Path: Inflammation 1&2 Flashcards
List the most common and most important cells of inflammation.
1- neutrophils 2- bands 3- macrophages 4- lymphocytes 5- plasma cells 6- eosinophils 7- mast cells 8- multinucleated giant cells
Normally, what percent of the leukocytes measured in the blood are neutrophils?
Normally, what percent of peripheral blood leukocytes are bands?
What cell type is the most important innate immune system defense against extracellular pathogens?
What are the dominant cell players in CHRONIC inflammation?
The point in the cycle where macrophages replace neutrophils in the inflammatory response, starts around day _____ and is sometimes called “ ________”.
day 3; “subacute”
T cells carry out cell-mediated or humeral immunity?
Cell-mediated immunity
B cells carry out cell-mediated or humoral immunity?
Humoral immunity
Lymphocytes are identifiable in a peripheral smear by their ________ nuclei and _____ cytoplasm. They look like little blue dots under the microscope.
small, round, dense nuclei; scant cytoplasm
Plasma cells are derived from ___________ cells.
Activated B cells
Plasma cells produce large amounts of ______-specificity antibodies.
single-specificity antibodies
Plasma cells are distinguishable under a microscope by their “_______” appearance due to nuclear chromatin clumped around the periphery.
_______ are prominent in many allergic and parasitic diseases.
The granules contained in eosinophils contain _______________ (toxic to parasites, but also to host cells).
major basic protein
The eosinophil granules avidly take up red ______ dye, hence their name.
red eosin dye
Eosinophil nuclei frequently have ____ (#) lobs?
______ cells are bone-marrow-derived cells around blood vessels, nerves and skin.
Mast cells
Mast cells have cytoplasmic granules loaded with:
histamine, chemotactic factors, proteases, heparin, serotonin, and more
Mast cell granules avidly take up _______ (blue dye) and other basophilic dies.
Hematoxylin (blue dye)
Multinucleated giant cells are a fusion of several __________.
Name the two morphological types of multinucleated giant cells
foreign body type and Langhans type
Describe the foreign body type of multinucleated giant cells
Foreign body type giant cells have haphazardly arranged nuclei
Describe the Langhans type giant cells
Langhans type giant cells have nuclei arranged peripherally in a semicircle and are associated with immune granulomas.
What is a granuloma?
An aggregate of activated macrophages
Describe the two common types of granuloma.
1- foreign body granulomas generally represent the inflammatory reaction to a persistent material too large or undigestible for clearance.
2- Immune type granulomas generally represent the inflammatory response to a persistent antigen that induces a cell-mediated immune reaction.
Granulomatous infections are generally due to intracellular or extracellular pathogens?
Intracellular pathogens
What are the two types of inflammatory cells that are numerous and easily sen with routine stains under a microscope?
neutrophils and lymphocytes
Lymphocytes can be differentiated from other cells in a smear by looking at their nuclei. Their nuclei are round, and the same size as _______, also found in the field.
Which are larger under the microscope, neutrophils or macrophages?
Acute inflammation has a rapid onset, ___________ (time span), and short duration ___________ (time span).
seconds to minutes; minutes to a few days
Acute inflammation has 4 cardinal signs and symptoms. List them.
1- redness (rubor) 2- swelling (tumor) 3- heat (calor) 4- pain (dolor) Also sometimes, loss of function (Latin translation not a valuable memory aid)
What are PAMPs, anyway?
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), are certain microbial components shared among related microbes that are essential for infectivity. Cells of our innate immune system recognize PAMPs with Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) on their own surfaces, this is where the innate immune response begins.
What in Sam Hill are DAMPs?
Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are certain molecules released from injured or dead cells.
What are Toll-like receptors (TLRs)?
pattern recognition receptors on cellular plasma membranes and endosomal vesicle membranes of macrophages, dendritic cells and various epithelial cells and leukocytes that recognize PAMPs and DAMPs
What is an inflammasome?
A multi-protein complex that forms when receptors on any host cell surface recognize DAMPs or other molecules released by injury (ATP, DNA, uric acid). This induces the production of IL-1.
What are cytokines?
The intercellular messenger substances secreted by cells of the immune system (innate and acquired) that tell other cells what to do.
How do cytokines get leukocytes to the site of infection?
Pro-inflammatory cytokines upregulate the expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules that bind leukocytes, directing them to the site of infection.
List the 5 distinct forms of inflammation.
1- purulent (suppurative) 2- abscessing (necrotizing) 3- fibrinous 4- serous 5- granulomatous
List the 3 component responses of inflammation.
1- vascular response
2- leukocyte response
3- systemic response (total body response)
What characterizes the vascular response of inflammation?
Vasodilation soon followed by increased permeability
What compound primarily mediated vasodilation during inflammation?
What compounds mediate the increased vascular permeability during inflammation and what change to they cause in endothelial cells of capillaries and post-capillary venules?
Histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes.
Cause cells to contract, opening space between them.
What can cause increased vascular permeability to persist beyond 2-12 hrs?
Burns, radiation and certain bacterial toxins
List the 3 types of fluid that can leak from capillaries and describe their various viscosities.
Serous (thin, serum, no clotting factors due to coag. formation upstream)
Fibrinous (thick with abundant protein)
Purulent (thickest with protein and inflammatory cells)
Describe the difference between exudate and transudate.
Exudate is a thick, cellular inflammatory fluid while transudate is a thin, acullular fluid.
Please, describe pus.
A purulent exudate rich in neutrophils, cellular debris and commonly microbes.
A localized area of tissue necrosis with purulent exudate is an _________ .
What is an empyema?
A collection of pus in the pleural space.
Necrotizing inflammation at or near the surface of an organ or tissue can cause the necrotic inflamed tissue to slough off, creating a localized defect or excavation. This is an _______.
Superficial sloughing of epithelium (without necrosis through basement membrane into subepithelial tissue) is called ________ .
What is margination?
When leukocytes move to the periphery of a blood vessel’s lumen where they can begin diapedesis via selectins and integrins.
Leukocytes express these receptors for binding to endothelial selectins:
Normally, P-selectins (for platelets) found on the surface of endothelial cells, are stored in cytoplasmic granules called:
Weibel-Palade bodies
What are LFA-1s?
Integrins found on neutrophils, monocytes and T cells.
What are Mac-1s?
Integrins found on monocytes
What are VLA-4s?
Integrins found on monocytes and T cells
TNF and IL-1 induce endotheial cell expression of ligands for _______ during acute inflammation.
integrins- to bring leukocytes to site of infection
What are leukocytes looking for between endothelial cells to initiate their transmigration from blood vessels to the inflamed tissue during inflammation?
PECAM-1 (CD31) to bind to their PECAM-1