Pathophysiology Flashcards
congenital absence or closure of a body orifice or tubular organ
[atresia] Type A (I)
lower esophagus closed
[atresia] Type B (II)
upper esophagus connects with trachea
[atresia] Type C (III)
lower esophagus connects with trachea
[atresia] Type D
both upper and lower esophagus connect to trachea
[atresia] Type E (H-type)
w/o esophageal atresia, upper and lower esophagus connect to trachea
[atresia] s/s
choking, dyspnea (shortness of breath), cyanosis, gagging, excessive salivation
[atresia] dx
radiography - ngt cannot pass thru
[atresia] Cx
aspiration (accidental breathing in of food or fluid into the lungs)
[atresia] Tx
abnormal tube-like passage from one structure to another
[fistula] pathogenesis
malformation during organo. caused by lack of cell differentiation of trachea, during 4th-6th wk
[fistula] Tx
most common type of bowel atresia, blockage ion ileum (final, longest section of SI)
Ileal Atresia
[ileal atresia] pathogenesis
unknown, caused by vascular accident during fetal dev’t
[ileal atresia] s/s
abdominal distention, inability to pass stool
[ileal atresia] Tx
resection-anastomosis (connection created)
second most common type of bowel atresia (1:20,000)
duodenal atresia
[duodenal atresia] s/s
vomiting, distended epigastrum
[duodenal atresia] Dx
sonography- dilated stomach w/o other fluid collections in the abdo
rad’phy - “double bubble”
[duodenal atresia] Cx
[duodenal atresia] Tx
congenital disorder of dev’t of distal rectum and anus may lead to complete bowel obstruction
colonic atresia
[colonic atresia] pathophy
gas and stool cannot pass thru a narrow area
[colonic atresia] s/s
bloating/swelling, passing no stool, vomiting
[colonic atresia] Dx
[colonic atresia]Cx
perforation, infection, sepsis
[colonic atresia] Tx
anal opening to the exterior is absent
anal agenesis (imperforate anus)
[anal agenesis] s/s
stool from the vagina
urine from the anus
[anal agenesis] Dx
crosstable lateral rectum proj. (prone)
fistulogram -use cm
[anal agenesis] Cx
fistula formation w/ the genitourinary system, perineum vagina
[anal agenesis] Tx
enlargement of sphincter, greatly narrowed pyloric canal, commonly confused with pylorospasm
hypertophic pyloric/pylorus
pyloric stenosis
[pyloric stenosis] pathophy
idiopathic; assoc. with TGF-a, nerve dysfunction
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of pyloric spincter
[pyloric stenosis] s/s
projectile bile free-emesis, vomiting, inability to gain wt., immed. hungry in b/w feedings, dehydration
[pyloric stenosis] Dx
physical ex. -olive sign
sonography - highly accurate-standard
[pyloric stenosis] Dx (sonography)
- thickness of pylorus >5cm
- target sign
[pyloric stenosis] Dx (conventional)
- caterpillar sign - peristaltic waves
[pyloric stenosis] Dx (ugis)
- String sign - elongated pylorus
- Double track sign - caused by redundant mucosa in the narrowed pyloric lumen
- Mushroom sign (umbrella sign) - thickened muscle
- Shoulder sign - hypertrophied pyloric muscle on Ba filled antrum
- Beak Sign - filling of the proximal pylorus
inappropriate rotation, anomalous position fixation of S and L bowel; incidence for m and f are the same
[malrotation] s/s
bilious vomiting, bloody stool, constipation
[malrotation] Dx
Ugis - golden standard
[malrotation] dx deviations from the normal route of the contrast in the duodenum , may show gastric torsion
ugis (gold standard)
[malrotation] dx - BaE
evaluate location of cecum
[malrotation] dx- sonography
if ugis and enema is contraindicated -complementary- 3rd part of duodenum is b/w aorta and SMA
[malrotation] dx- sonography
if ugis and enema is contraindicated -complementary- 3rd part of duodenum is b/w aorta and SMA
[malrotation] dx- sonography
if ugis and enema is contraindicated -complementary- 3rd part of duodenum is b/w aorta and SMA
[malrotation] Cx
volvulus- twisting of intestine on itself,
incarceration of bowel (internal hernia),
[malrotation] Rx
resection anastomosis for complications
contain nerve cell are missing from the muscle layer of a part of the LI - prevent normal relaxation (1:5000-male predominance)
absence of [..] and [..] in bowel wall typically in [..]
