PED HEAD Flashcards
In the post-arrest setting, which of the following is the drug of choice in treating hypotension in a child
epinephrine infusion
While dopamine is the drug of choice in adults
____________ are all physiologic consequences of hypothermia in itsy bitsy
Metabolic acidosis, increased oxygen consumption, hypoglycemia, and apnea
In the post-arrest setting, which of the following is the drug of choice in treating hypotension in an adult
Bradycardia in a newborn is?
HR < 100
intraosseous (IO) access complications
Marrow and fat emboli
Anterior compartment syndrome
Tibial fracture
Long bone fracture is a contraindication
Work up for Intussusception
Barium enema is both a diagnostic and often therapeutic procedure
Can result in perforation
pediatric surgery consultation should occur in conjunction with ordering this test.
In a newborn, bradycardia is most commonly an indicator of
may exhibit cyanosis, lethargy, and unresponsiveness, but unlike older patients the heart rate tends to be slow
The correct endotracheal tube size can be approximated by using a simple formula:
Inside diameter (ID) in mm = (16 + age in years) / 4
ex: 8 year old = 6 mm
The pediatric airway is more ____ vs adult airway.
Pediatric airway
usually performed using a straight blade
infant’s head is naturally in the correct “sniff” position
more anterior airway
The pediatric tongue is relatively larger vs adult
Teeth are more easily knocked out during a pediatric intubation vs adult.
What is the most common category of shock in the pediatric population
Hill–Sachs fracture
cortical depression in the posterolateral head of the humerus. It results from forceful impaction of the humeral head against the anteroinferior glenoid rim when the shoulder is dislocated anteriorly.
Like a football player arm baring
What is the most common heart rhythm seen in pediatric arrest?
Which of the following is the commonest type of pediatric rhythm in the setting of cardiopulmonary arrest?
In contrast to adults, pediatric epidural hematomas are _________
venous in origin
Retinal hemorrhages are not commonly found in children in cases of __________ head trauma
mild-moderate trauma
Supracondylar humerus fractures can lead to injuries of the ________ nerves. Immediate operative repair is frequently required.
median and ulnar
Chest compressions should be started when in infants
heart rate < 60 bpm
–>only if oxygen and adequate ventilation have first been tried and failed to increase the heart rate.
The drugs which may be given by endotracheal route can be remembered by the mnemonic “LEAN” and are?
lidocaine, epinephrine, atropine, naloxone.
Asystole is in fact the commonest rhythm in full pediatric arrest. _________ is the drug of choice.
____________ are the initial and most important steps in neonatal resuscitation
Drying, warming, positioning, suctioning and stimulating the neonate
Causes for gastrointestinal bleeding in an infant include:
swallowed maternal blood/ dyes in foods gastritis milk allergy bleeding from vaginal/ urinary tract necrotizing enterocolitis intussusception vascular malformations rectal fissure toxic ingestions bleeding dyscrasia occult trauma
_________ are the most frequent reasons for airway obstruction–> arrest in the neonate.
Mucus, blood, meconium, big tongue, and pulmonary prematurity
A 5-minute Apgar score of 0-3 defines the presence of _________
perinatal asphyxia.
Even though succinylcholine has been shown to cause fatal _________ in some cases, it is still the recommended relaxant used in pediatric RSI.