Kingdom of God - Paper 1 Flashcards
What does pilgrimage mean to Catholics?
Catholics believe that life is a pilgrimage towards heaven. This means that:
- Life is a journey towards God; Catholics will complete this journey amd meet God when they die.
- A Catholic’s actions should reflect the idea of making progress on the journey towards God.
This is why Catholics think of the Church as the pilgrim people of God.
Pilgrimage quote
“Christians, on pilgrimage towards the heavenly city, should seek and think of these things which are above” - Gaudium et Spes 57
What are the Stations of the Cross? What does moving between the stations symbolise? What type of prayer is this?
- The Stations of the Cross are a series of 14 images that remind Catholics of the events that happened on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.
- Moving between the stations : is a way to accompany Jesus on his last journey and share in his suffering; helps the person stay focused on their prayers. This can be seen as a “pilgrimage prayer” as you accompany Jesus on his final journey towards God.
- Form of dramatised prayer, which can help a persom to feel more involved in the meaning of the prayer.
What are four important Catholic pilgrimage sites?
- Jerusalem
- Rome
- Lourdes
- Walsingham
Describe why the pilgrim site, Jerusalem, is important. Why do Catholics visit?
- Jerusalem is the city in Israel where Jesus died.
- Catholics may visit Jesus’ tomb and other nearby places connected to Jesus’ life.
- This is to share in Jesus’ life and suffering while also renewing their faith and commitment to Jesus.
Describe why the pilgrim site, Rome, is important. Why do Catholics visit?
- Rome is the centre of Catholic faith.
- Rome is where St Peter died, and where the current Pope lives.
- Catholics might visit the Vatican or the tomb of St Peter.
- This would show their commitment to the Catholic Church, and their unity with the Pope and all Catholics.
Describe why the pilgrim site, Lourdes, is important. Why do Catholics visit?
- Lourdes, in France, is where Benadette was told by Mary to dig in the ground, and when she did a spring appeared.
- The waters in the spring are believed to have healing powers, and Catholics visit Lourdes to bathe in its waters.
- Catholics visit to be healed or to feel stronger physically or spiritually by the waters.
Describe why the pilgrim site, Walsingham, is important. Why do Catholics visit?
- Walsingham contains the Catholic national shrine for England which was produced by a noblewoman who had vision od the house where Mary lived in Nazareth.
- Catholics visit to : go on a pilgrimage without having to travel abroad; to spend time in prayer with other Catholics.
Describe Catholic attitudes towards mission or evangelism. Give some examples for these attitudes in film. NUMBER ONEEE
- Catholics believe main idea of mission is to show God’s love through doing good actions; missionaries hope that these actions have an effect on people, influencing them to do good.
This is shown in “Les Miserables” where a bishop’s act of love and forgiveness persuades a thief to become a better person.
Describe Catholic attitudes towards mission or evangelism. Give some examples for these attitudes in film. NUMBER TWOO
- Missionaries and evangelists taught that having the right attitude is more important than blindly following God’s law.
In “Les Miserables” a thief (Valjean) is pursued by a former jailer (Javert). Javert wants to send Valjean back to prison as the law demands however the thief saves Javert’s life. This kind act ulitmately saves Valjean from imprisonment - goodness wins out over the law.
Describe Catholic attitudes towards mission or evangelism. Give some examples for these attitudes in film. NUMBER THREEE.
- Misson and evangelism require total commitment to God. Sometimes goodness may invlove ignoring the demands of Church law.
In “The Mission” when the native people are attacked by slave traders, the priests (doing missionary work) stayed to defend these people. To do this they ignored the order of their bishops to abandon the people.
Describe the influence of mission and evangelism in drama.
- “Production of films that have value ought to be encouraged” (Inter Mirifica 14)
- This is because films that highlight Christian values can : encourage Christians to show these values in their own lives; inspire Christians to preach the Gospel message and show it in their lives by their actions.
What is the kingdom of God?
- The Kingdom began when Jesus was born : this is when God’s power came to earth.
- It was established through Jesus’ resurrection and coming of the Holy Spirit.
- Extended by Christians, who form and help to spread the Kingdom of God on earth.
- It will be completed at the end of time, when all people will enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven.
Explain sections of the Lord’s prayer.
- “Our Father, who art in heaven” : Jesus wants all people to be able to call God “Father”, and have a trusting relationship with him.
- “Thy kingdom come” : prayer for God’s kingdom to come, and for people to accept God’s rule in their hearts.
- “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” : accepting God’s will is important for establishing the Kingdom. When everyone does the will of God, the Kingdom will be established.
What are the three signs of the Kingdom of God?
How does justice help people?
- Recognises all people are created and loved equally by God.
- “…goods created by God for everyone should in fact reach everyone “ - Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Ensures all people have access to basic human rights.
How does peace help people?
- Is a state of total trust and unity between all people.
- Requires people to accept the rights of every individual.
- “… founded on truth, built up on justice, nurtured by charity” - Pacem in Terris
How does reconciliation help people?
- Brings back together people who have broken apart.
- Requires people to learn from the past and work together.
- Relies on acceptance and empathy.
Describe the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
Pope (head) –> Cardinals (appointed by Pope; they elect his successor) –> Bishops (responsible for diocese) –> Priests (responsible for a parish; administers sacraments) –> Deacons (preach the word of God and assist the priests) –> Lay people (non-ordained members of the Church).
Describe the interactions n shi between the pope and other ppl in the hierarchy.
- Pope leads Church.
- Pope sometimes needs to consult someone to make sure he’s making the best decisions.
- He might call a Council which is a meeting with the bishops to discuss issues that affect the whole Church.
Four major documents Second Vatican council produced.
Dei Verbum
Sacrosanctum Concillium
Lumen Gentium
Gaudium et Spes
Dei Verbum
- Deals with the importance and interpretation of the Bible.
- Stresses that the Bible should be taken seriously as the Word of God (not in a literal way).
Sacrosanctum Concillium
- Emphasises people should be able to fully worship God.
- Allows Catholics to hear Mass in their own language.
Lumen Gentium
- Deals with the nature and structure of the Church.
- Stresses all members have a role to play not just the Pope.
Gaudium et Spes
- Deals with issues related to modern society.
- Stresses the Church should guide people on how to live in the modern world.
What are the four qualities Mary had shown in the Magnificat prayer?
- Mary shows humility.
- Mary praises God’s greatness.
- Mary shows her acceptance of God’s will.
- Mary shows her trust in God.
How does Mary show humility in the Magnificat?
- “For he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant”.
- Mary recognizes she is special because of what God has done for her.
How does Mary praise God’s greatness in the Magnificat?
- Mary praises God for showing his love for all of humanity.
- “My soul magnifies the Lord … for the Mighty One has done great things for me”.
How does Mary show her acceptance of God’s will in the Magnificat?
Willingly accepted the role of mother of Jesus - her praise of God confirms her readiness to follow God’s will.
How does Mary show her trust in God in the Magnificat?
- Mary trusted God would protect her as she was a pregnant, unamarried teen who was vulnerable - and the Lord had delivered.
Why is the Magnificat controversial?
- Sense of revolution within prayer - “he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich away empty” - Luke.
- Some people think the Magnificat supports those rebelling against their governments.
- Other think the prayer just show thay God supports the weak and helpless.