Pediatric Concussion Flashcards
Name 4 thinking/remembering symptoms of concussion
- Difficulty thinking clearly
- Feeling slowed down
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty remembering new information
Name 4 physical symptoms of concussion
- Headache, fuzzy or blurry vision
- Nausea or vomiting
- Sensitivity to noise or light, balance probs
- Feeling tired
Biggest predictor of slow recovery
Who is more susceptible, male or female
Highest risk groups for TBI
0-4, 15-19
PT for concussion
Submax aerobic
What does PPT Do?
Develop the IEP (individual Education Plan)
Risk for poor recovery concussion
Mood disorder
Prior concussion
Return to Play RTP
Do not return to play on day of injury if concussion is suspected
What is LRE
Part of IDEA, Least Restrictive Environment BY LAW
The PPT is to Develop the IEP
Highest sports concussion
Football Ice hockey Female soccer Lacross Field Hockey
Return to school
Several days to 1 week
504 plan
From Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Predictor of poor outcome
Dizziness at 2 weeks
What is included in the IDEA
IEP (Individual Education Plan) - legal plan that specifies student goals via special design of education
What might a 504 plan actually offer a student
- preferential seating
- extended time
- tests in quiet area
- rest breaks
- visual aids
Name 3 sleep changes with concussion
- Sleeping more
- Sleeping less
- Trouble falling asleep
Why is TBI rougher in small kids
More watery brain Not full myelin development Larger heads Weaker neck muscles Undeveloped brain
Classic Nonaccidental TBI bleed
Subdural hematoma
Most common sideline tool
SCAT, age 13 and higher
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool
If not responding to recovery
What happens to the eyes in Nonaccidental TBI
Retinal hemorrhages 85%
What does a 504 entail
Protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal assistance from US Dept of Education
Other predictors of slow recovery
Retrograde amnesia
Post-traumatic amnesia
Higher initial score
Mental status change longer than 5 min
How do you meet 504 criteria
Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
What is PPT
Planning and Placement Team
Return to sport
Full resolution of symptoms
Name 4 emotional symptoms of concussion
- Irritability
- Sadness
- More emotional
- Nervous
Highest demographic of concussion, mild TBI
0-4, then 15-19
What is IDEA
Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT