Pelvic Walls, Nerves, and Vasculature Flashcards
What makes up the pelvic floor?
-coccygeus, levator ani muscles (puborectalis, iliococcygeous, pubococcygeous)
and their fascias
-Perineal membrane (inferior fascia of UG diaphragm)
-muscles of deep perineal pouch
What is the perineal membrane?
inferior fascia of UG diaphragm
What separates the pelvic cavity from the perineum?
pelvic floor
What is the origin and insertion of the coccyeous muscle?
(origin) the ischial spine and the sacrospinous ligament
(insertion) to coccyx and inferior sacrum
What is the function of the coccygeous muscle?
supports pelvic viscera, pulls coccyx forward after defecation
The levator ani consists of three paired muscles, what are they?
What is the puborectalis and where does it arise from?
arises from right and left pubic bodies
U-shaped sling
Where does the pubococcygeus arise from and attach to?
from posterior part of pubic body and anterior tendinous arch and
attaches at coccyx
The pubococcygeus is divided into several sections which were….?
The iliococcygeus muscle arises from the (blank)
posterior tendinous arch and ischial spine
The iliococcygeous forms a ligament/raphe between what 2 things?
the anal aperature and the coccyx
Is the iliococcygeous muscle thick?
no it is thin and poorly developed
What is the importance of the levator ani?
for support, continence, as a vaginal sphincter, defecation and urination
What is the innervation to the levator ani?
Direct branches from ventral rami of S4 and inferior rectal branch of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
What muscles insert at the perineal body?
bublospongiosus muscle, sup. transverse perineal muscle, pubococcyeus mucsle, external anal sphincter muscle
Other than the main muscles that insert at the perineal body, what are some additional fibers that insert there?
deep transverse perineus
external urethral sphincter
What is the clinical relevance of knowing the muscles that insert at the perineal body?
The common iliac splits into the internal and external iliacs at the level of the IV disc between (blank and blank)
L5 and S1
The internal iliac splits into what?
the anterior and posterior divisions
What supplies the pelvic viscera, walls, floors, perineal structure, gluteal region and thigh with blood?
anterior and posterior branches of internal iliac
Besides the anterior and posterior branches of the internal iliac, what also supplies the pelvic region?
gonadel artery (from aorta)
median sacral artery (from aorta)
superior rectal artery (from IMA)
The internal iliac’s anterior branch,branches into what 8 arteries?
umbilical -> superior vesical artery obturator inferior vesical (males) vaginal (female) middle rectal uterine (or artery to ductus deferens) internal pudendal inferior gluteal
The posterior branch of the internal illiac branches into what 3 arteries?
lateral sacral
superior gluteal
The internal iliac’s anterior branch,branches into what 8 arteries?
umbilical-> superior vesical artery obturator inferior vesical (males) vaginal (female) middle rectal uterine (or artery to ductus deferens) internal pudendal inferior gluteal
The posterior branch of the internal illiac branches into what 3 arteries?
lateral sacral
superior gluteal
(blank) is the first branch of the anterior trunk of internal illiac and gives rise to the superior vesical artery.
umbilical artery
What does the umbilical artery turn into?
the superior vesical artery
What happens after birth to the umbilical artery?
it becomes a solid fibrous cord and creates a medial umbilical fold and medial umbilical ligament
What does the superior vesical artery supply?
supplies superior bladder and distal ureter
What often comes off the superior vesical artery?
artery of the ductus deferens
What is this:
It usually is the second branch off of the anterior trunk of the internal illiac. It runs along obturator fascia on the lateral wall of the pelvis and leaves the pelvis through the obturator canal.
Obturator artery
What does the obturator artery supply?
the adductor region of the thigh
Where does the obturator artery run?
it runs along the obturator fascia on the lateral wall of the pelvis
What is a common variation of the obturator artery?
presence of an accessory obturator artery arising from inferior epigastric artery and descending the normal path of the main branch
Why is it important to know the variations of the obturator artery?
important for hernia repair surgeries
What artery is the equivalent to the vaginal artery in the male?
inferior vesical artery
What does the inferior vesical artery supply?
supplies the bladder, distal ureter, seminal vesicles (male)
What does the vaginal artery supply?
supplies the vagina, bladder and rectum and anastomoses with the uterine artery and superior vesical artery
What supplies the inferior rectum where it anastomoses with the superior and inferior rectal arteries and the seminal glands and prostate or vagina?
middle rectal artery
Where does the middle rectal artery arise from?
Either from the internal iliac artery
or in common with the inferior vesicle artery or
internal pudendal artery
What does the middle rectal artery spply?
inferior rectum, seminal glands, prostate or vagina
Where do we find the uterine artery?
within the cardinal ligament and arises from the umbilical artery (usually)
Does the uterine artery pass under or over the ureter?
The uterine artery is homologous to what?
to the artery to the ductus deferens
The umbilical artery divides into branches that supply what?
A branch that supplies the vagina and cervix
A branch that supplies the body and fundus of the uterus
The uterine artery anastomoses with what?
the ovarian artery
What is enlarged during pregnancy?
the uterine artery
What all does the uterine artery supply?
the utereus, the ovary, ovarian tubes
Explain the path of the internal pudendal artery.
leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen and enters the ischioanal fossa via the lesser sciatic foramen with the pudendal nerve and passes through the pudendal canal
The internal pudendal artery divides into what?
deep and dorsal branches of the clitoris or penis as it exits the pudendal canal.
What is the main artery of the perineum?
internal pudendal artery
Explain the path of the inferior gluteal artery
passes posteriorly between the sacral nerves and leaves the pelvis though the greater sciatic foramen (inf. to piriformis).
What does the inferior gluteal artery supply?
the muscles and skin of the buttock and posterior thigh
What does the inferior gluteal artery anastomose with?
a network of vessels around the hip joint
What is the largest branch of the internal iliac artery?
superior gluteal artery
What is the terminal continuation of the posterior division of the internal illiac?
the superior gluteal artery
How does the superior gluteal artery pass through the pelvic cavity?
Courses posteriorly and between nerves of the lumbosacral trunk and S1, leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen (superior to piriformis).
What does the superior gluteal artery supply?
supplies the muscles and skin of the gluteal region as well as supplying branches to adjacent muscles and bones of the pelvic wall
What is the path the iliolumbar artery takes?
ascends laterally back out of the pelvic inlet and divides
What does the iliolumbar artery branch into?
the iliac branch and the lumbar branch
What branch of the iliolumbar passes laterally into the iliac fossa (supplies the iliacus and ilium)
iliac branch
What branch of the iliolumbar supplies the posterior abdominal wall, the cauda equina, the psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles?
lumbar branch
What does the iliac branch of the iliolumbar artery supply?
supplies the iliacus and ilium
What does the lumbar branch of the iliolumbar artery supply?
supplies the posterior abdominal wall, the psoas muscle and quadratus lmborm and the cauda equina