Pediatrics Test 2: Integumentary Dysfunction Flashcards
What is the medicine for diaper dermatitis?
White petrollium: ointment creates barrier from getting to skin
Zinc: usually white. Essential mineral for skin integrity. Desiden and don’t want to get in the crevice
What is irritant diaper disorder?
Occurs from moisture trapped in diaper or contact dermis is from the allergens
Peak age of 9-12 months, as they grow you don’t change them as much
Associated with frequency of dearer change and new foods which changes urine and poop pH
Convex surface (less on creases)
Red, excoriation
Rx: keep clean, air dry; barrier ointment
What is Candidiasis?
Bright red, confluent lesions with raised border and satellite lesions (away from primary irritation)
In folds, painful
Can spread to mouth (thrush): white patches on cheeks and tongue. If it wipes off with a q-tip its milk, if it adheres its carditis. Altered flora secondary to antibiotic use.
Rx: anti fungal powder or cream (Nystatin) but on cheek and down middle.
What is atopic dermatitis?
Chronic inflammatory skin condition
What are common allergies
Hereditary tendency
Food: peanuts, milk, soy, eggs, gluten, fish, orange juice, tomato juice
Material: wood, plastic in diaper, bottle and pacifier, nylon
Inhalants: house dust, dander, pollen
Where does atopic dermatitis start?
On cheek and spreads extensor
Worry about secondary infection
What are clinical manifestations of Atopic Dermitis?
Erythema Vesicles or populses Weeping/oozing Crusting Scaling Dry skin Keratosis pilaris: chicken skin Lichenification: scales Pursuits
What is the treatment for atopic dermatitis?
Maintain hydration via tepid bath, mild or no soap, emollient within 3 minutes. Soak and seal. thick cream Eucarin & Cetaphil
Cover patches with soft cotton cloth
Colloid baths with oatmeal
Short nails to avoid itch and scratch
What is prevention and treeatment of atopic Dermitis?
Topical antihistamines Oral antihistamines Hypoallergenic food Avoidance of chemical,msolvent, soap, detergent, fragrance, smoke and care products Occasional oral corticosteroids
What are the different types of skin wounds?
Abrasion: superficial scrape
Avulsion: forcefully dig out tissue (Sams leg)
Laceration: slice through skin
Incision: straight with scalpel
Penetrating wound: something went in and extended
Puncture: small open compared to depth of penetration
What causes a delay in wound healing?
Decrease blood flow Malnutrition Illness/immune compromised Picked at, irritated, infected Foreign bodies in it Environments to dry Medications: chemo, corticosteroids Antiseptics: hydro peroxide, bedodine
What is impetigo contagiosa?
Superficial bacterial skin infections from staphylococci.
How does Impetigo Contagiosa spread?
What are signs and symptoms of Impetigo Contagiosa?
Vesicles that weep and crust over (honey colored)
What is the prevention of Impetigo Contagiosa?
Hand washing
Remove with 1:20 burrow solution and treatment Bactrian ointment
What are the risk factors of Impetigo Contagiosa?
Poor hygiene
Insect bite
Larger congregate setting
What are Furnucle/Carbuncle?
Cause is MRSA (staphylococcus areoles)
What are the sign and symptoms of Furnucles?
Sweeping Elevation Erythema Warm Density
How do you treat Furnucles?
Hot pack, head open and drain, incision and drainage, vancomycin
What is cellulitis?
Inflammation of skin and subcutaneous tissue.
What are the signs and symptoms of cellulitis?
Warm, red, swelling, streaking, lymphnode enlargement
How do you treat cellulitis?
Hot/moist pack
What is Verruca vulgarisms?
Warts caused by HPV. Disappear at some point
What is the treatment of Verruca vulgaris?
Ignore Electrocotory Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) Seeds are terminal ends of capillary Hand washing and clean shower
What is the Herpes Simplex Type 1?
Group vesicles (cold sores)
What irritates herpes simplex 1?
What is the prevention of herpes simplex 1?
Avoid secondary infection