Baby Reflexes and skills Flashcards
When: Draw circle and dress
3 years
Gross Motor Development: 6 skills
- Lift head and roll off back
- Sit, then crawl, then pull to stand, then walk
- One step stairs and run
- Stairs alternating and ride a trike
- Down stairs alternating and hop
- Skip
What is mirtazipine and how can it be used
Remeron for sleep
Symmetric Tonic
Extend neck: arms out and legs flex
Flex neck: arms in and legs out
Sensory NCV at 4 years
50% of adult
ASIA Grades
A. Complete (no motor/sense/sacral)
B. Sensory down from level to sacral, no motor
C. B plus 1/2 muscles below level motor less than 3
D. B plus 1/2 muscles 3 motor and above
- Tonic Labrynthine DisAppears
6 mo.
Speech Development in first year
smiles and coos by 4
Rasberries by 6
Syllables by 10
Name by 12
Speech by 3 1/2
Colors 3 word sentences Questions Propositions and conditions Pronouns 100s of words Past and future 2 step command
- Galant DisAppears
6 mo.
- Symmetric Tonic Neck DisAppears
7 mo.
Speech Development by 2
Points to parts 2 word phrases Knows 50 words Expresses needs Follows 1 step
When: One step stairs and run
2 years
- ATNR DisAppears
7 mo.
Key Gross motor Goal
Abnormal if not WALKING by 18 mo.
When: Put on socks and good throw
2 years
When do you fit upper prosthetic
“Sit to Fit”. = when the kid sits, give them an arm
When: Down stairs alternating and hop
4 years
Key Fine motor Goal
Abnormal if not PINCH by 12 mo.
When are normal NCVs achieved
3-5 years
What is Tonic Labrynthine
On back: neck extended, legs shoot out/neck flexed return to relaxed
What is aripiprazole
Ability used for aggression
Arthrogryposis potential ambulators
4 or higher hip extensors 3 or higher quadriceps Hips contracted less than 20 Knees less than 20 Sits ok
When: Tie shoes
5 years
2 depression meds that worsen seizures
GOAT (Galveston) out of post traumatic amnesia
78 x 3 days
What is Placing
Leg flexes up with touch to top (dorsum) of foot
When: Scribble, use cup, stack, use spoon, R/L handedness, take off socks
1 and a half years
- Palmar DisAppears
6 mo.
- Placing DisAppears
12 mo.
When: Reach, grasp and pinch
12 months
When: Sit, then crawl, then pull to stand, then walk
12 months (+/-)
When does myeline stop and finish
10 weeks gestation until 5 years
When: Lift head and roll off back
6 months
- Moro DisAppears
6 mo.
Rancho Los Amigos
I. No response II. Generalized response III. Localized response IV. Confused and agitated V. Confused and inappropriate VI. Confused and appropriate VII. Automatic and appropriate VIII. Purposeful and appropriate
When: Skip
5 years
Fine motor development: 6 skills
- Reach, grasp and pinch
- Scribble, use a cup, stick, use a spoon, R/L handedness, take off sock
- Put on socks and good throw
- Potty train
- Draw circle and dress self
- Tie shoes
- Root DisAppears
4 mo.
- Plantar grasp DisAppears
14 mo.
- Stepping DisAppears
5 mo.
When: Stairs alternating and trike
3 years
What organs to look at with congenital upper amputation
Blood: thrombocytopenia Blood: Leukopenia Heart defects Vertebrae Anal atresia Renal
2 and a half years
Reflexes: The 10 Commandments
- Root 4
- Moro 6
- Galant 6
- Stepping 5
- Tonic Labrynthine 6
- ATNR 7
- Palmar 6
- Symmetric Tonic Neck 7
- Placing 12
- Plantar grasp 14
What is the Galant
Baby curves toward side of back stroke