PE Flashcards
Patellar reflex
L4 nerve root
Achilles reflex
S1 nerve root
L4 dermatome
anterior knee
L5 dermatome
big toe, anterior ankle and foot
S1 dermatome
pinky toe, lateral side of foot
Piriformis syndrome presentation
pain exacerbated by hip ER
+ log roll test
+ FAIR test
Log Roll Test
+ test = pain
posterior pain = piriformis syndrome
anterior/groin pain = intra-articular pathology
clicking = acetabular labral tear
Flexion Adduction IR
+ test = pain in sciatic/gluteal area
Piriformis syndrome
Psoas syndrome presentation
Pain with standing
+ Thomas test
+ FABER test
- Log roll
Thomas Test
Pt supine with LEs hanging off table, pt grabs one knee and pulls it to chest
+ test = inability to fully extend leg or other leg raises off table
Psoas syndrome
Flexion ABduction, ER
+ test = pain
groin pain = intra-articular pathology
anterior pain = psoas syndrome
Jump Sign
press on greater trochanter
+ test = pt jumps or withdraws
Trochanteric bursitis
Ober Test
Pt lateral recumbent, top knee flexed, physician adducts top hip
+ test = pain at greater trochanter or inability to adduct
IT Band Syndrome
Inspection: “C Sign”
suggests hip joint pathology
Hip Labral Loading
+ test = pain
labral or cartilaginous pathology
Hip Labral Distraction
+ test = improvement in pain
labral or cartilaginous pathology
Scour Test
Pt supine, flex hip and knee, load into hip and then ER and IR
+ test = pain
labral or cartilaginous pathology