Books Summaries Flashcards
Despite humanity’s evil, God is determined to bless and rescue his world
A: Beginning of the himan race - Creation, the fall, Noah, tower of Babel
B: Begining of the chosen race- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
End = Israelites living in Egypt
Jesus pictures in the seed of Eve - you will strike his head. He will strike your heal
Also in the High Priest and King Melchizedek
Israel become the Nation of God
Suffering and liberation of God’s People
- Bondage
- Deliverance
Guidance of God
- Journey
Worship of God
- Law
- Tabernacle
- Moses cannot enter the tabernacle
Jesus seen in the Passover lamb.
God gives law re: sacrifices, rituals, purity, festivals
How can Israelites live near God who is holy, without being destroyed?
God will accept death of animal in my place to purify me.
Blood atones for sin
2 Sections:
- How to be close to God
- How to walk with God
Jesus pictured in each sacrifice and ritual
Wilderness Stories
Moses can now enter the tabernacle
God is faithful to his promise but will let his people walk away in rebellion and face the consequences.
- Census (how many men in army - to conquer the Promise Land?)
- they lack faith to enter the Promised Land
Punishment = wander for 40 years
- Moses strikes rock
- Moab, Baalam
Jesus seen the manna, water from rock
Also seen in the pillar of cloud and of fire
“Second Law” - Moses speaks to new generation who will enter PL. Explains the law/commandments. Calls them to be more faithful than previous generation. Today I have given you a choice (life, death - blessing, curse)
Look Back
- review of Big God Story
Look Up
- call to faithfulness
- 10 commandments
- Shema
- Laws about worship, temple, civil laws, justice
Look Ahead
- The land is yours - posess it!
- Today I have given you a choice …
- Joshua takes over
Jesus in Deut - Moses is a type of Christ.
“Obedient faith brings abundant blessing”
Conquest of the Promise Land and divison of the land among the 12 tribes
Invasion of the land
- Rahab and the spies - Jericho
- parting of Jordan River
Distribution of the Land
- Joshua died (and Joseph’s remains)
Jesus seen in Joshua (victorious leader)
Also in Rahab’s scarlet cord, which symbolizes safety through Christ’s Blood
“Compromise brings failure”
Sin - Oprression - repentance - deliverance - peace - sin …
In love, God honours his covenant, even when we don’t
- fail to drive out Caannites
- moral failure
- Judges assigned - Good Othniel, Ehud, Deborah,
Okay - Gideon,
Bad - Jephthah
Worse - Samson
- Samson
Israel hits rock bottom “In those days Israel had no king: everyone did what was right in their own eyes”
Jesus prefigured as the ultimate judge and deliverer
Redemption: God provides for those who follow him in faithfulness and love, even in hard times.
Ruth -sacrificed and worked hard, showed love to Naomi
Boaz - loyal to kinsman redeemer
Jesus prefigured in the kinsman-redeemer
1 Samuel
Though leaders and nations change, God’s purposes will always move forward.
- God’s will vs. man’s will … judge vs. king
To obey is better than sacrifice
Last Judge
First King
Jesus typified in Samuel (prophet, priet, judge)
Also portrayed in the life of Dave (shepherd, king, born in Bethlehem)
2 Samuel
Blessings or consequences follow every action.
David’s Triumphs
David’s Troubles
- himself
- family
- nation
Forshadowed in David’s reign (justice, wisdom, integrety)
Messiah, the Son of David is promised in covenant to David
I Kings
Spiritual and moral decay lead to destruction
Solomon in all his glory
Solomon decline
Divided Kingdom
- Jeroboam, Rehoboam
- Elijah and Ahab
Solomon’s wisdom forshadows Him who “became wisdom for us (I Cor)
2 Kings
God is patient, but He does not allow persistent sin to go unpunished.
Israel’s fall to Assyria (ch 17)
Judah’s fall to Babylon
Christ foreshadowed in the faithfulness of some kings
also seen in the healing ministry and compassion of Elisha
1 Chronicles
Stories about the past that provide hope for the future
Creation of the world to creation of a Kingdom
- Geneologies - line of David, priestly line
- Saul
- David and the temple
Christ seen in the covenant to David
Also prefigured in the idealized King David
2 Chronicles
Stories about the past that provide hope for the future
Dolomon’s temple - rebuilding of the temple
- King Solomon
- Series of Kings in Judah
Readers understand that prophetic hops of Israel have not been fulfilled by return from exile and rebuild - so point to ANOTHER return from exile and coming Messiah.
Revival and Reformation
Zerubbabel rebuilds the temple
Ezra leads in reformation of the people
Nehemial trust in God - He will keep his covenant. Hoped for new Jerusalem - this is clearly not it!
Cupbearer -
Wall Builder
Governor -
- scripture found
- lives changed
- nation confronted and cleansed
Jesus seen in Nehemiah, who leaves an exalted position to identify with the people and lead them into restoration
Despite the exile, “God’s Absence”, and Israel’s moral compromise, God is still sovereign and works out his plan - did not abandon his covenant to Abraham/David
King’s Greatness - banquets, new queen
Haman Elevated
Haman’s Decree
Esther and Mordecai plan / First Banquet
Pivot (history read, Haman forced to elevate Mordecai)
Esther’s Second Banquet / Esther & Mordecai plan
Mordecai’s Decree
Mordecai Elevated
Mordecai’s Greatness
God’s sovereignty and humanity’s struggle in the midst of suffering
Flawed assumption:
- Human Action vs. God’s Justice
- Wise & Good Success and Reward
- Stupid & Evil Disaster and Punishment
Job and his friends
God’s Response
Prayerbook of God’s People as they obey the Torah (law) and hope and wait for the future Messianic Kingdom
Intro (Torah and Messiah)
5 Books
Conclusion (Praise Yahweh)
Lament to Praise
- Tells how to pray. Hope for Messianic King, but don’t ignore tragic state of the world. Faith looks forward to God’s promised Messianic King
A guide for living well in God’s world
“The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom”
- speeches from a Father to son
- poems of Lady Wisdom
- Wisdom and fear of the Lord (reverence, awe, humility)
Ancient proverbs
- tons of topics, applying the fear of the Lord (marriage, speech, family, justic, forgiveness)
- probabilities, not promises (train up a child in the way they should go, fear of the Lord prolongs life)
- focuses on general rule, not exceptions
- that is why also need to look at the rest of Wisdom Lit.
