Anatomy and Clinical Flashcards
The lesser vestibular gland in women is analogous to what male structure? what’s another name for this gland?
aka paraurethral gland
The greater vestibular gland in women is analogous to what male structure? what’s the name of the anatomic pouch its contained in and how is this different than it’s male counterpart?
Bulbourethral gland
The superficial perineal pouch whereas the bulbourethral gland is in the deep perineal pouch
The clitoris has two leg like extensions similar to the glans penis, what are they called?
What’s a hysterosalpingography and when is it indicated?
Injection of contrast agent into the uterus to determine the patiency of the fallopian tubes.
Used to diagnose Ashermans syn, malformations, tubal occlusions, PID.
The peritoneal covering of the uterus called the broad ligament is made up of what structures?
mesosalpinx, mesovarium, and the mesometrium
The genitourinary system is derived from what embryologic portions of the tri-laminar disk? When does this disk become tri-laminar?
intermediate mesoderm (the rest) and endoderm (prostate, cowpers gland m; lower vagina f).
week 3 bi to tri laminar.
What happens following the migration of primordial germ cells to the gonadal ridge leading to the formation of primitive sex cords?
Cell clusters are formed from these primitive germ cells and later degenerate, next cortical cords develop from the surface epithelium and separate into primary oocytes (follicular cells surrounding an oogonium).
When does the indifferent stage end?
week 6
Which gender develops medullary cords?
Which anatomic structures are derived from the UG sinus in women?
Inferior vagina, greater vestibular glands, paraurethral glands, urethra and bladder.
Which anatomic structures are derived from the paramesonephric ducts (mullerian ducts) in women?
superior vagina, cervix and uterus
What gene is responsible for female ovarian development and subsequent mullerian duct development? Which hormones are involved in this process?
Estrogens help develop the mullerian duct and a lack of testosterone causes the mesonephric duct to degenerate
Which structures are part of the unfused part of the mullerian ducts?
uterine tubes
What condition can result from the incomplete fusion of the mullerian duct (pathologic not physiologic)?
bicornate uterus
Genital swellings in women and men give rise to which complementary yet different structures?
labia majora
The urethral folds in men close yet in women stay open and become what structure? Name the condition that occurs in men if they have a partial closure of these folds
labia minora
What is the first line treatment in endometriosis other than NSAIDs? Name an additional treatment.
OCP- They must be taken continuously (skip placebo wk). This will help with dysmenorrhea and the building up of the endometrium that can lead to endometriosis.
GnRH agonists like leuprolide can induce menopause but is limited to 6 month therapy due to bone loss.
How do you diagnose endometriosis
TVUS or diagnostic laparoscopy
Which uterine condition leading to dysmenorrhea is characterized by an enlarged uterus, pain, and heavy bleeding; unrelated to tumor growth? How do you diagnose and treat?
Tx total hysterectomy
Patient presents with pelvic pain and pressure worse during her period that she describes as heavy. She’s been trying to get pregnant without success and is nulligravida. You can palpate an adnexal mass; whats the likely diagnosis and treatment?
Dx US, hysteroscopy, MRI
Tx manage to surgery
What surgical interventions are common with dysmenorrhea patients?
endometrial biopsy
D&C sampling
Laparoscopy-Dx and Tx