PCM Special Tests Flashcards
2 tests for glenohumoral instability
Yergason test - how
Like handshake
Doc monitor at bicipital groove, grasp pt wrist - have pt supinate and ext rotate
Yergason test
+ test and indicates
+ pain or tendon subluxation out of groove
Indicates unstable bicipital tendon
Speeds test
Forward flexed, supinated and flex elbow to 15 degrees
Speeds test
+ test and indicates
+ pain in bicipital groove
Indicates bicipital tendonitis of long head biceps
Neer impingement
Neer your ear - stabilize at shoulder
Indicates subacromial bursa or rotator cuff impingement
3 tests for rotator cuff impingement
Empty can
2 tests testing supraspinatous
Empty can
Drop arm test
Empty can
Arm out, doc push down, pt resist
Indicates - rotator cuff impingement esp supraspinatous
Drop arm test
slowly drop arm or doc tap on arm
+ indicates full tear supraspinatous
Golfers elbow
Medial epicondylitis
Elbow flexed 90, supinated
doc resist pt flex wrist
Tennis elbow
Lateral epicondylitis
Elbow flexed 90, pronated
doc resist extend wrist by pt.
Valgus stress test - elbow
Slightly abducted, ext rotated, supinated and flexed to 30 degrees
Indicates MCL (ulnar CL too) injury
+ pain or laxity
Varus stress test - elbow
Slightly abducted, internally rotated, flexed to 15 degrees
+ pain or laxity
Indicates LCL injury
Tinel’s sign at wrist
Tap over transverse carpal l
+ pain, numb, tingle to thumb, index, middle = median n
Indicates median n entrapment - carpal tunnel syndrome
Phalen’s sign
wrist flexion hold up to 60s
+ reproduction of median n sxs
Indicates carpal tunnel
2 tests for carpal tunnel
Thumb in fist, ulnar deviate
+ pain in 1st dorsal compartment
Indicates DeQuervain’s tensosynovitis
Apley compression grind
Knee flexed push in and int/ext rot
+ pain with rot or compress
Indicates - meniscal injury or collateral ligament injury
Apley distraction
Knee flexed pull up and int/ext rot
+ pain with rot or compress
Indicates - collateral ligament damage
Anterior drawer test
Doc on foot, contact tibia and pull anterior
+ laxity
Indicates ACL problem
Posterior drawer test
Doc on foot, contact tibia and push posterior
+ laxity
Indicates PCL problem
Valgus Stress test - knee
Test at 30 (on docs hip) and 0
Assess for pain, quality of end feel and laxity
Indicates MCL problems
Varus stress test - knee
Test at 30 and 0
Indicates LCL disruption
Ankle Anterior drawer
grasp tib/fib and calcaneous - calcalneous anterior, should spring back
+ pain, laxity
Indicates ATF ligament path/tear
Talar tilt test
Contact tib/fib and calcaneous
Invert talus to assess ROM
+ increased ROM, pain
Indicates calcaneofibular l path/tear and some ATF
Squeeze test
Squeeze distal tib/fib and release rapidly
+ pain
Indicates syndesmosis path - high ankle sprain
Thompson test
Pt prone, foot off table, squeeze calf
+ absence of plantar flexion
Indicates Achilles tendon rupture
Homan’s sign
Pt laying with leg extended, doc dorsiflex foot and squeeze calf
+ pain
Indicates thrombophlemitis or acute venous thrombosis
Scour test
Central compartment hip
Flex and ext rot hip, load into socket
Run through annular ROM
Indicates labral pathology
Apprehension - FABER 1
Central compartment
Doc induces external rotation by pushing at knee
+ anterior subluxation of hip, pain
Indicates anterior labral pathology
Central compartment hip tests
Apprehension - Faber 1
Peripheral compartment hip tests
Rectus femoris test
Ely’s test
Peripheral compartment
Pt prone, flex knees
+ - ipsilateral hip raises off the table
Indicates rectus femoris contracture
Rectus femoris test
Leg off the table
Looking at knee angle
+ less than 90 degrees
Indicates rectus femoris contracture
Lateral compartment hip tests
Ober’s test
Patrick’s - Faber’s 2
Ober’s test
Lateral compartment LR, doc behind pt Abduct leg and lower while stabilizing hip \+ inability to adduct Indicates IT band contracture
Lateral compartment
Pt lift one leg
+ inability to hold hips level
Indicates contralateral gluteus medius weakness
Patrick’s - FABER 2
Lateral compartment doc brace contralateral ASIS Pt pushes down against doc hand \+ pain, weakness Indicates gluteus medius pathology
Anterior compartment hip tests
Patricks - Fabers 3
Thomas test
Patricks - Fabers 3
Anterior compartment
Push up against docs hand
Indicates iliopsoas pathology
Thomas test
Leg off table, looking at hip extension
+ inability to extend at hip
Indicates hip flexor contraction