Peds Milestones Flashcards
1 month
Decreased flexion
Momentary head elevation with minimal forearm support
Tracks objects with head rotation
Reciprocal and symmetrical kicking
Positive walking reflexes in supported standing
Hands fisted with in dwelling thumbs
Neonatal reaching
2 month
Head elevation to 45 deg in prone - prone on elbows with elbow behind shoulders
Head bobs in supported sitting
No weight accepted through LEs
Responds to friendly handling
3 month
Prone on elbows - weightbearing through forearms
Elbows inline with shoulders - head elevated to 90
Head in midline in supine
Increased back extension with scapular Adduction in supported sitting
Takes some weight in supported stranding with toes curled
Optical and labyrinthine head righting present
4 month
Rolls prone to side and supine to side
Sits with support
No head lag during pull to sit
Bilateral reaching with forearm pronated when trunk is supported
Ulnar-palmar grasp
5 month
Rolls prone to supine
Weight shifting from one forearm tot he other in prone
Head control in supported sitting
6 month
Prone on hands with elbow extended - weight shifting
Rolls supine to prone
Independent sitting!!!
Pulls to stand with hands holds
7 months
Maintain quadruped
Pivots on belly
Assumes sitting from quadruped
Trunk rotation in sittin g
Recognizes tone in voice
Fear of strangers
Belly crawling
8-9 months
Quadruped creeping
Side sitting
Pull to stand through half kneel
Stand independently for 1-2 seconds
Reaches with closest arm, radial digital grip
Transfer objects from one hand to other
10-15 months
Begins to walk unassisted
Transition in out of squat
Creeps up/down steps
Floor to stand transfer
Begin self-feeding
Reaches with supination, grasp and release, build tower
Search for hidden toys
Imitates others
20 months
Ascends straits step to pattern
Immature running pattern
Jumps off bottom step
Plays make believe
Throw ball overhand a few feet
2 years
Immature running with more speed
Can go upstairs reciprocal
Active, restless, tantrums
Catches large balls
3 years
Jumps with 2 feet
Stands on one foot briefly
Jumps off step
Hops on one foot
Kicks ball
Understands sharing
Climbs on playground equipment
Mature/true run
3 years
Jumps with 2 feet
Stands on one foot briefly
Jumps off step
Hops on one foot
Kicks ball
Understands sharing
Climbs on playground equipment
Mature/true run
4 years
Hops on one foot several times
Stands on tiptoes
Relates to friends
4 years
Hops on one foot several times
Stands on tiptoes
Relates to friends
5 years
Kicks ball well
Dresses self
Swings self on playground swing