Which 3 muscles are responsible for hindlimb adduction?
- gracilis
- pectineus
- adductor
What 3 muscles are responsible for hindlimb abduction?
- superficial gluteal
- middle gluteal
- deep gluteal
What 4 hindlimb muscles are responsible for medial rotation?
- popliteus (leg)
- fibularis longus (paw)
- deep gluteal (limb)
- middle gluteal (limb)
What 5 hindlimb muscles are responsible for lateral rotation?
- cranial tibial (paw)
- external obturator (limb @ hip)
- quadratis femoris (limb)
- gemelli (limb @ hip)
- internal obturator (limb @ hip)
What 4 muscles are responsible for hip flexion?
- sartorius
- tensor fasciae latae
- quadriceps femoris
- ilipsoas
What 8 muscles are responsible for hip extension?
- biceps femoris
- semitendinosis
- semimembranosis
- gracilis
- adductor
- superficial gluteal
- middle gluteal
- quadratus femoris
What 5 muscles are responsible for stifle flexion?
- semitendinosis
- sartorius ~
- gracilis
- gastrocnemius
- superficial digital flexor
~ can either flex or extend
What 5 muscles are responsible for stifle extension?
- biceps femoris
- semimebranosis
- sartorius ~
- tensor fasciae latae
- quadriceps femoris
~ can either flex or extend
What 4 muscles are responsible for tarsal flexion?
- semimembranosis ~
- cranial tibial (tarsocrural joint)
- long digital extensor
- fibularis longus
~ can either flex or extend
What 6 muscles are responsible for tarsal extension?
- biceps femoris
- semitendinosis
- semimembranosis ~
- gracilis
- superficial digital flexor
- deep digital flexor
~ can either flex or extend
What 2 muscles are responsible for digital flexion? (hindlimb)
- superficial digital flexor
- deep digital flexor
What muscles are responsible for digital extension? (hindlimb)
- long digital extensor
Biceps femoris
extends the hip, stifle and tarsal joints
attaches to the ischiatic tiberosity and patellar ligament (and to the tuber calcanei with crural fascia)
extends the hip joint, flexes the stifle joint, extends the tarsal joints
attaches to the ischiatic tuberosity, the distocranial border of the tibia, and the tuber calcanei
Extends the hip joint, and can either flex or extend the stifle joint
attaches to the ischiatic tuberosity, the coudal rough surface of the femur and medial condyle of the tibia
Adducts the limb, flexes the stifle, extends the hip and tarsal joints
Attaches to the pelvic symphesis, the cranial border of the tibia, and the tuber calcanei
Adducts the limb
Attaches at the iliopubic eminence and the caudal rough surface of the femur
Adducts the limb and extends the hip
Attaches proximally at the pelvic symphysis, ischiatic arch, and the ventral surface of the pubis and ischium.
Attaches distally at the lateral lip of the caudal rough face of the femur
Tensor fasciae latae
Tenses the lateral femoral fascia, flexes the hip, extends the stifle
Attaches proximally at the tuber coxae and the adjacent part of the ilium as well as at the aponeurosis of the middle gluteal muscle.
Attaches distally at the lateral femoral fascia
Superficial gluteal
Extends the hip and abducts the limb
Attaches at the sacrum, first caudal verterba, and the cranial dorsal iliac spine as well as the third trochanter
Middle gluteal
Extends and abducts the hip joint and rotates the limb medially
attaches at the crest and gluteal surface of the ilium as well as the greater trochanter
Deep gluteal
Extends and abducts the hip and rotates the limb medially
Attaches at the ischiatic spine and the greater trochanter
Internal obturator
Rotates the limb laterally at the hip joint
Attaches on the dorsal side of the obturator foramen
Rotates the pelvic limb laterally at the hip joint
Attaches to the lateral surface of the ischium and the trochanteric fossa
Quadratus femoris
Extends the hip and rotates the limb laterally
Attaches to the ventral surface of the caudal part of the ischium and to the intertrochanteric crest
External obturator
Rotates the pelvic limb laterally at the hip joint
Attaches to the ventral surface around the obturatur foramen
Rectus femoris (part of the quadriceps femoris)
Extends the stifle and flexes the hip
Attaches to the ilium, proximal femur and the tibial tuberosity (patellar tendon!)
Vastus lateralis (part of the quadriceps femoris)
Extends the stifle joint
Attaches to the proximal femur and tibial tuberosity (patellar tendon!)
Vastus medialis (part of the quadriceps femoris)
Extends the stifle joint
Attaches to the proximal femur and the tibial tuberosity (patellar tendon!)
Vastus intermedius (part of the quadriceps femoris)
Extends the stifle joint
Attaches to the proximal femur and the tibia tuberosity (patellar tendon!)
Flexes the hip joint
Attaches at the lumbar vertebrae, ilacus, and lesser trochanter
Flexes the hip joint. Cranial part extends the stifle, caudal part flexes the stifle
Attaches to the illium, patella (Cranial part) and the cranial border of the tibia (caudal part)
Cranial tibial
flexes the tarsocrural joint and rotates the paw laterally
Attaches at the lateral edge of the cranial tibial border and the planter surface of the base of metatarsals I and II
Long digital extensor
Extends the digits and flexes the tarsal joints
Attaches at the extensor fossa of the femur and the extensor processes of the distal phalanges
Fibularis longus
Flexes the tarsal joints and rotates the paw medially
Attaches at the lateral condyle of the tibia, the lateral epicondyle of the femur, and the fourth tarsal bone
Extends the tarsal joints and flexes the stifle joint
Attaches at the medial and lateral supracondylar tuberositites of the femur and the tuber calcanei
Superficial digital flexor
Flexes the digits and the stifle joint. Extends the tarsal joints
Attaches at the lateral supracondylar tuberosity of the femur, tuber calcanei, and the bases of the middle phalanges
Deep digital flexor
Flexes the digits and extends the tarsal joints
Attaches at the proximal tibial and fibula and the flexor tubercle on the plantar surface of the distal phalanges
Rotates the leg medially
Attaches to the lateral epicondyle of the femur and the caudal surface of the tibia
what prominent fusiform shaped muscle is used as a caudal landmark of the femoral triangle?
a coxofemoral dislocation is most often in the ____________ direction, the pull of the ________________ muscles aid in this displacement
what fibrous structure serves as the attachment for the biceps femoris and superficial gluteal muscles?
sacrotuberous ligament
what 5 muscles attach to the tuber calcanei?
biceps femoris
superficial digital flexor
Which 3 muscles are antagonists to extension of the middle gluteal at the hip joint?
tensor fasciae latae
What 5 muscles are components of the common calcaneal tendon?
- biceps femoris
- superficial digital extensor
- gracilis
- gastrocnemius
- semitendinosus