PDF and Laws Flashcards
On the speed tape we have a red and black barber pole what is that called? What does it represent?
Vmax Lowest of Vmo Mmo Vle Vfe
What occurs as you accelerate past Vmax?
Continuous repetitive chime ECAM Until reaching high speed protection (double green marks)
What are the double green marks past the barber pole (Vmax) ? What occurs at the green marks?
Hi speed protection Occurs at 6 knots above Vmo or .01 Mach above Mmo AP Disconnect Wings level Uncommanded pitch up
What if you continue to push the aircraft forward to accelerate past high-speed protection?
The aircraft would accelerate to Vmo +30 or Mmo +.07 Continue uncommanded pitch-up until declelerating to reach Vmo +16 or Mmo +.04 then the logic would reset when decelerated below Vmax
What are the magenta brackets named on the airspeed indicator? When do you get the magenta brackets?
Econ descent range Must be in Descent Mode, Descent Phase, and Managed speed.
What is the range of the Econ descent brackets?
+/-20 knots of whats programmed in the MCDU Below 10,000 it’s +5/-20 knots
What does the green dot represent on the speed tape?
Green Dot Best L/D ICAO holding speed or driftdown speed
What configuration do you need to be in to get green dot?
What are the amber tick marks on the left side speed tape?
Vfe next - 185 knots flaps 2 177 knots flaps 3; Vmax becomes 185 knots (Vfe flaps 3)
When will the speed trend arrow be displayed?
When acceleration is greater than 2kts per second and disappears when acceleration is less than 1kt per second.
On the lower speed indicator on the airspeed tape, what does the top portion of the yellow block indicate?
Vls Lowest selectable airspeed, with autoflight /autothrust on
How is the VLS on the airspeed indicator calculated?
By the FACS
What is the next lowest speed indicated on the airspeed indicator below VLS?
Alpha Prot Which is the top of the Amber / Black alternating low speed bar.
What happens if you reach alpha prot?
BASAP Bank limited to 45 degrees AOA Commanded Speed brakes retract Autopilot kicks off Pitch nose up trim inhibited
If you’re in alpha protection when you let go of the sidestick what will occur?
The nose will fall to maintain the top of alpha prot
If you maintain full aft sidestick and your airspeed drops below alpha prot, what airspeed protection would be next? (Besides alpha floor)
You will reach the red tape which is called Alpha Max The maximum angle of attack you can reach with full aft stick. Note: You would likely reach alpha floor prior to alpha max if you have operable autothrust available (doesn’t need to be engaged) also you would hear “speed, speed, speed”
Describe alpha floor. When would you get alpha floor? What is required to be operable for alpha floor?
Alpha floor is an autothrottle function. The autothrottle must be available. Thrust will automatically go to TOGA You will receive an FMA that says A. Floor. Alpha Floor is inhibited if autothrottles are inhibited (pressed instinctive disconnect for 15 seconds, below 100ft in landing configuration)
If we degrade from normal law the low airspeed indicator will be a red and black bumblebee, the top of the bumblebee still will have a yellow bar, the top of which indicates VLS, but below this, Alpha Prot is replaced by what?
V stall warning VSW (Even though a stall could occur at any airspeed)
When would you receive a radio altimeter indication?
At 2,500 feet agl
At 2500 feet and below, what color is the RA radio altimeter indication?
The RA indication will be green until 100 feet above whatever minimums we have set in the MCDU, then it will turn Amber. If no value is entered into the MCDU it will default to 400 feet AGL If NO is entered into the radio altimeter portion it will turn Amber at 100feet (alert height). It will indicate DH at or below your decision height in the MCDU.
What flight computer detects windshear?
What is the top triangle on the primary flight display called?
The top part is the sky index or roll indicator. The bottom trapezoid is called the side slip indicator. It’s yellow. The side slip indicator can be blue when it is the beta target.
What is the difference between the yellow side slip indicator and the blue beta target?
They both are on top of the primary flight display. If you center the side slip indicator you are asking for zero sideslip. The blue beta target gives you optimum side slip for your asymmetric thrust condition. The blue beta target is only available with 1,2,3 (memory aid) Flaps 1,2, or 3 with thrust at least 1.25EPR & .3EPR or greater difference between the two.
What are the roll indicator scales on the primary flight display?
10, 20, 30, 45, 67 degrees bank
In normal law what is your max bank angle possible?
67 degrees
What are some items in normal law that would limit you to 45° bank?
In high speed or low-speed protection.
In high speed protection with a bank angle of 45° what would occur if you release the sidestick?
The aircraft would roll wings level
In low-speed protection at 45° bank what would occur if you let go of the sidestick?
The aircraft would roll back to 33° bank
What happens in normal law beyond on 33° bank?
Automatic pitch trim is lost. Once you get to 45° bank you lose the auto pilot and the flight directors.
What’s the maximum pitch you can achieve under normal law?
30° pitch Energy will deplete and pitch will be limited to 25 degrees pitch. Green tick marks indicate pitch limits. Unless with flaps for your limited to 25° pitch which will decrease to 20° pitch after energy depletion.
What are the pitch limitations on the primary flight display?
30° pitch up in all configurations except flaps full. 15° pitch down in all configurations.
What are the load limit protections in normal law?
Load protection of positive +2.5 Gs and - 1G, clean or slats. With flaps, +2Gs and 0G limits.
How do you degrade from normal law into alternate law?
Multiple failures of redundant systems or by getting into abnormal attitude.
What mode do you not have available in alternate law?
Flare mode.
What is alternate law with speed stability and alternate law without speed stability?
You won’t know which alternate law are you are in, since there is no indication in the aircraft. But if you have speed stability, at low airspeeds the aircraft will pitch down and at high airspeeds the aircraft will pitch up. You can override this protection.
On the 320 in alternate law when you put the gear down what will occur?
You’re down with the auto pilot off will transition into direct law. The PFD will say in USE MAN PITCH TRIM. You have no protections in direct law.
What items are available in mechanical back up (law)?
Manual pitch trim Rudder pedals (cables/hydraulic actuators) Thrust
What is abnormal attitude law? How do you enter into abnormal attitude law?
As a rule of thumb just double your maximum pitch and bank limits. You will enter abnormal attitude law at pitch up of 50°, pitch down of 30°, roll of 125°. Speeds of 440 kts, .91 Mach or 60kts or .1 Mach. If you recover from abnormal attitude law you don’t revert to normal law. You revert to abnormal attitude law which is similar to alternate law except that you regain flare mode.
On the altitude tape at how many feet prior to our selected altitude will be indicator box turn amber?
750 ft prior
When you get an altitude alert prior to reaching your selected altitude?
Only when hand flying, not with the auto pilot on.
When at your selected altitude what deviation will cause the altimeter indicator box to turn amber?
250 feet deviation You will also get an alert.
When do the numerical values on the altitude indicator turn amber?
When you to send below your MDA set in the MCDU the numbers will go amber.
On the IVSI when do you start receiving a numerical value? Will the pointer and numerical value ever go amber? How is the IVSI value determined?
Anytime it is greater than 200 ft per min. It will go amber at excessive vertical speeds. The IVSI value is determined by the IRs. If you happen to lose IVSI the indicator will revert to VSI and supply barometric reference and you only get an amber box around the numerical value.
What is the ground roll guidance command bar? When would you get it? What does it provide?

