neurology UWorld Flashcards
acute severe periorbital pain with ipsilateral mitosis, lacrimation lasts 90 min
cluster headache
100% oygen
subcutaneous sumatriptan
ppx: verapamil, lithium
headache, eye pain, nausea, decreased visual acuity, seeing halos, fixed mid-dilated pupil conjuctival redness
angle closure glaucoma
obese patient on OCP;s, headache n/v papilledema**
idiopathic intracranial hypertension
can cause blindness
do a lumbar puncture or imaging to rule things out
young obese female pt with transient episodes of blindness and pulsatile headaches, b/l papilledema
intracranial htn
weight loss and acetazolamide
migraine ppx
OCP’s are contraindicated: increased estrogen increases risk of thromboembolism
intraparenchymal hemorrhage likely d/t htn
what symptoms?
ipsilateral hemiataxia
management of carotid atherosclerotic disease
non pupil sparring CN III palsy vs pupil sparring management
ct- angiography
old lady with headache, visual disturbance, and elevated ESR
giant cell arteritis
start prednisone and then obtain artery biopsy
lobar intracranial hemorrhage
d/t amyloid
pt usually takes warfarin, gets a cold, takes OTC and then gets brain bleed
next step
prothrombin complex concentrate (vitamin K + factor 2, 7, 9, 10)
contralateral hemiparesis and hemianesthesia and conjugate gaze deviation toward the side of the lesion
putaminal hemorrhage
– always involve the adjacent internal capsule
hemiparesis + hemianesthesia d/t posterior limb corticospinal and somatosensory fibers
gaze deviation d/t anterior limb
conjugate eye
management of ischemic stroke
more than 4.5hrs –> anti platelet agents
severe paroxysmal burning pain over affected areas, exacerbated by light touch. after a stroke neuropathic pain
allodynia – thalamic pain syndrome – after a stroke neuropathic pain
right hemiparesis stroke
pure motor stroke
vertigo + nausea + nystagmus + sensation defects of the left side of the face and right extremities
dissection of left vertebral artery
left medulla
Alzheimer disease what will see on mri
Temporal Lobe Atrophy (prominent in the hippocampi and medial temporal lobes)
initial workup for suscepted cognitive impairment
old lady with cognitive decline and then behavioral changes
Alzheimers disease
mild to moderate : rivastigmine, donepezil, galantamine
mod to severe: Memantine an NMDA receptor antagonist
upper and lower motor neuron
corticospinal tract degeneration
anterior horn cell