Pathology Flashcards
Describe the secretory phases of endometrial tissue for days 17-19, 20-22, 23-26, and 27
17-19 Glandular cells develop sub-nuclear glycogen vacuoles
20-22 stromal edema, tortuous glands
23-26 stromal cells and nucleus enlarge, eosinophilic cytoplasm; around spiral uterine arteries “pre-decidual” cells
27 whole stroma is premedical and has a saw tooth pattern
How does the endometrium change during implantation?
with pregnancy even ectopic the decimal tissue is hypersecretory (glycogen), cells become enlarged and protrude into the glandular lumen (arias-stella reaction)
senile cystic atrophy is what?
characteristic of menopausal women endometrial lining which atrophys. Glands are parallel and collagen increases.
Characterize the early and late proliferative stages of the uterine lining
early-strait and narrow lumen, stroma secretes alkaline fluid to help sperm
late- coiled glands