Which vessel supplies the quadriceps?
lateral circumflex femoral
What action cannot be done if there is damage to the femoral n?
extension of the stifle
Which vessels supply the adductors of the pelvic limb? (gracilis, adductor, pectineus)
proximal and middle caudal femorals
Which nerve innervates the adductors of the pelvic limb?
What muscles are innervated by obturator n?
external obturator, pectineus, gracilis, and adductor
Caudal rectal n is a branch off of ?
Pudendal nerve
What does the caudal rectal nerve innervate?
the external anal sphincter
What muscles does the femoral nerve innervate?
sartorius, ilospoas, quadriceps (all 4 heads)
What actions cannot be done if there is damage to the femoral nerve?
extension of stifle, p will be unable to bear weight on hind leg
Which nerve innervates flexors and extensors of the stifle and extensors of the hip?
What muscles does sciatic nerve innervate?
internal obturator, gemelli, quadratus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
What are 2 main branches off of sciatic n?
tibial nerve, common fibular nerve
Which nerve innervates the flexors of the tarsus and extensors of digits?
Common Fibular n
What muscles does the common fibular n innervate?
cranial tibial, fibularis longus, long digital extensors
Innervation and Supply to the flexors of tarsus and extensors of the digits?
Common fibular NERVE
Cranial tibial ARTERY