Pathologies Flashcards
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects, contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Congenital: Patches of extremely dry skin, itchy, uncomfortable. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Congenital: Chronic inflammatory skin disease, red patches with silvery scales- constantly shed. Non-contagious.
Acne rosacea
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Bacterial: Flushed reddened skin, can be aggravated by vasodilation (heat, spicy food, sunshine, alcohol, cold. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Bacterial infection, often a group of hair follicles. Forms lump deep in skin.
Acne vulgaris
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Bacterial: Often caused by hormonal imbalances- increase sebum production, causes blocked glands and infection. Appears shiny, sallow with pustules, papules, comedones. Prone to open pores. Non-contagious
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Bacterial: a region of multiple infected boils connected under the skin. Non-contagious
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Bacterial: a skin infection forming pustules and yellow crusty sores. Contagious
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Bacterial: inflammation of the hair follicles. Non-contagious
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Viral: a small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus. Contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Viral: warts, caused by virus. caused by viruses when they gain access to skin (often through cuts) and mucus membranes (which are less protected). The virus surrounds itself with epithelial tissue to protect itself from the immune system, causing a limited benign tumour. This also explains why they tend to come back if not completely removed. Plantar warts are usually painful warts on the sole of the foot. Contagious.
Herpes Simplex
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Viral: infection caused by a group of herpes viruses, which may produce cold sores, genital inflammation, or conjunctivitis. Contagious.
Herpes Zoster
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Viral: herpes virus that causes shingles and chickenpox. Contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Fungal: The yeast known as candida can infect mucus membranes. It is well known to cause yeast infections of the vagina and vulva in women. Non- contagious.
Tinea Corporis
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Fungal: a skin infection due to fungi. It is also called ringworm of the body. Contagious.
Tinea Pedis
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Fungal: the term used for a dermatophyte infection of the soles of the feet and the interdigital spaces. Contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: a condition in which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches, often with no clear cause. Non-contagious
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: a genetic condition also called achromia, achromasia, or achromatosis. It is characterized by a deficit in the production of melanin and by the partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: a temporary condition, typically caused by hormonal changes, in which large brown patches form on the skin. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder:
a condition marked by small brown patches on the skin, typically in elderly people. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: a pigmented spot, mark, or small permanent protuberance on the human body. Non-contagious.
Port Wine Stain
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: a kind of large, deep red birthmark, a persistent haemangioma or naevus, typically on the face. Non-contagious.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: most often found on dark skinned individuals, these are raised darkened portions of skin. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: also known as freckles, these are concentrations of darker-pigmented skin on otherwise pale skin. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: also known as birth marks, they are concentrated regions of dark and sometimes malformed skin present at birth. A Port Wine Stain (above) is a type of naevae. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Pigmentation Disorder: a benign wart-like tumour of the epidermis. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Hair & Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Parasitic: an infestation of lice. They can inhabit hair of the head (pediculosiscapitis), body (pediculosis corporis), or pubis (pediculosis pubis). Contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Parasitic: is an itchy skin rash caused by burrowing into the skin of a mite known as Sarcoptes scabiei. Contagious.
Broken Capillaries
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: tiny blood vessels at the surface of the skin. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: a rash of round, red welts on the skin which itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
technical term for a blackhead. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: fluid filled sacs. Non-contagious.
Crow’s feet
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: wrinkles and fine lines found around the eyes. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: after exposure to cold, some susceptible individuals will develop reditching, swollen or blistering patches of skin. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: inflammation of skin characterised by erythema - redness, itching, swelling of the dermis, which could have many causes. Allergic, contact with irritating substance, etc. Non-contagious.
Keloid scars
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: an overgrowth of scar tissue following healing from a wound. It is more common in darker skinned individuals. Non-contagious.
Loss of sensation
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
can be due to a number of causes, such as nerve damage,impingement, or toxic exposure to substances. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: tiny white bumps or small cysts on the skin. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: stretch marks. These are caused by a rapid increase in surface are of the skin, often caused by growth spurts, weight gain, and/or pregnancy. Non-contagious.
UV damage
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: the sun can damage the cells in the skin, including the DNA in basalcells, keratinocytes, and melanocytes. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: also known as hives, it is a skin rash which develops in response to ingested allergens. Non-contagious.
