PB#116: Management of Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Tracings Flashcards
Definition of FHR baseline
Mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 bpm over 10 min segment, excluding periodic/episodic changes, periods of marked variability, and/or segments of baseline that differ by >25 bpm
Minimum time requirement for FHT to be considered a baseline
2 mins in any 10 min segment, or else baseline for that period is indeterminate (in which case one may refer to prior 10 min window for determining baseline)
Normal baseline
110-160 bpm
Fetal tachycardia
> 160 bpm
Fetal bradycardia
<110 bpm
Definition of FHR variability
Fluctuations in baseline FHR that are irregular in amplitude and frequency, visually quantitated as amplitude of peak-to-trough in bpm
Absent variability
Undetectable amplitude range
Minimal variability
Amplitude range detectable but <5 bpm
Moderate variability
Amplitude range 6-25 bpm
Marked variability
Amplitude range >25 bpm
Definition of accels
Visually apparent abrupt increase (onset to peak <30 secs) in FHR
Criteria for accels at 32+wga; criteria for accels at <32wga
Peak >15 bpm above baseline, w/ duration of >15 secs but <2 mins from onset to return; peak >10 bpm above baseline, w/ duration of >10 secs but <2 mins from onset to return
Definition of prolonged accel
Lasting >2 mins but <10 mins in duration
What is it considered if an accel lasts >10 mins?
Baseline change
Definition of early decels
Visually apparent usually symmetrical gradual decrease and return of FHR associated w/ ctx, wherein onset to nadir is >30 secs, and nadir of decel occurs at same time as ctx peak
Timing of onset/nadir/recovery of early decel as it relates to ctx (in most cases)
Coincident w/ beginning/peak/ending of ctx, respectively
Definition of late decels
Visually apparent usually symmetrical gradual decrease and return of FHR associated w/ ctx, wherein onset to nadir is >30 secs, and nadir of decel occurring after peak of ctx
Timing of onset/nadir/recovery of late decel as it relates to ctx (in most cases)
Occur after beginning/peak/ending of ctx, respectively
Definition of variable decels
Visually apparent abrupt decrease in FHR, wherein onset to nadir is <30 secs, decrease is >15 bpm, and lasts >15 secs but <2 mins in duration
Are onset/depth/duration of variable decels consistent across ctxs?
No, they commonly vary w/ successive ctxs
How is decrease in FHR calculated when evaluating decels?
From onset to nadir
Definition of prolonged decels
Visually apparent decrease in FHR, wherein decrease is >15 bpm, and lasts >2 mins but <10 mins in duration
What is it considered if a decel lasts >10 mins?
Baseline change
Definition of sinusoidal pattern
Visually apparent, smooth, sine wave-like undulating pattern in FHR baseline w/ cycle frequency of 3-5 per min, which persists for >20 mins
Definition of normal contractility
5 or fewer ctxs in 10 mins averaged over 30 min period
Definition of tachysystole
> 5 ctxs in 10 mins averaged over 30 min period
How should tachysystole always be qualified?
In the presence/absence of decels
Criteria for Cat 1 FHTs
Include all of the following: normal baseline, mod variability, absent late/variable decels, present/absent early decels, present/absent accels
General classification, acid-base status prediction, and recommended monitoring for Cat 1 FHTs
Normal, strongly predictive of normal fetal acid-base status at time of obs, can be monitored in routine manner (no specific action required)
How often should FHT be reviewed in a pt w/o complications in first stage of labor, in second stage of labor?
q30mins, q15mins
When is management necessary for FHT that is Cat I?
Only if evolution to Cat II or Cat III
Criteria for Cat 2 FHTs
Brady not accompanied by absent variability; tachy; min variability; absent variability w/o recurrent decels; marked variability; absence of induced accels after fetal stim; recurrent variable decels accompanied by min/mod variability; prolonged decel; recurrent late decels w/ mod variability; variable decels w/ other characteristics (ie slow return to baseline, overshoots, “shoulders”)
General classification, recommended monitoring, potential considerations for Cat 2 FHTs
Indeterminate, require evaluation and continued surveillance/reevaluation, may require ancillary testing of fetal wellbeing and/or intrauterine resuscitative measures