Pathophysiology Exam #3 Flashcards

NOTE: Lesion anterior to optic chiasm that involves
both R lateral and medial fibers leading to loss of
R lateral and medial visual fields
(complete blindness in R eye)

NOTE: Location of lesion is anterior to optic chiasm that involves only lateral fibers leading to loss of R medial visual fields
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- Anterior to the optic chiasm
- Only interruption to the lateral fibers
- Leading to loss of medial visual fields

NOTE: Location of lesion is ANTERIOR to the optic chiasm that involves only L medial fibers leading to loss of L lateral visual field

NOTE: Location of lesion is POSTERIOR to optic chiasm that involves only R lateral fibers leading to loss of R medial visual fields
• Notice that the interruption is POSTERIOR to the optic chiasm in the optic radiations

NOTE: Location of lesion is POSTERIOR to optic chiasm that involves only medial fibers leading to loss of R lateral visual fields

NOTE: Location of lesion on the R side POSTERIOR to the optic chiasm that involves both lateral and medial fibers leading to L lateral and R medial visual field losses
• Called “LEFT – SIDED” because of that is where
the visual loss is,• NOT, where the injury is

NOTE: Lesion at optic chiasm that involves medial fibers from both eyes leading to R and L lateral visual field losses
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- Likely caused by enlargement of the pituitary
- If it continues to grow, it will also affect the lateral fibers.
Posterior what is the first structure encountered?
Skin-Posterior surface of the body
After the skin what is the next structure?
Subcutaneous Tissue
After Subcutaneous Tissue what is the next structure?
Supraspinal Ligament
After Supraspinal Ligament what is the next structure?
Interspinal Ligament
After Interspinal Ligament what is the next structure?
Gap between Left and Right Ligamenta Flava
After the gap between the left and right Ligamenta Flava what is the next structure?
Epidural Space
After Epidural Space what is the next structure?
Dura Mater
After the Dura Mater what is the next structure?
Subdural Space
After the Subdural Space what is the next structure?
Arachnoid Mater
After the Arachnoid Mater what is the next structure?
Subarachnoid Space/CSF
After the Subarachnoid Space/CSF what is the next structure?
Posterior(Dorsal) Median Sulcus
After the Posterior(Dorsal) Median Sulcus what is the next structure?
Pia Mater
After the Pia Mater what is the next structure?
Posterior(Dorsal) Column White Matter
After the Posterior(Dorsal) Column White Matter what is the next structure?
Posterior Gray Commissure
After the Posterior Gray Commissure what is the next structure?
Central Canal of the Spinal Cord
After the Central Canal of the Spinal Cord what structure is next?
Anterior Gray Commissure
After the Anterior Gray Commissure what is the next structure?
Anterior White Commissure
After the Anterior White Commissure what is the next structure?
Pia Mater
After the Pia Mater what is the next structure?
Anterior(Ventral) Median Fissure
After the Anterior Median Fissure what is the next structure?
Anterior Spinal Artery
After the Anterior Spinal Arter what is the next structure?
Subarachnoid Space
After the Subarachnoid Space what is the next structure?
Arachnoid Mater
After the Arachnoid Mater what is the next structure?
Subdural Space
After the Subdural Space what is the next structure?
Dura Mater
After the Dura Mater what is the next structure?
Epidural Space
After the Epidural Space what is the next structure?
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
After the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament what is the next structure?
Anulus Fibrosus
After the Anulus Fibrosus what is the next structure?
Nucleus Pulposus
After the Nucleus Pulposus what is the next structure?
Anulus Fibrosus
After the Anulus Fibrosus what is the next structure which is the most anterior?
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
What nerve innervates?

Axillary Nerve
What nerve innervates?

Radial Nerve
What nerve innervates?

Musculocutaneous Nerve
What nerve innervates?

Ulnar Nerve
What nerve innervates?

Median Nerve