PD review Flashcards
L1 sensory
inguinal area/upper thigh
L2 motor
hip flexion
L2 sensory
upper anterior thigh
L2 motor
hip flexion
L3 motor
knee extension
L3 sensory
knee area
L4 motor
ankle dorsilfexion
L4 sensory
dorsal of foot
L5 motor
extensor hallucis longus, hip extension
L5 sensory
web space 1/2nd toe
S1 motor
S1 sensory
plantar foot
S2,3,4 motor
motor-anal sphincter
S2,3,4 sensory
perianal area/perineum
Aortic stenosis
Harsh Systolic Upper sternal border (R 2nd intercostal space) Radiate to carotid Crescendo/decrescendo
Aortic regurgitation
Blowing Diastolic Erb's point (3rd ICS) Best heard leaning forward Left parasternal border decrescendo
Mitral stenosis
Loud S1 w/ opening snap Rumbling mid-diastolic Heard best during expiration At apex Radiate to axilla decrescendo
Mitral regurgitation
Heard at apex (mitral area)
Radiates to left axilla
Tricuspid stenosis
Left sternal border
Split S1
Tricuspid regurgitation
Right sternal border
Radiates up
Pulmonic stenosis
2nd intercostal space, left sternal border
Radiates to back
Pulmonic regurgitation
Left lower sternal border
C5 motor
shoulder aBduction
C5 sensory
deltoid skin
C6 motor
elbow flexion, wrist extension
C6 sensory
lat forearm, thumb/index
C7 motor
elbow extension, finger extension
C7 sensory
middle finger
C8 motor
finger flexion
C8 sensory
medial forearm, ring/pinky finger
T1 motor
finger aBduction/adduction
T1 sensory