diagnosis Flashcards
Pt with back pain and groins his pain is severe that he cannot stay still and keep rolling, he
has hematuria urine analysis has blood and epithelial cells “ no other investigations”
uretre stone
A six year old girl presenting to the pediatric emergency department with unstable gait and
progressive difficulty climbing the stairs over the last 10 days the parents reported that the child
has bee in n “choking on her own saliva” the symptoms began was prickly sensation in the
fingers and toes that developed to ascending and symmetrical there is a history of viral
gastroenteritis three weeks before physical examination confirms the absence of the knee-jerk
reflex CSF analysis of weighted protein concentration with normal cell count
nerve conduction test reduced velocity
guillain barre syndrome
Patient presented with abdominal pain for 1 day intermittent, right sided pain and fullness
and rigidity Pregnancy test is negative (she was hypotensive and had fever)
Ovarian torsion
Forgot Y/o presents with left lower quadrant pain with nausea and vomiting , on
exam there is rebound tenderness?
Child with palpable mass in the abdomen with absent iris and urine analysis showed 15
RBC a symptomatic
?Nephroblastoma (ideally WAGR syndrome)
Child has recurrent uti and undescended testis and aniridia What else is expected
to be found ?
Similar recall: 3 year old abdominal distention vomiting bloody urine upon examination small firm
mass (around inguinal i think) absent iris, and undescended testes.
Urine color clear
Appearance turbid
High leukocytes high erythrocytes
Child with cheek vascular anomaly
child have dry non purulent conjunctivitis, cracked red lips, erythema (I think trunk, sole,
Kawasaki disease
Pt with dysuria and cloudy urine with bubbling for 2 months, hx of recurrent left iliac fossa
pain for the past 2 years ! Colonoscopy: no diverticulosis or polyp, Cystoscopy: erythema on
dome of the bladder.
Diverticular diseases
baby with noisy breathing and wheezing that improves when prone and increases when
supine. It will resolve on its own by first year
Long Case of child have urti sx and barking cough
Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)
Laryngotracheitis (croup)
38 YO female presents to the clinic after finding of hilar lymphadenopathy on CXR. She
has on and off cough, but denies any fever, headache, n/v, weight loss all negative. Labs
insignificant except for X-ray shows confirmed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy CT guided biopsy
shows noncaseating granuloma (They wrote “all labs
were normal” and didn’t mention hypercalcemia)
Patient came after 3 days of MVA and came with “battle sign”
basilar skull fracture
Multiple small breast masses bilateral get worse prior to menses
Patient presented to the ER with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, salivation, lacrimation and
abdominal cramps.
Organophosphate poisoning
A case of young male asymptomatic presented abnormal LFT. He is a smoker and drinks
alcohol in the weeknds. Labs showed high AST ALT (2:1 ratio) Tbilli and slightly high iron and
TIBC and very high ferritin (450). What is the cause of his abnormal LFT
alcoholic hepatitis
Female with vaginal discharge Grey, fishy odor, smear : show clue cells, ph>4.5
Bacterial vaginosis
case mentioning that a child has “certain amount of” cafe au lait spots and axillary
freckling and many other features and his cousin has this as well
neurocutaneous syndromes
Neonate found to have ambiguous genitalia with high 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
A 37 GA pregnant presented with moderately sever bleeding(written like this) US done
showed: placenta covering the cervical oss and a 32 pregnancy
Placenta previa
30 years old male ve diarrhea since 10 months no blood in the stool and the loss of weight
10 kg, lab shows that microcytic anemia and thrombocytosis
celiac disease
women with urine drippling, dysurea and dysparunia, denise any history of surgery
urethral diverticula
CSF analysis of 59y/o male showed lymphocyte 90%, -ve gram stain
viral meningitis
( in pedia take ANB and anti viral)
in adult supportive if viral
Patient did heamorrhoidectomy 2 weeks ago now came with sob (given ecg but was not
pulmonary embolism
febrile patient PPH 2 weeks
Child came with a coca-cola urine, he also has a history of fever for 1 week, his throat is
congested and cervical lymph nodes are palpable,
low C3 and normal C4 after impetigo or
IGA (burger) one day to one week normal complement
DM history of PDA pain when he walks 300 m relive by rest
Peripheral artery disease
Patent ER pain all vital stable x.ray fracture 3-4-5 rib
flail chest
A 50 years old female no past surgical and medical history, presented with
complaints of urine incontinence with coughing and sneezing,
stress inconteneace
Alcoholic, right hypochondriac pain and i think weight loss, alpha fetoprotein is high
No other labs, Image: CT showed multiple lesion in liver and cirrhosis
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Man put a cover on the television because he thinks the government is watching him, he
says god himself told him to that ?
should be delusional disorder,
Old female 65 complaining of central back pain relived by acetaminophen, and after
waking up for 30 minutes. Mri showed paraspinal stenosis
spinal stenosis
39 years old female who has three children and completed her family diagnosed as
endometrioma which was removed 2 years ago, right ovary cyst she presented to the clinic with
mild to moderate dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia during intercourse and chronic lower abdominal
pain. Pelvic ultrasound shows: Left ovary endometrioma cyst 6x7 in size.
6 years old girl presented with abdominal pain and dark tea-like urine.
She had history of sore throat 2 weeks ago.
rash caused by ampicillin or amoxicillin
infectious mononucleosis
Hx of small gall bladder stones , presenting with epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting
Amylase. Billirubin and lft all were normal . X RAY : pleural effusion
pleural effusion
Hydatid cyst 6 cm
cystic echinococcosis
3 yrs child , the mother noticed blood in his diaper for 2 days , no abdominal pain or
constipation , he has similar episode 3months back
juvenile polyp