Pediatrics Flashcards
18 yom with an anaphylactic reaction after a blood transfusion, with a PMH of sinopulmonary infections and diarrhea. What is the most likely diagnosis?
IgA deficiency
5 month old with rash with papules and pustules over the extensor surfaces, face, scalp, and trunk sparing the diaper area. What is the most likely diagnosis?
atopic dermatitis
What is the best way to prevent a melanoma?
Avoid sun exposure. SPF doesn’t help much.
What is the most common cause of cerebral palsy?
Cerebral anoxia
What is the value of the RDW in children?
A high RDW is suggestive of iron deficiency anemia while a normal suggests a thalassemia.
Obese 14 YOM that has his hip externally rotated and complains of pain with internal rotation or abduction. What is the most likely diagnosis?
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Child with previous atopic dermatitis treated with corticosteroids presents with fluid filled umbilicated vesicles over the dermatitis. What is the diagnosis?
eczema herpeticum
Why are patients with Turner syndrome most likely to develop osteoporosis?
Their streak ovaries don’t produce adequate amounts of estrogen
Newborn with oliguria and a palpable mass in the lower abdomen
Posterior urethral valves
Red eye with neovascularization accompanied by a nasal discharge of 10 days
What would you see in a peripheral blood smear of a sickle cell patient?
Reticulocytosis and Howelll Jolly bodies
patient with a URI takes amoxicillin and after that develops a polymorphous rash
Ebstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis)
Child with ingested battery found on the distal esophagus
Removal with guidance of endoscope. If the battery is past the esophagus, observation in the stool is preferrable
Child with URI presents with hip pain. Limited ROM hip is flexed, abducted, and externally rotated. Tender to palpation
transient synovitis (NSAIDS and reduce weight bearing)
2 yo with sensoneural deafness, cardiac malformations, and cataracts
Congenital Rubella
frequent nosebleeds, nasal mass and bone erosion on CT scan
Junvenile angiofibroma