PC and H&S Codes Flashcards
30600(a) PC
Manufacture, distribution, sale, offer to sale, import, give or lend an assault rife or .50 BMG rifle
11550(e) HS
Possession of a loaded, operable firearm while under the influence
11370.1 HS
Possession of a Controlled Substance w/ loaded, operable firearm
23920 PC
(a) Obliterated identifying marks of firearm
(b) unserialized firearm
25400(a)(1) PC
concealed firearm in vehicle
25400(a)(2) PC
Concealed firearm on person
25400(a)(3) PC
Concealed firearm on passenger in vehicle
25400 PC (Felonies)
c1- Prior felony
c2- Knew/should have known stolen
c3- Active participant in a criminal street gang
c4- Not in lawful possession
c5- Prior conviction for crime against a person, property, or narcotics
c6- loaded firearm and not DOJ registered
25800(a) PC
Carrying loaded firearm on person or in vehicle while in public place/street
c1- prior felony
c2- knew/should have known stolen
c3- Active participant of street gang
c4- not in lawful possession
c5- prior crime against person/property or narcotics
c6- not listed with DOJ
27590(b)(5) PC
gang member selling gun
32625(a) PC
Possession or transportation of a machine gun
30605 PC
Possession of Assault weapon
32900 PC
Possession of multiburst trigger activator
33600 PC
possession or manufacture, or offer to sell zip gun
29800(a)(1) PC
Possession of firearm by convicted felon or narcotics addict
30305(a) PC
Felon in possession of ammo
30315 PC
Possession of metal or armor piercing handgun ammo
30320 PC
manufacture, sale or transport of metal or armor piercing handgun ammo
29825(b) PC
possession of firearm by restrained person
29900(a) PC
Possession of firearm by felon convicted of violent crime
21600 PC
driver/owner knowingly permit another whether or not in vehicle:
a- to cary loaded firearm in car
b- discharge firearm from motor vehicle
c- discharge firearm from vehicle at another person
d- discharge from motor vehicle
487(d)(2) PC
Theft of firearm
11395(b)(1) HS
Possess controlled substance w/ 2 or more priors
666.1(a) PC
Petty theft w/ 2 or more priors
11350(a) HS
Possession of controlled substance (heroine, cocaine, unprescribed drugs)
11351 HS
Possession of a controlled substance for sale (ie cocaine)
11351.5 HS
Possession of cocaine base for sale (crack)
11352(a) HS
Transportation sale or distribution of controlled substance
11357 HS
Unlawful possession of marijuana
- (a) Under 21 with less 1oz or 8g
-(b) 21 and over less than 1oz or 8g
-(c) (a) subsection in k-12 school by 18yro
-(d) in school under 18yo
11358 HS
Unlawful cultivation of marijuana
11359 HS
Possession of marijuana for sales
11360 HS
Transportation of marijuana for sales
11364(a) HS
Possession of drug paraphernalia
11377(a) HS
Possession of controlled substance (meth, lsd, ecstasy, other)
11378 HS
Possession of meth for sales
11379(a) HS
Transportation sales or distribution of meth or other drugs
11379.6(a) HS
Manufacturing controlled substance
11383 HS
Possession of precursor chemicals for manufacture
Regulation of controlled substance analogues
11379.7 HS
Manufacturing drugs in presence of a minor
12022.53 PC
Use of a firearm in the commission of a felony