Personification of wise living
- Charm is deceiful. Beauty is vain. But a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised
- A woman of noble character (31)
Christ in Proverbs
- Jesus is the teacher “in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col.2)
Hevel, hevel, everything is hevel (vapor, smoke)
- Temporal, fleeting
- Enigma - looks solid but cannot be grasped
“like chasing after the wind”
- look for meaning (wealth, career, status, pleasure)
- How to live in light of hevel - accept that everything is out of your control, enjoy the small gifts God gives you every day
- Admonition (fear of the Lord, but no guarantees - enigma)
- Conclusion - Fear God, obey him. One day you will face him.
Christ in Ecclesiastes - Christ is seen as a contrast to all that man “under the sun” can reason, achieve, enjoy. Look beyond the sun, and see God’s Son. He is the unending source of knowlege, wisdom, joy, fulfillment, meaning. Solid, can hold on to Him.
Song of Songs
Justice and mercy of God
Judgement and Hope for Jerusalem
- Old Jer. - purifying fire - New Jer.
- temple vision - tell everyone but they won’t hear - Israel will be chopped down like a stump, but it will be a holy seed.
- Isaiah tells King Ahaz about the new King Immanuel and his Kingdom
- Tale of 2 Cities - Lofty City vs. New Jerusalem
- Hezekiah - rise and Fall of Jerusalem - Babylon attacks
There is hope (the trial)
- Accusation - God’s response - right conclusion - Israel still rebells - does not become God’s servant to the nation
The Servant - God does a new thing - sends Servant to fulfill mission (restore Israel, light to the nations)
- Rejected and Killed - sacrifice for sin
- Alive again - 2 ways to respond: “Seed” are humbled and repent. “Wicked” reject the servant and his message.
Future Plan - Servants inherit God’s Kingdom. Wicked face judgement.
Judgement is coming - repent!
The Weeping Prophet
Judah’s sin
- Broken the Covenant
- Worshiped other gods
- Social injustice (widows, orphans, immigrants)
- Babylon coming - 70 years
Promise of Restoration
- They will be my peopole, and I will be their God… I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me.. and will replant them in this land
Hope for God’s people
- bring a remnant back to rebuild temple
- raise a descendant of David to serve God and guide his people (Christ)
- bring a remnant back to Israel a second time and reunite the N and S kingdoms of Israel as a unified people in the Kingdom of God
- heal the spiritual wounds of His people, restore His covenant with them and build up and plant His people Israel again
Fall of Jerusalem
Prophecies against neighbouring nations
Jerusalem in Ruins
King kind to exiled King Jehoiachin
Why the Weeping Prophet?
- he cried tears of sadness because he knew what was about to happen (soon starvation, death etc.)
- no matter how hard he tried, the people would not listen
- God had forbidden him to marry or have children
- his friends had turned their backs on him
Biographical Section - Daniel interprets dreams
- Daniel and friends taken to Babylon, elevated
- Ch. 2 - interprets King. Neb’s dream (statue)
- Ch. 3 - Fiery furnace
- Ch. 4 - King Nebuchadnezzar’s pride
- Ch. 5 - King Belshazzar’s pride
- Ch. 6 - Lion’s den
Prophetic Section - Angel interprets Daniel’s Dreams
- Ch. 7 - Daniel’s foundational dream
- Ch. 12 - Abomination of Desolation dream (humans become beasts when they don’t acknowledge God’s Kingdom. The point - from the dreams - God will confront the beast - anyone who does not acknowlede God’s Kingdom - and rescue his world)
Told to marry Gomer, an prostitute
Adulterous wife, faithful husband
Adulterous nation, faithful God
Remembers a past Day of the Lord (Locusts)
Sees a future Day of the Lord
Promises hope if people repent -
God will confront evil, restore creation
one chapter
Coming judgement because of the cruelty to your brother,
false gods, hypocrasy
He has shown you, o man, what is good, and what does the LORD require of you?
To do justice
and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Impending doom on Ninevah, capital city of Assyria
No city is so powerful that it is beyond the reach of God’s judgement
Habakkuk different than other minor prophet - he asked tough questions
- Why does God allow evil to exist?
- If God is sovereign, why do wicked people prosper?
found consolation in God’s strength and power
“Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there ar no grape on the vines, …. I will be joyful in the God of my salvation
written during rebuilding of the temple
lots of prophesies re:Christ
- sold for 30 pieces of silver
- will ride on the colt of a donkey
- the pierced One
- coming Judge
- Righteous King
- rejected
The Good News - Romans 1:16-17
For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith.
The Gospel Saving Sinners
- sin, redemption, justification, righteousness (Abraham)
- New Humanity - When part of old humanity we were slaves to sin’s infulence resulting in death so we faced judgement. As part of new humanity, we identify with Jesus through baptism. What is true of him is now true of me. Liberated to love God and love neighbour
- The Law just showed people how sinful and evil their hearts are, pointed to need for Jesus
The Gospel Concerning Israel
- Israel in the past, and in the future
The Gospel Unifies the Church
- Ch. 12 - Love
- Ch. 13 Respect for Authority
- Have grace concerning non-essential issues