Cardio Flashcards
Chest pain upon exertion
Worsening angina that occurs at rest
Unstable angina
Treatment for unstable Angina
Aspirin or glycoprotein inhibitor, heparin, oxygen, nitroglycerin, and beta blocker
What is the lap work for and Mi
CBC, troponin, CPK – MB,
What is the treatment for an acute myocardial infarction
Give the oxygen aspirin, glycoprotein inhibitor, beta blocker, nitroglycerin, morphine, consider Thrombolysis or angioplasty patient presents and initial 12 hours; Heparin should be administered for up to 48 hours to reduce the risk off
ECG changes in v2, v3, v4
Anterior infarct, left anterior descending
ECG changes in v1, v2, v3
Septal infarct; left anterior descending
Leads II, III, aVF
Inferior infarct; posterior descending or marginal branch
I, aVL, V4, V5, V6
Lateral infarct; left anterior descending or circumflex
V1, v2
Posterior infarct; posterior descending
Delta wave before that QRS complex
Wolff – Parkinson – White syndrome
Patient with atrial fibrillation you must do ECG before doing a cardioversion. WHY?
You want to rule out a mural thrombus
Torsades de pointes is a ventricular tachycardia with a sine wave morphology.
You can use Magnesium to treat
Austin Flint murmur, quincke’s sign
Aortic regurgitation
Patient shows up with pleuritic chest pain upon inspiration with pulsus paradoxus, and global ST elevation with PR depression
acute pericarditis
Hypotension, distant heart sounds, and distended neck veins
Cardiac tamponade, perform urgent pericardiocentesis
Normotensive patient with a reading of >140/>90 recheck when?
In 2 months
Leg pain with activity that improves with rest
Peripheral vascular disease-arterial
Young patient with arthritis, fever, neuropathy, ulcers, purpura, etc. p-ANCA positive and associated with hepatitis B Or C
Polyarteritis nodosa
Female with new onset of headache that is in the temporal region with jaw claudication and vision disturbances, and possible polymyalgia rheumatica.
Temporal arteritis
Young women with fever and malaise of asian heritage. Affected aorta and its branches
Asthmatic symptoms with an erythematous rash p-ANCA positive.
Churg-strauss disease
Young child with abdominal pain and a recent URI with palpable purpura
Henoch-schonlein purpura
Young child with fever, lymphadenopathy, conjunctival lesions, rash, and desquamation of hands and feet.
Kawasaki - coronary artery involvement
Patient with symptoms of pericarditis, anemia, and increased BUN
Uremic pericarditis, hemodialysis is recommended unless contraindicated
Not papable point of maximum impulse, water bottle shaped mediastinum on x-ray and recent upper respiratory infection
Pericardial effusion