PCC Sem II Final Flashcards
Relating to the entire world
A person’s life work
Self-management skills
Ability to take good care of yourself
Performance evaluations
What does N.O.W. stand for? Provide a brief description of each part as well.
N- new skills: what you learn while becoming more independent
O- orientation to new settings: knowing where you are in relation to everything else
W- world-wise view: knowing you live in a big world
What does self-management skills mean? What are the two factors involved? How important is self-management?
Self-management skills means that you take responsibility for what you do.
two factors included are the quality and quantity of your performance.
Self-management is very important wherever you go.
What two types of feedback does evaluation come in(wether it’s from ourselves our others)?
The two types of feedback are:
Formal and informal
What is the appropriate response to feedback?
The appropriate response is to use it constructively so you can improve.
What are the items on the checklist to decide if you are skillful in managing yourself?
The items in the checklist are: You -don't blame anyone else for what happens to you, -don't try to control anyone else, -take credit for what you do right, -admit when you make mistakes, -promise to learn from every mistake, -and you think about the results of your actions before you act.
Why is it important to recognize consequences of choices and actions before doing them?
It is important because understanding what you gain if you follow requirements, and what you lose by not following them, is critical in today’s world.
Where did the term deadline originate? How has its definition changed today? Do we still suffer from not meeting deadlines?
It originated from the Civil War era because there would be a line surrounding a prison, and if a prisoner crossed it p, he was liable to be shot.
The meaning has changed because we no longer have such fatal consequences, however, we still suffer form not meeting deadlines.
The three keys to self-management and becoming oriented to your surroundings are:
- Know what is expected to you
- Meet those expectations or ask for help if you cannot meet them
- Change your behavior of necessary
What are the main tips for improving your study skills?
The main tips are:
- study on purpose
- start now
- find the best time
- commit
- don’t get distracted
- set the stage
- use a system
Careers in Arts, Entertainment, and Media include what sampling of careers?
They include: All types of art Camera work Editing Journalism Modeling Photography Public relations Sports And writing
What does SMART stand for in goal writing? Why should we write goals in this form?
SMART stands for:
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed
We should write goals in this form so our goal is well-written, and easier to complete.
Transferable skills
Skills you can use in many different jobs
Communication styles
The way you give and receive information form others
You talents, or how well you naturally perform certain tasks
Name the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator 4 categories of measurements.
Someone who likes to study alone(i)
Believes only what he sees(s)
Likes to follow a schedule(j)
There are many factors that determine who you are. Name those included:
Physical characteristics Personality Skills Values Heredity Environment Life experiences
Careers in Science, Math,mane Engineering include what careers?
Work in architecture; engineering, life, physical, and social sciences; math and computers
Why are careers in Math declining?
Math is becoming more integrated into other career areas.
Such as engineering computer science, physics, and finance
What are the three styles of communication and what do they mean?
The three styles are:
Passive: .don’t stand up for yourself
Aggressive: stand up for yourself
Assertive: stand up for yourself and others
What does SCANS stand for? Why did they come up with this list of skills?
Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills
Came up with them to study workplace skills
What does using assessments and inventories do for you?
They help you define and identify who you are
What are the two types of goals we should set for ourselves? Why do we need both?
The two types are short-terms and long-term.
We need short-term goals to be successful and have goals that are easy to achieve. We need long-term goals that take longer to achieve.
What is the Pareto Principle? Why should we use it in problem solving?
The Pareto Principle is a way to make sure you handle a situation correctly.
We should use it to develop better strategies.
Lifelong learner
The educational and training will never be finished
Associate degree
Full-time and part-time study for two years
Graduate degree
Advanced study or specialized degree
Stepping-stone goal
Realistic short-term goals that will help you reach you long-term goal
What five areas are good to identify when exploring your lifestyle and career you would want?
Personality Interests Values Aptitudes Skills
What areas do you need to compare and consider in specific careers?
Career outlook Responsibilities and tasks Values Focus of the work Salary Work environment Education and training Skills and Aptitudes Working hours
What three areas of focus of work do we need to decide what we prefer?
Or things
Why should we compare different post-secondary schools within a major course of study we are considering?
Global competition and today’s economy have increased the end for post secondary education and training.
Careers in Mechanics , Installers, and Repairers can include what careers?
Appliance repair
Diesel mechanics
Heating and air conditioning technicians
Auto mechanics
Electrical repairers
Mill wrights precision instrument repairers
Small engine mechanics
Why are jobs for small engine mechanics projected to increase?
People are buying more motorcycles, boats, and lawn & garden equipment that will need results.
Not applicable
A summary of information about a person
A collection of samples of your work
The record of your grades
Background check
Investigating past and present information about you from former employers, schools, and the police
What components should be included in a resume?
Contact info Highlights Career profile References Main sections
What are the important points to remember?
Highlight the skills that are appropriate for the job
Stress what you offer rather than just what you are looking for
Always write a resume that is applicable to the particular job
What are the tips for filling out a job application?
Ask for a 2nd job application
Ask for permission to take the application form
Read the entire application before you start
What qualities should you keep in mind when creating an A+ interview?
Your nonverbal behavior Your attitude Your body language How you talk End the interview strongly
What are three questions an interviewer most commonly asks
Why don’t you tell me about yourself?
Why should I hire you?
What are your major strengths/weaknesses?