The Ground Roll Guidance Command Bar provides flight director yaw commands below 30 feet RA if localizer signal is available during takeoff with the RWY FMA displayed, or landing with the ROLLOUT FMA displayed. If the localizer signal is lost when RWY or ROLLOUT is engaged, the command bar provides lateral guidance based upon the runway track memorized prior to the failure. The command bar centers when the airplane is correcting toward the centerline at the commanded rate (e.g., used as steering bar to capture and maintain course).
What would happen if the captain pulls his side stick back 10° and the first officer pushes his sidestick forward 5°?
The sidestick would take a summation of both inputs and enact a pitch back of 5°
When would you get the FMA TOGA LOCK?
TOGA LOCK always occurs at ALPHA FLOOR when you have broken the high AOA condition. To disconnect TOGA LOCK, match and smash, then reengage autothrust
When would you receive THR LK?

If you have the autothrust engaged and while it’s engaged the autothrust fails. Match and smash.
What is SRS mode?
Speed reference system. It wants you to climb at a certain speed, referencing your phase of flight. Takeoff -V2 +10 V1 cut - V2 (or airspeed you’re currently doing if it’s higher!) Go around - Vapp speed or higher speed
What is the RWY TRK FMA?

After 30 feet it memorizes the runway path of the runway you took off from and presents us with a flight director display to maintain that centerline. RWY TRK is available on all runways with a HDG places into the FCU. If we don’t set a heading , we won’t get RWY TRK.
What is the difference between A THR in blue and A THR in white?

A THR blue is armed A THR white is engaged
Does the LAND FMA indicate?

Flare mode is ensured. It occcurs at 400 feet or no later than 350 feet on an autoland.
RNP Approach procedure notes
Use the QRH Checklist for setup Mandatory Go Around if GPS Primary Lost