Peer prep ITE SG Flashcards
SBP diagnosis criteria
PMNs > 250
WBCs > 1000
+ bacteria on gram stain
pressor of choice for cardiogenic shock
hallmark finding of iritis
cells and flare
tx iritis
topical steroids
cycloplegics : scopolamine
shingles prodromal symptoms
HA, malaise, and unusual skin sensation
best estimate of blood pressure in LVAD patients
tx of svt
vagal, adenosine x3, diltiazem
with a high fever
roseola infantum
pressor titration is based off of
MAP >65
pericarditis EKG findings
diffuse STE and PR depressions
MC mechanism of central cord syndrome
hyperextension > injury to ligamentum flavum
hyperflexion cervical injury associated with
anterior cord syndrome
tx of internal hemorrhoids that are non-reducible and prolasped
typical presentation of disseminated gono
septic arthritis or migratory arthritis, tenosynovitis, and pustular rash