Peds Information Flashcards
APGAR score
Determines overall likelihood to survive
- o-7 = bad ; 8-10 = good
BP tests begin when?
3 yrs
BMI tests begin when?
2 yrs
Vision screening begins when?
3 yrs
Metabolic screening begins when?
Birth / 1-2 weeks
Cholesterol screening age ranges
9-11 ages and again at 17-21 ages
Hearing screening begins when?
What vaccine is always given 1st?
Hep B * within days of birth*
What vaccines are always 2nd?
Rota virus, tetanus toxoid, haemophalis influenza, IPV
- usually just under 1 year*
What Auto immune diseases can be transferred through placenta?
Graves’ disease
Myasthenia gravis
Plasmapherisis eliminates these diseases from the neonate
Window of susceptibility
2-6 months, neonates are more likely to get infections due to decrease maternal IgG and low levels of own antibodies.
Normal weight gain patterns in neonates and the respective ages
2 days: lose 10% birth weight
7-10 days: return to normal birth weight
4-5 months: double birth weight
1 year: triple birth weight
2 years: quadruple birth weight
Average neonate weights at birth, 1/5/10 years
Birth: 3.5 kg
1 year: 10 kg
5 years: 20 kg
10 years: 30 kg
Average daily weight gain first 3-4 months and 5-12 months
3-4: 20-30g
5-12: 15-20g
Average height at birth, 1/3/4 years
Birth: 20 inches
1 year: 30 inches
3 years: 36 inches
4 years: 40 inches (double birth length)
Average head circumference at birth in centermeters and inches
35 cm or 13.5 inches
Sleep positions for neonates
Should always be in supine position and no bed sharing
exception is “tummy time” which is prone when supervised
Asymmetric cranium caused by too much supine movement.
- found in 5-48% of healthy newborns
- most common is right side*
Premature closing of the cranial sutures
General developmental concepts
Overall development proceeds cephalocaudally
Control/function occurs in proximal-distal pattern
Gross motor before fine motor
Motor control directly entwined with communication.
Primitive reflexes
Sterotypic movements by specific stimuli for the 1st 3-6 months
Manifested from brain stem and spinal cord
Moro reflex
Occurs after loud noise or sudden dropping motion at rest.
- baby will symmetrically abduct and extend arms and then extend the trunk spontaneously.
- disappears once cortical functioning develops at 4 months
ATNR or fencing reflex
Turning the head of the baby one way should cause extension of the ipsilaterally arm and flexion of the contralateral.
Disappears by 4-6 months
Head is roughly how much weight from total body weight within 1 month of birth?
Age range to stand alone
9-16 months
Age range to be able to sit efficiently
6-11 months
Age range to being able to stand
6-12 months
Age range to be able to walk 3 steps by self
9-17 months
Age to be able to draw a triangle
5 years
Age to be able to draw a circle
3 years
Age to be able to draw a cross
4 years
Age to be able to draw a square
4 and 1/2 years
Age to be able to build a tower of two blocks
18 months
Age to be able to build a tower of 6 blocks
2 years