinary.” But then they took note that Peter “had been with Jesus” Being with Jesus makes all the difference.
- one of the first followers of Jesus
- disciple of the Lord Jesus.
- Being a natural-born leader, Peter became the de facto spokesman for the Twelve
- it was Peter who first confessed Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” a truth which Jesus said was divinely revealed to Peter
Part of the inner circle, (with James and John) - present when:
- Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus
- Jesus was transfigured on the mountain
- (not James) given the special task of preparing the final Passover meal
- left the boat to walk on the water to Jesus
- rebuked Jesus for speaking of His death
- Transfiguration - suggested erecting three tabernacles to honor Moses, Elijah, and Jesus and fell to the ground in fearful silence at God’s glory
- drew his sword and attacked the servant of the high priest
- boasted that he would never forsake the Lord, even if everyone else did and later denied three times that he even knew the Lord
After His resurrection, Jesus specifically named Peter as one who needed to hear the good news. And, repeating the miracle of the large catch of fish, Jesus made a special point of forgiving and restoring Peter and re-commissioning him as an apostle.
On the day of Pentecost, Peter was the main speaker to the crowd in Jerusalem , and the Church began with an influx of about 3,000 new believers . Later, Peter healed a lame beggar and preached boldly before the Sanhedrin . Even arrest, beatings, and threats could not dampen Peter’s resolve to preach the risen Christ .
Jesus’ promise that Peter would be foundational in building the Church was fulfilled in three stages:
- Peter preached on the day of Pentecost - to the Jews
- present when the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit
- summoned to the home of the Roman centurion Cornelius (Gentile), who also believed and received the Holy Spirit
Growing pains.
- Resisted taking the gospel to Cornelius, a Gentile. However, when he saw the Romans receive the Holy Spirit in the same manner he had, Peter concluded that “God does not show favoritism”
- visit to Antioch, where he enjoyed the fellowship of Gentile believers. However, when some legalistic Jews arrived in Antioch, Peter, to appease them, withdrew from the Gentile Christians. The Apostle Paul saw this as hypocrisy and called it such to Peter’s face (Galatians 2:11-14).
- began studying at age thirteen -lawyer, - heading to be member of the Sanhedrin
- zealous for his faith, religious extremismist
- present when Peter delivered his defense of the gospel and of Jesus in front of the Sanhedrin
- present for stoning of Stephen (held clothes for stoning)
- Saul became determined to eradicate Christians, “He began ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison.”
Pivotal Point
- Caught in a bright light from heaven that caused him to fall face down on the ground. He heard the words, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” He replied, “Who are you Lord?” Jesus answered directly and clearly, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”
- made contact with a man named Ananias
- Ananias hesitant to meet him but God told him that Saul was ok, laid hands on him,
- received the Holy Spirit, regained his sight, and was baptized
- immediately went into the synagogues and proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God. The people were amazed and skeptical.
- went all over preaching
- Barnabas got his help to teach people in the church in Antioch.
- took missionary journeys, mostly to Gentile areas
- wrote many of the NT books