Pedia Flashcards
- a 15 month old boy came to the ER complaining of abdominal discomfort,
emesis, stool with blood and mucus on physical examination he has
increased abdominal sound. X-ray report shows obstructive bowel (
written like this )
A- give antibiotic
B- Go to OR and do surgery
C- Barium enema
D- bowel rest, IV hydration and wait until symptoms gone
C- Barium enema
- Child 5 months, nurse said he has developmental delay in milestones,
what would you do to reassure the mother ?
A. Pincer grasp
B. wave bye bye
C. Reach things
C. Sit without supp
C. Reach things
- A 6 months old baby known case of G6PD came to hospital , on
examination there is pallor conjunctive No mention of jaundice In labs
HGb was only low There was no mention of reticulocyte No mention of
iron profile Others labs was normal Diagnosis:
A- physiological anemia of newborn
B- thalasemia trait
C - G6PD hemolysis
B- thalasemia trait
- 1 year old girl with lesions on face scalp trunk and extensors. That are
itchy. She also has them on her cheeks, her parents say that it’s crusty,
cracky and weepy.
A. infantile eczema
B. idiopathic urticaria
C. drug induced allergy
D. early childhood eczema
A. infantile eczema
- 7 years old girl came with Vascular malformation on her cheek. What is
the most likely diagnosis.
A- Venous malformation.
B- Lymphatic malformation.
C- AV malformation.
D- Hemangioma.
D- Hemangioma.
- A Term baby presented with respiratory distress symptoms. His body is
covered with meconium secretion. Which of the following is the most
beneficial intervention.
A- Intravenous fluid.
B- Inhaled nitrous oxide.
B- Inhaled nitrous oxide.
- 2 years old. Sore throat. Fever. On examination there is Tonsillitis and
exudates with purulent discharge.
Which of the following is the causative organism:
A- Measles
B- Haemohpilaus influenza B
C- Ebstien bar Virus
D- Coxackie virus
C- Ebstien bar Virus
- A child came with signs of moderate dehydration. You start him on
ORS. Which of following is the best step?
A-Lactose free formula
B-ORS for 1 day and then normal formula
C-ORS for 5 days then, normal formula
D-IV fluid
B-ORS for 1 day and then normal formula
- A full term born came with respiratory distress and chest X ray showed
fluid in the fissures. He is born by cesarean section. Most likely diagnosis
A-Transient tachypnea of newborn
C- Meconium aspiration
D-Hyaline membrane disease
A-Transient tachypnea of newborn
- 4 years old boy and known nephrotic syndrome. He came with fever
and abdominal pain Most likely cause
- 13 year came from Africa Sign & symptom of upper resp flu like
symptoms , developed meningitis> CSF viral infection what is the
A- polio
- At which year the bedwetting consider alarm?
A- 5 Years
B- 6 years
C- 7 Years
D- 8 years
C- 7 Years
- 6 y old Child he did tympanostomy 12 months ago for drainage. He
came complaining of purulent discharge coming out from the
tympanostomy With bad smell. He like to swim. What is the causative
organism suspected?
A- staph. Aureus
B- streptococcus pyogenes
C- S. Pneumoniae
D-Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D-Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Child came to with his mother to your clinic. He said to you ( hi ) and
then he said to his mother something , then his mother touch his head
and he said ( no ) Then his mom ask him what is this he said lip then she
touch his body ( I think ) and ask who this he said ( me )What is his age in
year ?
C-1 y
D-2 y
D-2 y
- 6 years old child presents with pallor and organomegaly investigations
shows pancytopenia ( this is the hole case )
A- acute myeloid
B-acute lymphoblastic
C- chronic myeloid
B-acute lymphoblastic
- Mom come to clinic for nutrition advice for her completely BREAST
FEED baby doctor advice iron supplemnt next month what is the age of
baby :
A-3 month
B-6 month
A-3 month
- A child knows the colors and can articulate words properly, what is the
age of the child?
- child with unilateral gynecomastia
A-tell him this is present in all men in some degree
B-reassure as it will resolve in years
C-cold comprss bandage
B-reassure as it will resolve in years
- Neoborn with tachypnea , tachycardia and difficulty feeding , on
oscultation there was parasternal heave and single S1 heart sound , what is
the essential part of the initial management?
- picture of stepping reflex and ask what time this reflex well disappear
A- 2 m
B- 4 m
C- 6 m
A- 2 m
- Child had type 1 diabetes and consulting the family regarding celiac
screening , which of the following is true
A- Screen at diagnosis then every 5 years
B- Screen at diagnosis then every 2 years
C- Screen annually
D- Screen at diagnosis then annually for 5 years
B- Screen at diagnosis then every 2 years
- Case of female child who lives in poor family with distended abdomen
and pitting edema there are lab results but I don’t remember them:
A - marasmus
B - Kwashiorkor
B - Kwashiorkor
- What is the age of a child who can walk with one hand held, says
mama/baba and other words, holds seeds by pincer grip but doesn’t place
them in the container?
