Patho Flashcards
Patho of pulmonary odema
It is a fluid build-up in the lungs from osmotic pressure in the pulmonary circulatory system. It can be caused by an ineffective problem such as Left ventricle dysfunction moving into space .cardiogenic (or hydrostatic) pulmonary edema from, as the name implies, an elevated pulmonary capillary pressure from left-sided heart failure;
Patho of Peripheral odema
Related to R side heart issue as ineffective build off of blood allows backflow into the veins past the valves and builds the legs with pitting edema. Secondary to DVT, AF , Hypertension, urine build up
Patho of aggregation
The formation of recruitment cells such as platelets and ADP to form a clot .Together they form shape change and degranulation releasing ADP. ADP aggregates and recruits more platelets to form.
Patho of Insulin
Insulin is released as an increasing amount of glucose is detected receptor . From there it rises in K+ and depolarises calcium release of transport glucose and insulin release
Patho of Asthma
a COPD condition. allergen enters and met by dendrite cell. T cell receptors recognize and promotes neutrophils and eosinophils to the allergen. B cells bring IGE cells attaching itself to the allergen so mast cells can release mediators such as histamine and leukotrienes. Histamine stimulates acetylcholine on the vagus nerve. is a cause of narrowing of airway and increase of bronchiole mucus plug
Regulation of vomiting
4 zones of triggers Cerebal-anxiety and pain chemotrigger- mu, kappa Vagus -GIT Vestibular system-
Patho of Platelete phospholipids activation
Phospholipids use phospholipase A2to produce arachnoid acid-forming leukotrienes and cycloxygenase . This creates ADP. Thrombin, Thromboxane
Patho of epilepsy
An imbalance between glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid neurotransmitter, systems can lead to hyperexcitability.
Patho of Angina
It is the imbalance between nutrients of the heart such as too much/less oxygen disrupting its function.
Stable is caused by exercise with a stable plaque with normal ECG
Unstable is at rest , ruptured or inflamed plaque and inverted T wave sometimes
Patho of Coagulation
Clotting Faze of platelets liquid to gel to stop the rupture bleed. Repair stage.
intrinsic - 12-11-9-10-2 where thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin creating a mesh holding platelets into a clot.
extrinsic starts at 10
Patho of Atherosclerosis
LDL attaches to the lining of the artery. The LDL oxides in the lining of the cell and macrophages engulf and swells becoming foam cells turning it into a fatty streak. Collagen hardens the plaque
Patho and types of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
Embolic -clot block of an artery
Thrombotic -Cholesterol plaque stick to inner wall allowing build-up.
intracranial- Pia matter
Subarachnoid -The main symptom is a sudden, severe headache. layer between brain and layer of protection
Patho of emphysema
Emphysema is a pathologic diagnosis defined by permanent destruction of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles. This leads to a dramatic decline in the alveolar surface area available for gas exchange. Furthermore, loss of alveoli leads to airflow limitation by 2 mechanisms. First, loss of the alveolar walls results in a decrease in elastic recoil, which leads to airflow limitation. Second, the loss of the alveolar supporting structure leads to airway narrowing, which further limits airflow. Caused by smoking and air pollution
Path of Chronic Bronchitis
Inflammation of the central airways is a prominent feature in subjects with chronic bronchitis. The pathology of chronic bronchitis includes an inflammatory cell infiltrate in the airway wall and a neutrophil influx into the airway lumen. The molecular events that produce the inflammation-causing mucus hypersecretion The inflammatory cell recruitment to the airways likely involve chemotactic agents derived not only from tissue fluid. synthesize neutrophils and lymphocytes.
Patho of pneumonia
pneumonia is an umbrella term for a group of syndromes caused by a variety of organisms. Bacteria, fungal, and viral when body function detects it releases systemic action to defeat the orgasms such as rise in temp, mucus production, and sweating.
Patho of Croup
Croup causes swelling of the larynx, trachea, and large bronchi due to the infiltration of white blood cells. Swelling results in partial airway obstruction which, when significant, results in dramatically increased work of breathing, and the characteristic turbulent, noisy airflow known as stridor due to the infiltration of white blood cells. The parainfluenza virus typically causes croup, but a bacterial infection can also cause it.
Patho of Bronchilitis
Bronchiolitis is inflammation of the bronchioles usually caused by an acute viral illness. It is the most common lower respiratory tract infection in children younger than 2 years of age. Bronchiolitis occurs as a result of the inflammation of the lining of the epithelial cells of the small airways in the lungs causing mucus production, inflammation, and cellular necrosis of those cells. It is the inflammation of these cells that can obstruct the airway and ultimately result in wheezing.
Patho of Pertussis
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial disease. The initial symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough, but these are followed by weeks of severe coughing fits.compromises the small airways (especially those of infants) and predisposes the affected individual to atelectasis, cough, cyanosis, and pneumonia.
kills cilicac cells releases toxins and reduce inflammatory response in the bronchioles. causing a prolonged response.