Peds Neuro Exam Flashcards
in baby, clavical is normal and decreased tone is present compared to contralateral arm means
brachial nerve palsy
pull test
picck baby up by both arms and see waht tone is present, if they move their head
ventral suspension
place baby prone on your hand
vertical suspension
hold baby upright with two hands around chest and assess flexion
barlows maneuvar
grasp leg with thumb on instead of thigh, grip the outer thigh with fingertips resting on greater trochaner. adduct thigh and gently apply downward pressure on femur to disengage femoral head from acetablumum
positive barlows manueur
clunk when femoral head exits the acetabulum posteriorly
ortolani’s maneurver
slowly abduct the thigh while maintaing axial pressure, with fingertips on greater trochanter exert a LEVER movement in oppsoite direction so fingertips press the head of femur back toward acetabulum center
postive ortolani’s maneurvar
femur slips back into acetablumum with a clunk
allis sign
infant supine flex both knees, kieep feet flat and femurs aligned with each other position yourself at child’s feet, observe heigh of knees
positive allis sign
one knee is lower than the other
what is positive allis sign indictive of
short femuror dislocation
suck reflex
place a finger in babys mouth, it will suck
moro reflex
release the arms after the pull test, baby should reach out and grab air
how to test CN II in child
picture chart
how do test CN III, IV, and VI in child
follow object with eyes
how to test CN V in child
watch them chew
touch their forehead, cheeks
how to test CN VII in child
smile, frown cry
puff cheeks
how to test CN VIII in chidl
turn to sound or whisper
have them repeat a word you say behind them
how to test IX and X
gag reflex
how to test CN XI
stick out tongue
how to test CN XII
shrug shoulders, raise arms