General Concepts Flashcards
Heroic Medicine consists of:
- Bloodletting
- Purging
- Calomel and other
poisonous compounds
Pivotal years in AT Still Life:
4 dates
1860: 2nd wife marriage
1861: AT Still enlisted in civil
1864: 3 children die from meningitis
1867: father dies from pneumonia
What is important day of founding of Osteopathy
June 22nd, 1874
Basic concept of health according to AT Still.
Health is maintained by unobstructed blood impulses of nerves
1st state to license DOs and year
Vermont in 1896
Influenza Pandemic year and significance
1918 to 1919
Saw an increase in use of OMT as less DO patients died
In 1920’s to 1940’s what happened to use of OMT?
California and osteopathy in the 1960’s:
1961: $65 to change D.O degree to M.D.
What is emphasized in DO philosophy?
Primary care emphasis, health maintenance and preventive care.
4 philosophical principles of Osteopathy.
Body functions as mind, body, and spirit.
Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
Body possesses all self regulatory mechanisms
Body has inherent capacity to heal itself
Osteopathy is a —- oriented philosophy with a —— focus.
health, patient centered
Finish these statements:
Musculoskeletal system as the primary manifestation of health and disease,
Embraces all known forms of medical treatment and therapy,
Musculoskeletal system as the primary manifestation of health and disease, and by influencing somatic systems by manipulation, normal dynamic anatomy and therapy maximizes health and comfort to individual.
Embraces all known forms of medical treatment and therapy, incorporating and being informed by science, philosophy, and practice of osteopathy.
Finish this statement:
A complete system of medical care with a philosophy that combines
needs of the patient with current practice of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics; that emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function; and has appreciation of body’s ability to heal itself.
4 tenets:
- A person is a product of dynamic interactions between body, mind, and spirit.
- An inherent property of this dynamic interaction is the capacity of the individual for the maintenance of health and recovery of disease.
- Many forces, both intrinsic and extrinsic to the person, can challenge this inherent capacity and contribute to the onset of illness
- The musculoskeletal system significantly influences the individuals ability to restore this inherent capacity and therefore to resist disease processes.
Finding — should be object of the doctor.
What is the DMFR method?
When a restrictive is identified in a myofascial tissue and is engaged with a loaded, constant, directional force until the tissue releases and motion is restored.
What are activating forces?
- Inherent: tendency towards homeostasis
- Respiratory force
- Physician Guided Force
- Springing/vibration
Articulatory Techniques
Clinician repetitively takes the part of the body being treated directly to the restrictive barrier in order to improve to improve physiological motion.
Low velocity, mo-high amplitude.
Articulation examples
Rib Raising, Spencer’s techniques
Indications for articulatory techniques
Post-operative patients, elderly patients suffering from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.
Muscle Energy Technique is when
The patient’s muscle are actively used on request from a precisely controlled position, against a distinctly executed physician counterforce.
What are the indications for muscle energy:
- relaxes hypertonic muscles
2. treat joint restriction
MET Treatment Flow:
- Diagnose joint dysfunction or tight muscle
- position joint muscle towards the restrictive barrier
- Clinician resists patient movement for 3-5 seconds with ISOMETRIC FORCE
- Patient instructed to relax–> clinician simultaneously relaxes
- Limb/lever is taken further towards the restrictive barrier
- Repeat steps 3- 6 until no further improvement is achieved
What does isometric contraction mean?
It means that the patients muscle contraction is opposed by the practitioner’s counterforce.
Fill in the blanks:
when the patient moves body part away from restrictive barrier it is an ——-
opposite and equal force to the operator/ physician counterforce.
How long are contraction- relaxation cycles repeated?
Until no further improvement is felt.
Once you have resisted the final isometric contractions you must —–
Approach the barrier one last time prior to coming out of the treatment position.
How much force should be exerted in the contraction for small muscles and large muscles?
Small muscles: ounces
Large muscles: pounds of forces