peds Flashcards
bacterial meningitis peds:
0-2 mo
3mo - 2 years
2yrs - 18 years
0-2 mo: GBS, Ecoli, Listeria
3mo - 2 years: Strep pneumo
2yrs - 18 years: Neisseria meningitidis
dx: lumbar puncture, blood culture, CSF analysis
tx: initial: empiric: vanco + cefotax/ceftriax — add IV dexamethasone for HiB
coryza, cough, conjuctivitis, fever
morbilliform rash body and palms – macular rash start at back of neck and ears, then face, the downards
tiny grayish white dots on buccal mucosa
measles - rubeola
10-12 days
Koplik spots
tx: supportive, vitamin A
delayed immunizations, low grade fever, pinpoint rash, rose spots on soft palate, post-occipital retro-auricular lymphadenopathy
Rubella - 3 day measles
14-21 days
Forschemier spots
rash on face spread downard
High fever for 3-4 days, fever goes away and gets a maculopapular rose colored rash starting on trunk spreads outward
Roseola – exanthem subitum – HHV-6
5-15 days
febrile seizure
swelling in face masseter muscle, fever for last 4 days, not immunized,
MUMPS – paramyxovirus
unilateral/bilateral salivary gland swelling
orchitis oophoritis
rhinorhea, nasal congestion, oodynophagia, b/l cervical lymphadenopathy, muffled voice, tonsils red with exudates
retropharyngeal abscess
neonatal conjuctivitis
ppx: topical erythromycin for all babies
sore throat and fever, month later gets chorea, prolonged P-R interval with diffuse ST evelation,
Strep Pyogenes – acute rheumatic fever
acute pharyngitis in kids – sore throat fever exudates
next step?
1) Rapid strep antigen
2) Throat culture
3yo with acute unilateral neck swelling
5 year old, fever, oropharynx has 1 mm vesicles onf anterior palate, gray shallow ulcers on soft palate and uvula
herpangina coxsackie
congential infections
under 2 years old and has expiratory wheezing (asthma symtpoms) with rhinorhea
bronchiolitis RSV supportive tx
puncture wound 1-2 months ago, now has encephalitis like symptoms; numbness over wound site
high pitched noise during inspiration 2 yo cough
congneital infection with periventricular calcifications microcephaly
mode of transmission
bodily fluids urine saliva
bilious emesis with dilated loops and increased rectal tone
next step?
contrast enema
abdominal pain, RUQ palpable mass, jaundice (increased bilirubin)
u/s: extrahepatic cystic mass and normal gallbladder
biliary cyst
increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma
2-8 weeks old: jaundice, acholic stools, hepatomegaly
direct hyperbilirubinemia
next step?
liver biopsy
intraoperative cholangiography
hepatoportoenterostomy kasai
failure to pass meconium, normal rectal tone, no stool in rectal vault, dilated loops of small bowel with no rectal air and no free air
intestinal obstruction by inspissated stool
meconium ileus
patient with enteral feeds, premature and LBW at 3 weeks old, has tense abdomen and distended hypoactive bowel sounds. labs: leukocytosis and metabolic acidosis
abdominal xray with air in the bowel wall and portal veins
watery stools that turn bloody within 3 days
baby less than 1 week old, has elevated indirect bilirubin, after 6 days is audibly swallowing more breast milk
lactation failure jaundice
necrotizing enterocolitis managmenet
stop enteral feeds
bowel rest
NG decompression
blood cultures and antibiotics