Patient dose in nuclear medicine Flashcards
What factors influence patient dose in nuclear medicine?
- Administered activity.
- Radionuclide characteristics (emission and energy).
- Radiopharmaceutical characteristics (uptake and excretion).
- Patient specific factors.
Who decides how much activity is administered to a patient?
- Administration of radioactive substances advisory committee (ARSAC) license holder.
- ARSAC provide guidance (notes for guidance) for good clinical practice but this is not mandatory.
When may a different activity from the DRL be administered?
- Patients of significantly different weight to average.
- Paediatric patients.
- Pregnant patients.
How is DRL variation for paediatrics determined?
- ARSAC notes for guidance provides the fraction of adult administered activity given the weight of the child. It also provides minimum activities to gain adequate image quality.
- Other ways include the European association of nuclear medicine’s recommendation to use body surface area.
What is the procedure for pregnant patients?
- Ask to sign to confirm not pregnant.
- Exam may be delayed.
- Justification (i.e. benefits outweigh risks) and optimisation required if exams to go ahead.
What level of risk does a dose of 1 mGy to a foetus correspond to when considering background and adverse effects?
- Comparable to variations in natural background radiation.
- 1 in 17 000 chance of adverse effect (e.g. childhood cancer).
What steps are taken with regards to pregnancy for radionuclide therapy patients?
- Pregnancy is contraindicative for therapy.
- ARSAC notes for guidance provides the time required for the patient to avoid pregnancy post-therapy.
What steps are taken with regards to breastfeeding for nuclear medicine patients?
- Instructions to interrupt breastfeeding for certain amounts of time (see ARSAC notes for guidance).
- Advised to bank breast milk prior to treatment and throw away radioactive breast milk.
What are some other dose reduction techniques in nuclear medicine?
- Keep patient is well hydrated to ensure kidneys are working optimally and patient will excrete radioactive material quicker.
- Organ uptake blocking (e.g. thyroid blocking agent for I-123).
What do we need to know to determine the radiation dose to the patient?
- Number of disintegrations.
- Average energy emitted per disintegration.
- Fraction absorbed in critical tissue.
- A method of combining the information (Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) committee guidance tables).
What are the basic concepts of the MIRD dose calculation method?
- Separate into source organs (i.e. those with significant uptake of the isotope) and target organs (i.e. those that are receiving a radiation dose from the source organ).
- Work out activity taken up by source organ and the time it remains there (uptake and clearance).
- Work out total amount of radiation energy emitted by radiopharmaceutical during its residence in the source organ.
- Fraction of energy emitted by source organ which can be absorbed by target organ.
- Find or estimate mass of target organ.
- Dose to target = Energy absorbed per unit mass.
How is the mean energy per disintegration determined?
- This is a characteristic of the radionuclide used and is available in textbooks.
- Some decay schemes can be complex.
- Penetrating and non-penetrating radiation need to be considered separately.
- Total energy is the sum of each component.
What is the fraction of energy absorbed by the target organ if it is also the source organ and emits beta radiation?
1 as all the radiation emitted by the source organ will be absorbed by the target organ.
How is the absorbed fraction determined?
- Monte Carlo modelling of distributions from specific radiopharmaceuticals in a range of human models (adults and children of various ages) to produce lookup tables.
- Assumes standard organ sizes and masses.
What is the S-value? How does it relate to the absorbed dose? Where can S-values be found?
- S = (delta.phi)/m_t where delta is the mean energy emitted per decay (J), phi is the fraction of energy absorbed by the target organ and m_t is the mass of the target organ.
- It is the mean absorbed energy per disintegration (Gy/(Bq s)) such that the absorbed dose equals D = A_tilde.S where A_tilde is the is the total number of decays.
- MIRD pamphlets have tables which provide S-values (absorbed dose per cumulated activity) for selected radionuclides and organs.
How is the total number of decays (A_tilde) determined for mono-exponential decay? How is this modified for a dual phase exponential?
- Total number of disintegrations over the time that the activity remains in the source organ is the integral of the exponential curve.
- A_tilde = A_0/decay constant where the decay constant can be estimated as 1/0.69.T_eff where T_eff is the effective half-life => A_tilde = 1.44.A_0.T_eff.
- For dual phase exponentials, the cumulated activity can be summed, minusing the area of overlap: A_tilde = 1.44.[T_eff1.A_1 + T_eff2.A2 - T_eff1.A2].
What is the general equation for the absorbed dose? What is the simplified equation?
- D = (delta.phi).A_tilde/m_t where delta is the mean energy emitted per decay (J), phi is the fraction of energy absorbed by the target organ, A_tilde is the total number of decays and m_t is the mass of the target organ.
- D = 1.44.A_0.T_eff.S where A_0 is the activity in the source organ at T = 0, T_eff is the effective half-life and S is the S-value (Gy/(Bq s)).