Nerve Innervations (Exam 2) Flashcards
What does C2 innervate
skin of neck, ear, back of head
What does C3-C5 innervate
Skin of neck
What does Accessory nerve innervate
trapezius, omotransversarius, cleidocephalicus, sternocephalicus
What do the cutaneous nerves innervate?
ventral and ventrolateral parts of abdominal wall
What does subscapular nerve innervate
What does suprascapular nerve innervate
supraspinatus, infraspinatus
What does musculocutaneous nerve innervate
biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis
What does axillary nerve innervate
teres major, teres minor, deltoideus, part of subscapularis
What does thoracodorsal nerve innervate
latissumus dorsi
What does radial nerve innervate
elbow, carpal and digital extensors as well as the dorsal surface of the paw
(triceps, tensor fasciae antebrachii, anconeus, extensor carpi radialis, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, ulnaris lateralis, supinator, abductor digiti I longus)
What does median nerve innervate
carpal and digital flexors and palmar surface of the paw
(pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor)
What does ulnar nerve innervate
carpal and digital flexors and palmar surface of the paw
(flexor carpi ulnaris, deep digital flexor)
What do the phrenic nerves innervate
the diaphragm
are the splachnic nerves somatic or visceral?
do the splanchnic nerves carry sympathetic or parasympathetic axons?
Where can you locate the celiac ganglia?
the R and L surfaces of the celiac artery close to its origin
does the vagosympathetic trunk carry sympathetic axons, parasympathetic axons, or both?
Which 2 nerves have we learned that carry parasympathetic axons?
- vagus nerve
- pelvic nerve
Where can you locate the cranial mesenteric ganglion?
caudal to the celiac ganglion on the sides and caudal surface of the cranial mesenteric artery
What is the celiacomesenteric gaglion and plexus?
the cranial mesenteric ganglion and celiac ganglion and plexus (these are all very close to one another)
Where can you locate the caudal mesenteric ganglion?
ventral to the aorta around the caudal mesenteric artery
Where do the R and L hypogastric nerves come from, and go to?
The leave the caudal mesenteric ganglion and enter the pelvic canal (to the pelvic plexus)
How can you locate the pelvic plexus?
trace the hypogastric nerve to it
What does the pelvic nerve innervate?
it supplies branches to the urogenital organs, the rectum, and the descending colon