A- 9 months
B- 12 months
C- 15 months
A- 9 months
- 12-year-old complain of recurrent epigastric pain with occasional
vomiting since 1 year stool analysis is positive for blood and mucus and
positive blood occult test what is the dx:
A- Abdominal migraine
B- Irritable bowel syndrome
C- Inflammatory bowel disease
D- Gastritis with peptic ulcer
D- Gastritis with peptic ulcer
- 9 month old child presented with rash noticed by parents , both parents
had eczema before What is the typical site according the child age ?
A- upper back
B- diaper area
C- scalp , cheeks, forehead
D - dorsum of feet
C- scalp , cheeks, forehead
- Young asthma pt has symptoms after exertion but now present at the
clinic asymptomatic. Spirometry was done and was inconclusive. What’s the
next step?
A- repeat spirometry
B- methacholine challenge test
D. Give corticosteriods
B- methacholine challenge test
- What is the age in month of child talk 6-10 words, know 2 body parts,
immature pencil grasp?
- Baby came with clear picture of UTI and urine analysis showed UTI.
Mum said she had these symptoms multiple times. What to do?
A-Renal US
B-Voiding cystourethrogram
C-Renal US and cystourethrogram
C-Renal US and cystourethrogram
- Typical case of hemolytic anemia and blood film show
spherocytosis,Hb:8, MCV MCHC normal range, WBC: 3, PLT: 500, LDH
AST ALT high, low haptoglobin most appropriate treatment?
A-blood transfusion
B-corticosteroids مصححة
- 6 m boy presented with abnormal movement and yellowish
discoloration for 1 week. He is exclusively breast feeding 2 week ago his
mother started to introduce fruit and fruit juice,
since that, pt started vomiting, irritable, On examination:
Hepatosplenomegaly, Distended abdomen Generalized jaundice * Urine:
positive reducing substances (normal is negative). Dx?
A Tyrosinemia
B galactosemia
C Alpha 1 anti trypsin def
D congenital fructose intolerance
D congenital fructose intolerance
- Newborn/infant with stridor worse when prone
improves when supine, mother is concerned, what todo?
A Start laser treatment
B tell her it will resolve on its own by first
C Tell her it will get worse
D-Do Laryngoscope
B tell her it will resolve on its own by first
- Child 6yrs old presented with history of 6month left knee and wrist pain
with limitations of movement and especially morning difficulty movement
Otherwise no systemic symptoms What is the most likely diagnosis?
A) rheumatic fever
B) reactive arthritis
C) septic arthritis
D) juvenile idiopathic arthritis
D) juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Child 2 yrs old with fever and reduced feeding and crying excessivly for
1 day no focus of infection mother denies any vomiting or diarrhoea on
examination there was redness and no light reflex on ear tympanic
membrane which of the following is the most appropriate intial
A) steroids
B) Amoxicillin
C) refer to surgery
D) other very un relvant option
B) Amoxicillin
- child presented with URTI symptoms two days ago, now has SOB what
is the most common organism?
B- influenza
C- parainfluenza
D- adeno
- scenarios about a child 2 years old with SOB and Expiratory wheeze
and other respiratory symptoms he had a viral illness 2 days ago
A.Respiratory monitoring for hypoxia
B. Inhaled epinephrine and steroids
C. Intubation and antibiotics
A.Respiratory monitoring for hypoxia
- months old child came to clinic with his mother for taking hepatitis A
vaccine, The mother tells you that he is a know sickle cell disease patient
and that he received blood transfusion 1 week ago, what to do?
A. Give vaccine as per schedule
B. Check his hep A serology first
C. Delay for one month
D. Delay vaccine for 6 months
A. Give vaccine as per schedule
- Mother came with her child for preschool Vaccination
Which of the following is important Vaccine to give :
C-Meningococcal ( MCP4 )
- Child hypoglycemia & seizure & metabolic acidosis & characteristics
smell & positive ketone Diagnosis?
A. Phenylketonuria
B. maple syrup urine disease
C. Galactosemia
B. maple syrup urine disease
- Recommendation that at which age if you present A peanut and
eggs to the Child will decrease production of allergy? Age in month
A. 10
B. 14
C. 20
D. 24
A. 10
- A 2 years old boy who took BCG vaccine came with his mother
becuase of his grandfather had open TB and they live in the same house,
the boy asymptomatic but the mother worried what should you do?
A- nothing since he took BCG vaccine
B- PPD, X-ray and wait for the result
C- IGRA, X-ray and give INH
D- IGRA, X-ray and give 4 TB drug
B- PPD, X-ray and wait for the result