Maternity Exam 1 review Flashcards
discovered puerperal fever was related to a lack of handwashing
Materinty practice is focused on
high quality family experience
In the 1930s the childrens bureau established
the hot lunch program
define head start
created to increase educational exposure for preschool children
carl crede
recommended 2% silver nitrate into the eyes of newborns to prevent blindness by gonorrhea’s
who defines our scope of practice
state board of nursing
recommended silver nitrate to prevent
blindness in newborns
children and youth promotes
comprehensive child welfare
the average stay in the hospital for vaginal births
2 days
average stay for c section
2-4 days
diagnosed related groups (DrG)
Medicare system that determines payment for a hospital stay based on the patients diagnosis
Testosterone increases
muscle mass, promotes growth of long bones, and enhances the production of rbc’s
the function of the testes
manufacture male germ cells and secrete male hormones
menarche(when does it start)
occurs at 11 to 15 years(regularizes 6 months to 2 years after menarche)
first sign of puberty in a girl
breast growth
follicle stimulating hormone
stimulates the maturation of the ovarian follicle
mitosis in the ovum
what pelvis is most favorible for vaginal birth
puberty begins when
secondary sex characteristics are present
semen can be secreted during sex before
gametes contain 23 chromosomes
23 chromosomes
fertilization takes place in the outer third of the fallopian tube
outer third of the fallopian tube
the stages of fertilization
the zygote implants in the
upper section of the posterior uterine wall
chorion is a thick
membrane with fingerlike projections
the fetal heart begins to pump by
three weeks gestation
define the difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Mono is identical/same sac
Di is fraternal/different sacs
HGC is the basis for
a pregnancy test
folic acid can prevent
neural tube defects
anti-ovarian antibody
the best time for breast self exam is one
week after the beginning of the menstrual period
oral contraceptives prevent
the characteristics of the cervical mucous before ovulation
This mucus is usually yellow, white, or cloudy, and it feels sticky or tacky
diet rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber is recommended for
1 year of missed periods is considered
how do you prevent toxic shock syndrome
changing tampons out every 4 hours
vasotomy is a
outpatient procedure
ACHES (oral contraceptives)
abdominal pain, chest pain, headaches, eye problems, and severe leg pain
painful intercourse
follicle stimulating hormone(FSH)
stimulates maturation of a follicle in the ovary that contains a single ovum
14 days before the onset of next menstrual period
luteinizing hormone
initiates the production of testosterone in the leydig cells of the testes
cheeselike sebaceous substance that collects under the foreskin and is easily removed with basic hygiene
normal sperm production
The posterior pituitary gland secrets
cause damage to growing cells
bag of water that permits the embryo to float freely
amniotic sac
age of viability
20 weeks
what covers the three vessels in the umbilical cord(2 arteries 1 vein)
Wharton jelly