Auscultatory area of the aortic valve
Right upper sterna border (RUSB)
Auscultatory area of the pulmonic valve
Left upper sternal border (LUSB), 2nd intercostal space
Auscultatory area of the aortic or mitral valve
Apex (erbs point)
Auscultatory area of a ventricular septal defect or tricuspid valve
left lower sternal border (LLSB)
How does blood flow through the heart?
From the body, through the superior vena cava ->right atrium->tricuspid valve->right ventricle->pulmonic valve->pulmonary artery->lungs->pulmonary veins->left atrium->mitral valve->left ventricle->aortic valve-> body
What does S1 signify
mitral/ tricuspid (AV) valves closure
What does S2 signify
Aortic/ pulmonic (semilunar) valves closure
When is systole heard
Period between S1 and S2
When is diastole heard
Period between S2 and S1
What does S3 sound like and what does it mean
“Ken-tuck-y”, increased fluid states
What does S4 sound like and what does it mean
“Ten-ne-ssee” and means stiff ventricular wall, or normal in athlete
What does Ventricular septal defect sound like?
thrill (think tetralogy of fallout)
What does an obstructive defect sound like?
ejection click due to turbulence, may be referred or radiate
Where is the blood shunting with acyanotic lesions?
left to right to shunting
Where is the blood shunting in cyanotic heart lesions?
Right to left shunting
The 3 types of heart defects
acyanotic, cyanotic, and obstructive
What kind of defect is this?
Transposition of the great arteries
What kind of heart defect is this?
acyanotic defect, ventricular septal defect
What kind of heart defect is this?
acyanotic defect, Patent ductus arteriosis
What kind of heart defect is this?
cyanotic defect, transposition of the great arteries
What kind of heart defect is this?
obstructive lesions, aortic stenosis
What kind of heart defect is this?
obtructive lesion, pulmonic stenosis
What kind of heart defect is this?
obstructuve lesion, Coarctation of the aorta
What kind of heart defect is this?
acyanotic defect, atrial septal defect
What kind of heart defect is this?
cyanotic defect, tetralogy of fallot
Where is an atrial septal defect murmer heard best?
HEard best at the left upper sternal border (LUSB)
What does the ECG show for a Atrial Septal defect?
Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)
WHat is the most common heart defect?
Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
What kind of thrill will be felt with a Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
A holosystolic thrill, may be felt at the LLSB
What will the ECG show for a ventricular septal defect?
What will X-ray show?
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) progressing to biventricular hypertrophy if large VSD
xray will show cardiomegaly, increased pulmonary vascular markings
What is a common congential heart defect in premature infants?
patent ductus arteriosis (PDA)
What does the murmer for Patent Ductus arteriosis sound like?
Murmer is in the LUSB
Grade II to IV/VI holosystolic
“machinery” sound
What does the murmer sound like for Transposition of the Great arteries?
What might the xray look like?
Grade II to V/VI systolic ejection murmer
xray might look like “egg on a tring” with cardiomargaly and increased pulmonary vascular markings
What are the 4 defects in tetralogy of fallot?
Four defects:
1) Large VSD
2) Pulmonary stenosis
3) overiding aorta
4) RVH
What does the murmer sound like for tetralogy of fallot?
Loud systolic ejection click at the middle and upper left sternal border (M-LUSB)
What will the ECG show is Tetralogy of fallot?
Right axis deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy
What does the x-ray show for tetralogy of fallot?
boot-shaped heart, no cardiomegaly or pulmonary markings
hypercynotic episodes.
hypoxia- kids pull up knees or squat when SOB to increase peipheral vascular resistance and slow down blood return to the heart
Where will the murmer be heard best in aortic stenosis?
Systolic thrill at the right upper sternal border (RUSB), systolic ejection click present which does not vary with respirations
What does pulmonic stenosis murmer sound like
Systolic, loudest at the LUSB, grade II to V/VI ejection click, intensity of click decreases with inspiration and inreases with expiration, thrill at the LUSB radiating to the back and sides
Corarctation fo the Aorta murmer
Grade II to II/VI systolic ejection murmer with radiation to the left interscapular area
May have ejection click at the apex and RUSB if the bicuspid valve is involved