PBA Articles 20-23 Flashcards
Sick leave shall be granted to all employees for hours actually worked on the basis of ___ hours for each bi-weekly payroll period.
Any employee may be granted a maximum of ___ hours of accrued sick leave per calendar year in order to provide required care for an ill child, spouse, other legal dependent, parent, or family member or any other member of the employee’s immediate household.
Any employee may be granted a maximum of ___ hours of accrued sick leave per calendar year for personal (non-illness) purposes.
Employees with ten or more years of continuous service may be granted a maximum of _____ hours of
accrued sick leave per calendar year for personal (non-illness) purposes.
To receive compensation while absent or sick, the
employee shall notify his immediate supervisor or his bureau or division commander not less than ___ hour prior to his scheduled reporting time.
one (1)
An employee upon longevity, deferred or disability retirement from the City under the pension plan shall be paid in a lump sum at the time of such retirement for _____ of the employee’s accumulated unused
sick leave account at his rate of pay as of the date of such retirement.
one-half (1/2)
Upon the death of an employee, his/her legal heirs shall receive a lump sum payment equal to ___ of the
employee’s accumulated unused sick leave account at the employee’s last rate of pay.
In the event that an employee has exhausted annual and/or sick leave balances, the supervisor may authorize absence without pay for legitimate purposes up to a maximum of __ working days in a calendar year.
Additional absences without pay may be authorized at the discretion of the Chief of Police, however, no employee may be authorized more than ____ hours of absence without pay in a calendar year.
eighty (80)
An employee who is absent without leave for ____ consecutive days may be dismissed as quit without notice.
A personal or medical leave of absence without
pay may be granted to employees who have completed at least ___ year of continuous
Medical leave shall be granted only after all sick leave benefits in excess of ___ hours have been exhausted.
A personal or medical leave of absence may be granted for a specific period greater than _____
calendar days but not in excess of ____ continuous calendar months.
fourteen (14)
six (6)
The Chief of Police may grant extension periods of absent without pay up to an additional ____ months, to the original leave of
absence with the approval of the Director of Human Resources, for a maximum total of ____ continuous calendar months.
six (6)
twelve (12)
A period of less than fourteen (14) calendar days may be granted as excused Leave Without Pay (“AWP”) at the discretion of the ________.
Chief of Police
All employee benefits shall cease during a ______ leave of absence.
In the event that an employee is granted a medical leave of absence, the employee shall continue to receive the same health and life insurance benefits as when the employee was active for a maximum of ___ months.
six (6)
The date after which recovery or lasting improvement can no longer reasonably be anticipated.
Maximum Medical Improvement
The recuperative period of time during which an individual is not able to perform at full capacity the duties which the employee was performing at the time of injury.
Temporary Total Disability
A workers’ compensation leave of absence may be granted for a specific period greater than ____ calendar days but not in excess of ____ continuous calendar months.
fourteen (14)
six (6)
A period of less than fourteen (14) calendar days may be granted as excused Leave Without Pay (“AWP”) at the discretion of the ______.
Chief of Police
An employee who is placed on a Workers’ Compensation Leave of Absence must file a complete application for disability retirement with the applicable pension board within _____ calendar days of being placed on the Workers’ Compensation Leave of Absence.
forty-five (45)