Pathoma- Vasculitis Flashcards
What symptoms are common to all vasculidities?
- nonspecific symptoms (myalgia, malaise, etc)
2. symptoms of organ ischemia (depending on the organ)
What are 2 ways organ ischemia can occur?
- thrombosis in a BV
2. fibrosis of the BVs
What are the 2 large vessel vasculidities?
- temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis
2. Takayasu Arteritis
What is temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis?
the most common form of vasculitis in older adults, usually affects females over age 50; manifests in carotid artery and its branches
What are the s/s of temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis?
headache visual disturbances jaw claudication flu-like symptoms (joint and muscle pain) elevated ESR (>100)
What is seen in the biopsy of temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis?
inflamed vessel wall
giant cells (due to granulomatous vasculitis)
intimal fibrosis
segmental lesions
What is the tx for temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis?
corticosteroids ASAP
Why is tx so important in temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis?
high risk of blindness w/o tx
How are Takayasu Arteritis and temporal (Giant Cell) arteritis different?
in Takayasu:
- younger than age 50, usually young Asian females
- usu aortic arch at branch points
- weak or absent pulse in upper extremities
What BVs do the medium-vessel vasculidities supply?
they’re muscular arteries that supply organs
Name the medium vessel vasculidities.
- Polyarteritis Nodosa
- Kawasaki Disease
- Buerger Disease
What are the features of Polyarteritis Nodosa?
- multiple artery inflammation
- necrotizing vasculitis
- involves most organs EXCEPT THE LUNG
- in young adults
- serum HBsAg (hep B surface antigen)
How do the Polyarteritis Nodosa lesions look on imaging?
string-of-pearls nodulation (fibrinoid necrosis)
What is the tx for Polyarteritis Nodosa?
corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide
What happens in untreated Polyarteritis Nodosa?