Hirschsprung disease
Meissner and Auerbach plexus
sigmoid colon
Hirschsprung disease other name
congenital aganglionic megacolon
[Hirschsprung disease] pathophy
unknown, linked to manifestation of parasympathetic nervous system
inheritance of RET protooncogene in chromosome 10
[Hirschsprung disease] s/s
distended/dilated sigmoid
narrow rectum
severe constipation
recurrent fecal impaction
[Hirschsprung disease] Dx
[Hirschsprung disease] Cx
distended abdomen, constipation,
fecal impaction (toxic megacolon) - BaE contraindication
congenital diverticulum of distal ileum, abnormal pouch or pocket of distal ileum (w/in 6 ft of ileocecal valve)
Meckel Diverticulum
[Meckel Diverticulum] pathophy
remnant of a duct connecting the SB to umbilicus failure to remove the vitelline duct
[Meckel Diverticulum] rule of 2s
-2% gen pop
-located on antimesenteric border of ileum 2 ft from ileocecal valve
-2in length-diverticulum
[Meckel Diverticulum] s/s
rectal bleeding, cramping, vomiting, bowel obstruction
[Meckel Diverticulum] Dx
SPECT- Tc99m with pertechnetate - Meckel Scans
[Meckel Diverticulum] Cx
bleeding due to ulceration, abdominal camping, vomiting, bowel obstruction
[Meckel Diverticulum] Tx
abnormal digestion and absorption of gluten in SB
gluten-sensitive enteropathy
[gluten-sensitive enteropathy] other name
non tropical sprue
celiac sprue/disease
[gluten-sensitive enteropathy] s/s
diarrhea, fatigue, wt. loss, bloating and gas, abdo pain, vomiting, constipation
[gluten-sensitive enteropathy] Dx
SIS - appear as stack of coins
biopsy of SB
[gluten-sensitive enteropathy] Dx
SIS - appear as stack of coins
[gluten-sensitive enteropathy] Tx
Rec. avoid food containing gluten, vitamin therapy
[gluten-sensitive enteropathy] Tx
Rec. avoid food containing gluten, vitamin therapy
inability to digest certain carbohydrates (including lactose bc of an acquired lactase deficiency) - 60% non white popu
carbohydrate intolerance
[carbohydrate intolerance] s/s
cramping and diarrhea
[carbohydrate intolerance] Dx
SIS - Ba + lactose - increased transit time, dilution in the distal ileum and colon
stack of coins appearance - dilated LS
[carbohydrate intolerance] Cx
nutritional deficiencies
[carbohydrate intolerance] Tx
abstain from consumption of dairy products
narrowing of esophagus
esophageal stricture
[esophageal stricture] pathophy
inflammation of the mucosa
[esophageal stricture] s/s
edema, swelling, scarring or perforation
[esophageal stricture] dx
benign stricture - smooth
malignant tumor - ragged
[esophageal stricture] tx
surgery, corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory), repeated dilation using tubes
due to backward flow of gastric acid and contents into the esophagus due to an incompetent cardiac sphincter
[GERD] pathophy
no definitive pathologic cause, not necessarily always abnormal
[GERD] s/s
heart burn, backwash, upper abdo pain, chest pain, dysphagia
[GERD] dx not useful test
UGIS - variable sensitivity and specificity, used to identify patho assoc. w/ gerd
[GERD] dx provides functional and morphologic
sonography- too sensitive, less specific
[pyloric stenosis] Tx
[Hirschsprung disease] Tx
Resection + Colostomy
[GERD] dx gold standard
Ph Probe Test - place catheter inside nasogastric to assess acid level for 24 hrs up to 96 hrs
[GERD] dx
ph probe test
Reflux Scintigraphy - Tc-99m DTPA w/ H20
esophagitis, ulceration of esophagus
truncal elevation, avoid coffee, alcohol, chocolate, smoking
H2 blockers
surgery -last resort
errossion of mucous membrane of the lower end of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum
peptic ulcer
[peptic ulcer] pathophy
duodenal ulcers - all ages, usually benign, duodenal bulb
gastric ulcers - >40 yrs, lesser curvature and antrum , can lead to malignancy
H-pylori- increased gastrin production
NSAIDS - damage epithelial cells
[peptic ulcer] acute
last up to 3 wks
pinhead-inch size
MC- pylorus
rarely involve muscular coat
[peptic ulcer] subacute
fewer in no. maybe single
involve muscular coat
[peptic ulcer] chronic
if still persist in 2 mos
MC: lesser curvature
[peptic ulcer] s/s
duodenal ulcer - midmorning pain relieved by food but returns after 2-3 hrs
gastric ulcers - epigastric pain (relieved or aggravated by food)
[peptic ulcer] Dx
endoscopy -primary modality
double contrast ugis
ct or upright abdo radiograph
[peptic ulcer] double cont ugis rad app
radiating spikelike wheels of mucosal folds that run into the edge of the crater, round and irregular edges
for malignancy, Carman Meniscus Sign - lenticular shape of Ba under gastric ulcer
[peptic ulcer] Cx
bowel obstruction, infection, peritonitis
[peptic ulcer] Tx
antibiotic, surgery for hemorrhage or perforation