Peace and Conflict - Paper 2 Flashcards
Cain + Abel story run through
- Cain jealous of Abel
- Cain’s angry thoughts led to violence
- Cain rose up against his brother and killed him
What does James say about bullying? What does this mean?
James teaches us thay “no one can tame the tounge” however it is important to use it with our best intentions. He is telling us to be mindful of our words as it may hurt others.
Reconciliation brings…
- a stronger relationship
- a more peaceful future
- oppurtunities to learn from the past
Give a quote which goes against the teaching of forgiveness.
Deuteronomy “A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” emphasises that revenge is needed.
Biblical teachings on forgiveness
- Jesus forgave Peter for denying him
- Parable of the unforgiving servant
- Jesus said don’t just forgive 7 times but 77 times
Violent protests (Catholic Views):
- It is legitimate to protest peaefully and is right for Christians to partake in a peaceful march
- Many Christians believe that violent protests are an ineffective way to create change
- “Blessed are the peacemakers” Jesus says
Violent protests (contrasting views):
- Sometimes violence is the only way to change a government’s mind for example many people supported the Suffragettes
- The Church also took part in a protest which became violent in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2015
Righteous anger
Anger against injustice. Jesus showed this anger when he drove out the sellers out of the temple
Just War criteria
- Last resort
- Weapons not too destructive
- Just cause (self-defence)
- Declared by legitimate authority
- Reasonable chance of winning
- Innocent casualties should be avoided
Contrasting views on the Just War Theory:
- Is outdated
- Army should only go to war if there is a serious threat to the security of Britain
5 main reasons the Catholic Church oppose WMD?
- Completely indiscriminate
- Totally disproportionate to any possible success
- No “victors only victims” Pope Benidict says and Pope says “use of nukes are immoral”
- Cost of maintaining and researching weapons can be used for other purposes
- Possession increases fear
Contrasting views on WMD
- WMD can be used as a deterrent for example the Cold War
- Some may argue that the use of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki wrapped up the war
- Trident is an important symbol of Britain’s role
Consequences of modern warfare:
- Refugees
- Civilian Casualties
- Environmental Damage
Catholic organisations trying to promote peace and help victims of war:
- Pax Christi : Against nuclear weapons and has a campaign to deal less arms
- Caritas Internationalis : works to alleviate poverty, promote social justice and build peace
- CAFOD - helps people in need of resources such as victims of war
Catholic views on terrorism:
- “It is gravely against justice and charity” (CCC)
- Opposes the use of terror
Other views on terrorsim:
Actions of extremeists claiming to be muslim is utterly rejected by muslim leaders.
Catholic views on torture
Strongly against it as it goes against the sanctity of life. It is also internationally illegal.
Quotes that support pacifism
- “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Jesus)
- “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”(Jesus)
Pacifist views
- MLK never used violence and had success
- Quakers say we should use weapons of the holy spirit
- Belief in the sanctity of life
- War never solves problems
Contrasting views to pacifism:
- it is a duty of a country to defend its people
- a country that isn’t prepared to fight is seen as weak
- sometimes negotiations fail and war is the only way to bring about justice
Catholic views on radicalisation
- Catholic church focuses on mutual respect and so is concerned about radicalisation.
- Takes place among younger people who feel rejected by society or religion.
- “Cultural differences have been a source of misunderstanding” Pope John Paul II
Catholic views on martyrdom
Christian martyrs are an example of when Jesus said ‘ take your cross up and follow me ‘
How can religion cause a war? Give examples.
- The Crusades which were authorised by various Popes is an example of a Holy War between Christians and Muslims
Give some non-religious reasons why war might occur.
- Politics
- Retaliation
- To gain resources
- To gain land