Pelvis Flashcards
What the joints and types of joints of the pelvis?
Lumbosacral joint: intervertebral articulation
Hip Joint: synovial ball and socket joint
Sacroiliac Joint: Synovial joints
Pubic Symphysis: Fibro-cartilaginous joint
Obturator Internus Function, Origin and Insertion, Innervation
- Lateral rotation of extended hip joint, abduction of flexed hip
- Medial surface of the greater trochanter of femur
- anterolateral wall of true pelvis
- Nerve to L5, S1
Piriformis Function, origin and insertion, innervation
- Lateral rotation of extended hip joint, abduction of flexed hip
- Origin is anterior border of sacrum, insertion is medial side of trochanter.
- Innervated by L5, S1, and S2
What are the pelvic diaphragm muscles?
levator ani, coccygeus
What is the purpose of the levator ani and coccygeus?
They help with support of the pelvic viscera and sphincter like movement.
What functions do the muscles of the deep perineal pouch usually have?
They mainly have sphincter function.
They are the external urethral sphincter (relaxes during urination),
deep transverse perineal (stabilizes the perineal body)
compressor urethrae (accessory sphincter of the urethr in women)
sphincter urethro-vaginalis accesory sphincter in women)
What are the deep perineal pouch muscle mainly innervated by?
Perineal branches of the pudendal nerve ( S2-S4)
What are the muscles of the anal triangle? What do they do? What is their innervation?
External anal sphincter ( deep, superficial, and subcutaneous part). They close the anal sphincter. They are the Pudendal nerve (S2 and S3), and they branches directly from S4
What are the muscles of the superficial pouch?
They are Ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal.
The first two help with moving blood into penis/ clitoris. Superficial transverse helps in stabilizing the perineum
How are pelvic diaphragm and respiration related?
Pelvic diaphragm ascends and descends with exhalation and inhalation.
What are psoas and iliacus used for?
Hip flexion and external rotation.
What are the posterior muscles that are extensors?
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus (medius, minimus)
What are the deep 6 lateral hip rotators?
They are the piriformis, gamellus superior, obdurator internus, gamellus inferior, obdurator externus, and then quadratus femoris
What do the Gluteus Medius do?
It helps with prevent pelvic drop at the opposite side of the swing during walking
What are the IT band muscles?
Tensor fascia latae and gluteus maximus
What do the IT band muscles help with?
Gluteus maximus is a powerful extensor of the femur at the joint. ( L5, S1, S2)
Tensor fasciae latae helps to basically stabilize the knee in extension. (L4, L5)
What are the anterior muscles of the hip?
Quadriceps, sartorius, gracilis, adductors. (all adductors)
What are muscles that are superior to the pelvis?
- rectus abdominus
- quadratus lumborum
- tranverse abdominis
- internal/external oblique
What are the 5 igaments that are important in pelvis?
Sacrospinous ligament, Sacrotuberous ligament, ilio-lumbar ligament, anterior sacro-iliac ligament, inguinal ligament.
What do ligaments do?
They do prevention of motion
What does the iliolumbar ligament do and what are the functions of it?
It attaches from L5 and to the ilia. It stabilizes the anterior motion of the L5 and limits rotation.