pediatric final exam Flashcards
asking a pt about her concerns helps promote
understanding of individualized care
(FMLA) how many weeks does it provide after childbirth?
12 weeks
critical thinking results in
problem prevention in designing nursing care
what decreases sperm production
heat, tight pants, and environmental toxins
first sign of puberty in
boys and girls
breasts begin to develop.
testicles get bigger
gametes contain…?
23 chromosomes
folic acid supplement can prevent neural tube defects such as
spina bifida
sperm ejaculated near the cervix can survive
up to five days and can cause pregnancy before ovulation
Chadwick’s sign
dark bluish or purplish discoloration of the vaginal tissue, vulva, or cervix, which is caused by an increase in venous (from the veins) blood flow to the area
nageles rule
add 7 days subtract 3 months
recommend to pt. eating dry toast or crackers before getting out of bed to alleviate
nasuea in the morning
the positive signs of pregnancy
fetal heart sounds, ultrasound scanning of the fetus, and palpation of fetal movements
hyperemisis graviderum
Excessive nausea and vomiting that interferes with food and fluid balance. Low-birth weight. Dehydration leads to reduction of blood oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
morning sickness
mild nausea and vomiting
bleeding accompanied by abdominal or lower back pain is typical for manifestation for
abruptrio placentae
rh incompatibility
-baby is rh positive and the mother is negative.
a RH mother will receive RH immune globulin (rogam) at 28 weeks (also at birth)
why do women take insulin during pregnancy?
oral hypoglycemics cross the placenta
a sudden excessive weight gain, swelling of the feet, hands, and face is the first sign of…?
gestational hypertension
calcium glucanate reverses the effect of
magnesium sulfate
magnesium sulfate is a central nervous system depressant to prevent seizures. Should you have this at the bedside for preeclampsia?
placenta previa
placenta partially or totally covers the mother’s cervix
gestational diabetes
only during pregnancy
what marks the end of the third stage of labor ?
(expulsion of placenta) uterus contracts to size of a grapefruit
amniotic fluid should be clear. greenish color indicates meconium was passed and is associated with
fetal compromise
boggy fundus needs to be
massaged. (boggy fundus indicates hemorrhaging)
in an emergency situation the nurse can
baptize a child
bladder distension can cause
uterine atony( loses tone) have pt void after massaging the uterus
rooting reflex
when the corner of the baby’s mouth is stroked or touched. The baby will turn his or her head and open his or her mouth to follow
how do you facilitate breastfeeding?
full breast in mouth, nipple faces the roof of the mouth, and should not be painful
infants level of maturation refers to
how well developed the infant is at birth and how well their organs function out of the uterus
how to check tube placement when administering a gavage
check for stomach fluids and, check the pH(under 5) of the fluid. Return the stomach fluids into the stomach.
fetal distress may occur in the post term infant because…?
the placental function becomes inadequte
nursing care for an infant with hydrocephalus
fetal surgery or shortly after birth to prevent brain damage.
observe for signs of increased cranial pressure (ICP) or infection at the operative site.
post op care for surgical repair of a cleft lip
prevent infant from sucking or crying. Never position on abdomen
testing PKU should be obtained how many hours after birth
48 to 72 hours after birth
appropriate room assignments for hospitalized children
do not assign teenagers with infants or senile older adults
illness during early adolescence (12-15) is seen as a
threat to body image
apical pulses are advised for children under
5 years of age
ear drops for an infant (child 3 and under)
down and back
ear drops for a child
up and back
common treatment for amblyopia
eye patch
how do you prevent reyes syndrome
up to date flu and varicella (chickenpox) vaccines
Do Not Give aspirin to a child with chicken pox
rest, ice, compression, and elevation
normal capilary refill
less than 3 seconds
penicillin is used for group …?
group A beta hemolytic strep
why would a child be swallowing repeatedly after a tonsillectomy
When does pulmonary edema appear in a child with smoke inhalation?
6 to72 hours after exposure
tet squat
returns venous flow
parameters for dioxin in an infant
HR must be above 100
mother ask why her infant is suffering from clubbing of the fingers
lack of oxygen
clubbing of the fingers is a sign of hypoxia
a child with rheumatic fever needs?
penicilin for a minimum of 5 years
acid base imbalance of vomiting
metabolic alkalosis
diarrhea acid base balance
metabolic acidosis
rapid breathing
Respiratory alkalosis
how should the nurse administer iron supplements
with orange juice
vomiting is an outstanding symptom of
pyloric stenosis
the antidote for acetaminophen
mucomist or acetylcysteine
an illial conduit diverts urine to the colon. The urine is then
excreted with the feces
how does an adults skin differ from a child’s skin?
children absorb more
first aid treatment of a second degree thermal burn
cold water
a purple flush indicate return of sensation with extreme pain
improvement of frostbite
Tay sachs disease
is a deficiency of hexoamnisdase
s/s of ketoacidosis
Fruity-smelling breath, Fast, deep breathing, and Nausea
Lab values include ketonuria, decreased serum bicarbonate concentration (decreased CO2), low pH hypertonic dehydration.
what is a macular, vesicular, pusturlar, papular types of
a child with varicella is contagious for
6 days after the rash
comvax is a hepatitis b vaccine that should be given to infants born to
hepatitis b positive moms 12 hours after birth
vaccines contraindicated to a child allergic to eggs
flu and yellow fever
the nurse should teach adolescence to take all their prescribed medications to avoid microorganisms becoming…?
discrediting parents threatens the child’s security and creates…?
the risk of death decreases when there is a definite
plan of action
how to describe a person who is bulimic? s/s
Calluses on the back of the hands/knuckles, compulsive eater, episodes of binge eating with induced vomiting. Binge-purge cycle. Muscle weakness, tooth decay
large amounts of vitamin C can be
passed during breastfeeding and it can cause colic
hospital policy’s in the 1960s
mom was intensely sedated, visitors were restricted, and delayed
allergic salute
does not include productive cough
what should be in a natural disaster preparedness kit
flashlight, blankets, batteries, food for 5 days, water, transistor radio, medications, first aid kit, cash
know what a hyperbaric oxygen therapy is for what?
wounds, decompression illness, and carbon monoxide poisoning
When mag sulfate is given the first reaction is
flushed face
this is normal
Signs of hemorrhagic shock
Low BP, high pulse, and respirations
flat lesions that are less than 1 cm in size
vesicle lesion
small fluid-filled sacs or blisters
pustular lesion
blister-like sores filled with pus
papular lesion
a solid, raised area, usually less than 1 cm in diameter, with distinct borders
prenatal visit frequency for a normal pregnancy
conception to 28 weeks- every 4 weeks
29 to 36 weeks- every 2 to 3 weeks
37 weeks to birth- weekly
the rubella vaccination is contraindicated for
recommended silver nitrate to prevent
blindness in newborns
what pelvis is most favorable for vaginal birth
HGC is the basis for
a pregnancy test
painful intercourse