Med surge Final😒 Flashcards
signs of human trafficking
signs of abuse
minimal or no medical history
cultural sensitivity
knowing culturally appropriate language and not making statements that may offend another persons cultural beliefs
Jewish American couple wants to get pregnant. What do they need to get tested for?
test for tay-sachs
IV fluid that is the same as blood
normal saline
pt with a running IV. What is the concern?
look for crackles in the lungs
how do you assess for hypocalcemia?
Chvostek sign
trousseau sign
bp cuff hands and fingers will become spastic and go into palmer flex.
(hypocalcemia is between 9 mg/dL and 4.5 mEq/L)
parenteral nutrition
medication route other than the digestive tract
Central Venous Access:
used to give total parenteral nutrition
what do you do with a wound evisceration?
semi-fowlers in bed
what IV fluid is hung with a blood transfusion?
normal saline (0.9% NaCl)
normal HR
60 to 100 beats per minute
normal pulse ox
95% or higher
levels of hypertension
Stage 1. 130/ 80 to 139/89
Stage 2. 140/90
Hypertensive Emergency 180/120
who is at high risk for mitral valve prolapse?
women between the ages of 15-30
thin with slight chest deformities
aortic regurgitation treatments
Valve replacement
antidote for heparin
protamine sulfate
ineffective endocarditis
begins when bacteria, fungi or other organism attaches to eroded endocardium where platelets and fibrin deposits have formed a vegetative lesion.
nursing care for a pt with peripheral vascular disease
assess for the 6 p's pain paresthesia pallor pulselessness paralysis poikilothermia
normal neurovascular assessment
capillary refill
temperature of limbs
what lab levels indicate a MI
What is Raynaud’s
in cold weather or with the consumption of caffeine vessels will constrict turning the hands purple
describe an abdominal aortic aneurism
occurs when an area of the aorta becomes very large or balloons out. bulging, ballooning, or dilation at the weak point of the arterial wall.
pt’s monitor say asystole
start cpr
pt is in V-FIB
basic metabolic panel (BMP)
glucose calcium sodium potassium bicarbonate chloride BUN Creatinine
pt has wheezes and rhonchi. With a respiratory rate of 28. The patient goes quite
pt. has gone into respiratory failure
residual capacity
the volume of air in the lungs after normal relaxation
what is anemia?
reduced delivery of oxygen to the tissue because of reduced numbers of red blood cells in hemoglobin
chest tube drainage system needs to be
below the chest
ventilator alarm goes off
check the patient
reinforce teaching a pt with a hiatal hernia
wait an hour before laying down
elevate the HOB with bricks
small meals
who would benefit from bariatric surgery?
diabetic pt.
obese pt.
predisposed to heart conditions
anyone trying to control or prevent obesity
barrettes esophagus
GERD can result in esophagitis due to acid reflux over time this can change the epithelium of the esophagus
This is precancerous
define impaction
pt. will state they have small watery stools
place client in left SIMs position with HOB flat
stoma colors
pink and beefy red- good
blue- lack of oxygen
black- necrotic
pt has hepatitis. What teaching would you reinforce?
do not share personal items
normal 24 hr dosage of Tylenol
3,000 milligrams
why is a urine telomerase done?
telomerase is found in most bladder cancers
how do you collect a 24 hour urine on a incontinent pt?
ask physician for an order for a foley
Nursing assessment of the endocrine system
diabetes and hypothyroidism are both endocrine disorders
difference between diabetes insipidus and mellitus
Insipidus: polydipsia and polyuria (imbalance of fluids in the body)
mellitus: hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic (can’t produce insulin or process glucose)
what is calcium gluconate used for?
used for a pt. with thyroid issues
specifically a pt. undergoing a thyroidectomy
what is a thyrotoxic crisis?
How is it treated?
manipulation of the thyroid gland during surgery, along with the release of large amounts of TH.
Rewarm, IV Synthroid
s/s of syphilis
chancre, lymphadenopathy, flu like symptoms, joint pain, hair loss, and gummas
First stage of syphilis
primary stage: entry treponema palladium spirochete through the skin or membranes 3 to 90 days later papule appears at the site of entry and then sloughs off. leaves a red ulcerated area called a chancre.
(Chancre is the only sign of stage 1)
pubic lice pt. teaching
tell the pt. to refer to package inserts for application instructions and precautions to avoid reinfection
SA node rate
60 to 100
AV node rate
40 to 60
Ventricular rate
20 to 40
clinical manifestations of heart rates
treatment for viral rhinitis
rest, fluids, and Tylenol
diagnostic test for a (PE) pulmonary embolism
blood work
Human trafficking and the nurses role
obtain education of trafficking
identify physical and psychological symptoms
discuss suspicions with clinical team
Normal adult respirations
12 to 16 breaths per minute.
normal adult blood pressure
sodium levels
135 to 145 mEq/L
potassium levels
3.5 to 5 mEq/L
magnesium levels
1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L
calcium levels
8.5 to 10.50
the deposition of lipids in the walls of arteries over a period of years
hypertensive emergency
risk for progression of target organ dysfunction
Second stage of syphilis
begins 2 to 8 weeks after
flulike symptoms, joint pain, hair loss, skin rashes, mouth sores, lymphadenopathy, and condylomatous growths in moist areas.
(If left untreated 15% will progress to tertiary stage)
tertiary (late) stage of syphilis
10 to 20 years later
involves organ systems
spirochete can form gummas
gummas can damage the heart, circulatory system, and nervous system.
(ulceration of gammas can destroy areas of vital tissue and lead to mental and physical disability or death)
tumors of rubbery consistency that can break down and ulcerate, leaving holes in body tissues
How many tablespoons are in 1 ounce?
2 tbsp
The pt. complains of headache, confusion, cramps, and anorexia
What is the pt. in?
hyponatremia (low sodium)
cultural awareness
history, ancestry, and appreciation for the arts, music, crafts, celebrations, foods, and traditional clothing
cultural competence
offering the best nursing care by being aware of ones own culture, having respect of other cultures, acceptance of differences , and adaptation of nursing care
thinking one’s culture of thinking is the natural way
cultural assimilation
taking on the dominant cultures way of life.
pernicious anemia
vitamin B12 anemia
a painless genital ulcer formed during the primary stage of syphilis.
B-type natriuretic peptide, helps diagnose heart failure
what do you teach a person with a hiatal hernia?
A condition in which part of the stomach protrudes through and above the diaphragm
complications of hypothyroidism is treated with…?
IV fluids, Synthroid, and the underlying cause is treated.
Complications of hypothyroidism
metabolic rate drops hypothermia decreased respiratory rate blood glucose drops cardiac output drops
males HCT
42 to 52
females HCT
37 to 47
normal WBC
4,500 to 10,000
70 to 115
7 to 20