Pediatric cardiovascular issues Flashcards
Atrial septal defect(ASD)
Infant maybe asymptomatic or may develop CHF Extra blood is coming high pressure left side, and lower pressure right side.
left to right shunt , dyspnea, Fatigue,poor growth,soft systolic murmur.
Diagnosed by echo, can be visualized by heart catheterization.
Need surgery to close the defect.
ventricular septal defect (VST) signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of CHF commonly present respiration distress,
left to right shunt, dyspnea, fatigue,poor growth, palpable thrill , murmur at LSB(left sternum border).
atrioventricular Canel defect.
Infant usually has mild to moderate CHF; cyanosis increases with crying.
patent ductus arteriosus 
Normal fetal circulation Condit between the pulmonary artery and the aorta fails,to close.
widened pulse pressure(systole-Diastole =pulse pressure different between a lot).
bounding pulse present (strong kind of pulse),”matchine hum”, murmur.
patent ductus arteriosus-Meds
Indomethacin or ibuprofen: indomethacin effects blood flow to organs and so many lead to complications such as renal failure.
obstructive defects:
Blood exiting the heart meets area of anatomic narrowing (stenosis), causing obstruction of blood flow.
Infant ,children exhibit signs of CHF.
obstructive Defects:Aortic Stenosis
Aortic Stenosis:a narrowing of the aortic valve.
Infants:faint pulse, hypotension , tachycardia, poor feeding tolerance.
Children: intolerance to exercise, dizziness, chest pain, possible ejection murmur, sign of exercise intolerance, when standing for long periods.
Obstructive defect call-pulmonic stenosis
Narrowing of the pulmonary valve or pulmonary artery,that results in obstruction of blood flow from the ventricles, system ejection murmur, cardiomegaly, heart failure.
Newborns with severe narrowing are cyanotic.
Coarctation of aorta 
narrowing of the lumen Of the Aorta,that results in obstruction of blood flow from the ventricle.
Coarctation Aorta symptoms
Blood pressure higher, bounding pulses in upper extremities, versus lower and weak or absent pulses in lower extremities, versus upper extremities, as well as cool lower extremity.
Coarctation of aorta signs.
signs self CHF(congestive heart failure):may occur in infants,
other signs: – elevated blood pressure in the arms,
bounding pulses in the upper extremities,
decreased blood pressure in the lower extremities (differences of 20 MM between upper and lower extremities).
Cool skin of lower extremities,
weak or absent femoral pulses,
heart failure in infants,
dizziness, headache, fainting, or nosebleeds in older children
decrease pulmonary blood flow,
obstructed pulmonary blood flow and anatomic defect between right and left sides of heart pressure and right side of the heart increases, exceeding pressure right and left sides of heart allows unoxygenated blood to enter system circulation.
tetralogy of Fallot defects
4defects Thar result mixed in blood flow:-
Pulmonary stenosis,
ventricular septal defect,
overriding aorta,
right ventricular hypertrophy, or left ventricular smaller and thick muscle mass.
tricuspid atresia
A complete closure of the tricuspid valve that results in mixed blood flow. An atrial septal opening need to be present to allow blood to enter the left atrium left atrium.
Infants - cyanosis, dyspnea, tachycardia.
older children- hypoxemia clubbing of the fingers.
tetralogy of Fallot infants
Infants have acute episode of cynosis (hypercyanotic spells, blue spells,tetralogy TET spells) during periods of crying, feeding ,defecating. knee chest position is recommended.
Tetralogy of Fallot in children
Children can present with squatting, clapping of finger, poor growth.
Children can develop polycythemia(RBS)as a compensatory mechanism due to prolong tissue hypoxia. Polycythemia will increase blood viscosity, placing an infant at risk for stroke heart thromboembolism.