Healthy living across the life span: Older persons Flashcards
What are the leading causes of burden in older Australians?
Cardiovascular disease and cancer.
What is the leading cause of death for all older Australians?
Coronary Heart Disease
What are some benefits of physical activity for older adults?
- have lower rates of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and breast cancer,
- a higher level of cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness
- , healthier body mass and composition;
- have a biomarker profile that is more favourable for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and the enhancement of bone health; and
- exhibit higher levels of functional health,
- a lower risk of falling,
- better cognitive function;
- have reduced risk of moderate and severe functional limitations and role limitations.
What is gerontolgy?
The study of ageing and older adults.
What is geriatrics?
Associated with the medical care (e.g. diseases and disabilities) of older adults.
Name 4 care settings for older people?
- Acute care facilities,
- residential aged care facilities,
- pallative care,
- rehabilitation,
- home and community care,
- home care,
- flexible care.
What are some signs and symptoms of depression in older adults?
- loss of interest in life
- lack of enjoyment in normal activities
- apprehension
- poor sleep
- persistent thoughts of death,
- chronic unexplained pain,
- poor concentration or impaired memory
- Chronic unexplained physical symptoms
- memory loss
- behaviour change
What factors can put older women at risk of homelessness?
- domestic violence
- relationship breakdown
- financial difficulty
- limited superannuation
What is the most common cancer causing death in older men and women?
Lung Cancer
What circumstances can increase the chane of elder abuse?
List 5.
- Dependence
- Family conflict or dysfunction
- Family violence
- Isolation
- Regional and remote communities
- Stress in care relationships
- Mature age children or dependents with a disability or health issues
- Mental illness and dementia
- Literacy
- awareness of rights.
List 6 types of elder abuse.
- financial
- physical
- sexual
- psychological or emotional
- social
- neglect
What is dementia?
Dementia is the term used to describe the symptoms of a large group of illnesses which cause a progressive decline in a person’s functioning. It is a broad term used to describe a loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and physical functioning.
Four million Australian currently live with _______________________.
What are the most common forms of arthritis?
- Osteoarthritis,
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Gout.
Define voluntary assisted dying?
Voluntary assisted dying is the term used when referring to a patient or individual obtains assistance to end their life.
Is assisted dying legal in Australia?
Assisted dying is illegal in all Australian States and Territories except in Victoria where it is lawful if certain criteria are met.
Who is eligible for VAD?
- A person 18 and over,
- australian citizen or permament resident and resident of Victoria,
- has decision making capacity,
- diagnosised with a disease or illness that is incurable, advanced and will cause death,
- causing suffering that cannot be relieved.
How many safeguards does the Victoria legislation have in regards to the VAD process?
What is Advanced care planning?
Advance care planning is a process where a person discusses their values and healthcare preferences with their family, friends and healthcare team. Ideally, advance care planning will result in a formal, written Advance Care Directive (values and/or instructional), to help ensure the person’s preferences are respected.
In 2015 what percentage of people were aged over 65%?