Path 3-Jaundice/Cholestasis/Cholangitits/Blood flow Flashcards
types of bilirubin? which is insoluble in water? can be in blood? problem? what caln lead to accumulation? (in newborn disease) which leads to?
wate rsoluble? losely bound to? excreted whre?
normal bilrubin in blood? jaundice when?
Neonatal Jaundice
what isnt mature? until? type of bilirubin? exacerbated by?
hereditary hyperbilirubinemias
mutation? chromosome? leads to? 3
conjugated? 2
what is it caused by? gives rise to? caused by? 3
symptoms? 4
elevated serum? 2 where?
Morph-common to obstructive/nonobstructive? color?accumulations of? where? called??
Large bile duct obstruction
most common cause of duct obstruction? followed by? 2 in children?4
reversible? prolonged obstruction goes to?
if subtotoal or intermittent obstruction? cholangittis symtpoms? worse type?
morph- upstream? hallmark of ascending?
uncorrected goes to? 2 degen? bodies?
Cholestasis of sepsis
affect liver by what mechanisms? 3
whihc is most likely? if what type?
most common form is? seen on histo? cells?
more ominous? location?
leads to what problem?
Primary hepatolithiasis
location? formation of? leads to?3
morph- type of stones? location? ducts show?
clin- present with? due to? marked by?
seen oiun parenchyma?
sometimes seen mistaken for what?
Neonatal cholestasis
what is it? type? timing? major casues are? 2
neonatal hepatitis?
differentiation of what is important? why?
symptoms? 4
morph- liver cells? transformation? change in what cells? extramedullary?if blend in?
Biliary atresia
what is it? timing? can lead to? most frequent casue of?
path- two major forms? more common?
f- associated with? 3 cause is?
p-what happens?
Biliary atresia
morph- problem? where? leads to duct? cirrhosis? surg correctable if? not if?
clin-present with? age? whats normal? what changes from normal?
if not correctable then treat how?
primary biliary cirrhosis
autoimmune disease characterized by? location? diagnosed when often? gender? race?
path- antibodies most characteristic? recognize what? component of? also against this?
MHC? antibodies against what else?
morph- location? destroyed by? with or without what? is it diffuse? increasing what? end stages? location of bile accumulation? compared to?also seen? color?scar tissue?
big difference compared to other cirrhotic livers?
clin- diagnosed when? labs? antibody? biopsy diagnostic if? symptoms?
untreated what happens? 2 treatment?
secondary features?
characterized by? location? charactersitic? often seen with what disease? age? gender?
path-type of cell in stroma? autoantibody association to HLA what?
Autoantibody often seen?