Pathology Flashcards
Hyponaturemia, cerebral edema, and neurological dysfunction
Excess ADH
Graves’ disease
- Hypothyroidism in older adults and children
- Slowed metabolism and increased deposition of cutaneous glucosaminoglycans
Hypothyroidism and associated intellectual deficiency and growth disturbances
How does slowed metabolism and increased deposition of cutaneous glycosaminoglycans effect the skin?
Pre-tibial myxedema = imparts a thickened and dry characteristic to cutaneous tissues
High levels of growth hormone in adults, after growth plates have fused
High levels of growth hormone before the fusion of growth plates
- chronic adrenocortical insufficiency
- destruction of adrenal cortex
- mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation
Addison disease
Adrenal gland failure due to bleeding into the adrenal gland usually related to a bacterial infection (often niesseria meningitis)
Waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome
- Hyperaldosteronism secretion
- Na and water retention
- hypokalemia
Conn syndrome
High levels of exogenous corticosteroids
- moon faces, buffalo hump, peripheral wasting, cutaneous striae, osteoporosis
Cushing syndrome
High levels of exogenous corticosteroids
- when occurring specifically related to an ACTH-producing neoplasm
- hyperpigmentation of mucocutaneous tissues
Cushing disease
- Post-infectious
- anti-streptolysin O antibodies in serum
- Hematuria = RBC casts
- Neutrophil-mediated damage
- oliguria
- azotemia
- reduced GFR
Nephritis glomerular disease
- periorbital edema
- proteinuria
- hypoalbuminemia (less than 3.5g of protein or more lost per day in urine)
- generalized edema
- hyperlipidemia
- lipiduria
All variants of nephrotic syndrome share a common derangement, what is it?
Capillary wall damage leading to increased permeability of plasma proteins
Minimal change disease
- common between 1-7 years
- light microscopy appears normal
- electron microscopy = effacement of podocyte foot processes
- no HTN
- renal function normal
- periobital edema
Minimal change disease (nephrotic syndrome)
What is the treatment for minimal change disease?
Treatment = cortical steroids produce a rapid response Prognosis = excellent
- diffuse infiltrate of neutrophils (aka PMNs) (also monocytes) in glomerulus
- increase in numbers of endothelial and mesangial cells
- deposition of immune complexes
- granular deposits of IgG and complement
- low levels of complement
Acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis
Peptic ulcers are most commonly caused by what? 2nd most common? Where is the most common location to find peptic ulcers? What kind of anemia can be a complication of peptic ulcers?
- most common caused by = H.pylori
- 2nd most common = NSAIDS
- most common location = duodenum
Iron deficiency anemia
Premature destruction by the spleen
- sickle cell anemia
- thalassemia
- autoimmune
Hemolytic anemia
Aplastic anemia
Non-functioning bone marrow
Overproduction of neoplastic cells in the bone marrow so no space for production of normal RBCs
Meylophthisic anemia
Overgrowth and infiltration of superficial epithelial layers
Candida albicans
- pseudomembranous
- erythematous
- hyperplastic
- fungal hyphae and spores on biopsy and cytology
Oral candidiasis
Neoplasm of plasma cells
Multiple myeloma
- deposition of amyloid in tissue
- occurs in patients on hemodialysis
- amyloid = beta pleated sheets
- Congo red
- apple green birefringence
- m-spike elevated levels of Ig
- bence jones proteins in the urine
Multiple myeloma
- represent Ig light chain from antibodies produced by neoplastic plasma cells
- identified by electrophoresis
- also seen in waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
Bence jones proteins - in multiple myeloma
Plasmablastic lymphoma
More common in the HIV patients
Reed-steinberg cells
- owl eyes
- Hodgkin lymphoma
Bimodal distribution 15-40 years, then over 56 years
Hodgkin lymphoma
- starry sky
Burkitt lymphoma
Ischemia, architecture maintained, no nuclei
Coagulation necrosis
Infection, yellow pus, inflammatory cells with numerous neutrophils
Liquefaction necrosis
Ischemia of lower limbs
Gangrenous necrosis
TB, cottage cheese like, granuloma
Caseous necrosis
Acute inflammation affecting tissues with adipocytes
- pancreas and breast tissue
Fat necrosis
- vascular damage
- autoimmune, immune complex deposition, infections, viruses (spirochete, rickettsia)
Fibrinoid necrosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Aschoff body
Rheumatic fever
Heberden node
Wire-loop lesion
Lupus nephritis
Abnormal, disorganized growth
Change in phenotype of cell
Thickening of epithelium (usually spinous layer)
Presence of parakeratin
Presence of orthokeratin
Excess keratin
Intercellular edema causing cells to pull away from one another
- multiple basal cell carcinoma
- multiple odontogenic keratocysts
- intercranial calcifications (falx cerebri)
- rib and vertebral anomalies (most common is bifid ribs)
- chromosome 9
- PATCH gene
- nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
- Goriand syndrome
Cyst that occurs due to genetic changes in odontogenic epithelium
Odontogenic keratocysts
Nephritic or nephrotic syndrome? Hematuria
Nephritic or nephrotic syndrome? HTN
Nephritic or nephrotic syndrome? Proteinuria
Nephritic or nephrotic syndrome? Red blood cell casts in the urine
Decreased factor VIII
Hemophilia A
Decreased factor IX
Hemophilia B aka Christmas disease
Decreased number thrombocytes
Decreased serum calcium
Chelation of calcium prevents coagulation in-vitro
- oral abscess
- board-hard lesion
- sulfur or sulfur-like granules
- actinomyces Israeli
Actinomycosis (NOT fungal infection)
Skin abscess
- acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- trench mouth
- punched out interdental papilla
- crater-like necrosis
- grey pseudomembranous of gingiva
Vincent’s infection
- fuseobacterium nucleatum
- prevotella intermedia
- porphyromonas gingivalis
- treponema spp
- selenomonas spp
Organisms that can cause Vincent’s infection
Grey pseudomembrane of oropharyngeal tonsilar tissues
Oral squamous cell carcinoma survival rate
Lung cancer survival rate
Malignant melanoma survival rate
Pancreatic cancer survival rate
Colonic carcinoma survival rate
Carcinoma of the breast, if it is metastatic what will it show an increase of?
Alkaline phosphatase
- alkaline phosphatase
- acid phosphatase
Metastatic prostate carcinoma
- paget disease
- increased alkaline phosphatase
Osteitis deformans
Transitional cells
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Non-keratinized stratified squamous
Oral lining mucosa
- primary surfactant deficiency
- premature birth (prior to 28 weeks)
- lungs fail to inflate
- hyaline membranes
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (acute)
- seen in septic shock, gastric aspiration, severe trauma
- damage mediated by neutrophils
- hyaline membranes
Acute respiratory distress syndrome