Verrucae filiformis
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: Viral: an elongated wart that usually appears on the face or neck. It is caused by a virus and is not the same thing as a skin tag. Contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: a yellow circular patch in the skin containing lipids and cholesterol. This is most often related to other disease states involving lipid metabolism. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: a bacterial infection of the skin and regions deep to the skin, often in regions that were recently injured (open wounds). It often looks red, swollen and warm and it potentially very serious. Non-contagious, however could spread through cuts, abrasions, etc.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: a form of staph(bacterium) infection that has become resistant to traditional antibiotics and thus very difficult to treat and potentially very dangerous. The bacterium can infect a number of tissues, but open skin wounds are common entry points. Contagious.
Pressure sores/ bed sores
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: injury of the skin due to prolonged pressure, for example lying in one position in a bed for too long. It is very common in hospitalized and elderly populations.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: foul smelling sweat. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: inability to sweat properly. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: excessive sweating. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Immune, Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: an auto-immune disease in which skin becomes tightened and hardened as the immune system mistakenly attacks connective tissues. Non-contagious.
Systemic lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Immune, Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: this condition does not just affect the skin, but it is frequently recognized by the butterfly-shaped rash on the face and inflammation of skin and connective tissues. It is an auto-immune disease, meaning the immune system mistakenly attacks regular tissue. Non-contagious.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: is the most common type of skin cancer in the UK. It is anon-melanoma skin cancer caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or from sun beds. It can occur anywhere on your body but is most common on areas that are often exposed to the sun, i.e. your face, head, neck and ears. It is also possible for it to develop where burns, scars or ulcers have damaged the skin. Non-contagious.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells arising in the squamous cells, which compose most of the skin’s upper layers (the epidermis). It can often look like scaly red patches, open sores, elevated growths with a central depression, or warts; they may crust or bleed. They can become disfiguring and sometimes deadly if allowed to grow. This type of cancer may occur on all areas of the body, including the mucous membranes and genitals, but are most common in areas frequently exposed to the sun, such as the rim of the ear, lower lip, face, balding scalp, neck, hands, arms and legs. Often the skin in these areas reveals tell-tale signs of sun damage, including wrinkles, pigment changes, freckles, “age spots,” loss of elasticity, and broken blood vessels. It is mainly caused by cumulative ultraviolet (UV) exposure over the course of a lifetime; daily year-round exposure to the sun’s UV light, intense exposure in the summer months, and the UV produced by tanning beds all add to the damage that can lead this type of cancer.
Malignant Melanoma
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Skin/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: a cancer of the pigment cells of the skin. It is not contagious. Melanomas can come up in or near to a mole but can also appear on skin that looks quite normal. They develop when the skin pigment cells(melanocytes) become cancerous and multiply in an uncontrolled way. They can then invade the skin around them and may also spread to other areas such as the lymph nodes, liver and lungs. The main cause of this type of cancer is ultraviolet light, such as sun beds. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Hair/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: is a loss of hair. It comes in a variety of patterns with a variety of causes, although often it is idiopathic. Non-contagious.
Androgenic Alopecia
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Hair/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: male pattern baldness. It shows a strong familial trait and tends to affect men from their late teens onwards, becoming progressively more common with advancing age. It often occurs as a temporal and a central recession that produces a characteristic horseshoe shape of remaining hair. Women can also suffer with this but to a less obvious extent. Non-contagious.
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Hair/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: excessive growth of thick dark hair in an androgen-dependent pattern where hair growth in women is usually minimal or absent (e.g. the face and chest). It can occur as a result of increased androgen production, increased skin sensitivity to androgens, or both. Non-contagious.
Ingrown Hair
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Hair/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: is a condition where hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. The condition is most prevalent among people who have coarse or curly hair. It most commonly appears in areas where the skin is shaved or waxed (e.g. face or legs) but it can appear anywhere. Non-contagious.
Sycosis Barbae
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Hair/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: is a bacterial folliculitis of the bearded region, usually caused by a staphylococcus infection.
Beau’s Line (transverse ridges)
Which system does this affect and what are the symptoms/effects; is it contagious?
System: Nails/Integumentary
Symptoms/Effects: transverse lines or grooves across the fingernails, or transverse depressions in the nail plate, from temporary disturbance of cell division where the nail develops. The condition may be caused by local disease or injury of the nail fold, or from a generalised condition such as an illness or drug. Non-contagious.