Past tense, Duration, Pets Flashcards
What is “I have been or I was” in French?
J’ai été
What is “I received” in French?
J’ai reçu
What is “She searched” in French?
Elle a cherché
What is “I gave” in French?
J’ai donné
What is “She did not find” in French?
Elle n’a pas trouvé
What is the past tense of être?
What is the past tense of recevoir?
What is the past tense of chercher?
What is the past tense of donner?
What is the past tense of trouver?
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J’ai été
I was or I have been
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J’ai reçu
I received
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Elle a cherché
She searched
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J’ai donné
I gave
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Elle n’a pas trouvé
She did not find
What is “I asked” in French?
J’ai demandé
What is “We ate” in French?
On a mangé
What is “You (sing.) sent” in French?
Tu as envoyé
What is the past tense of demander?
What is the past tense of manger?
What is the past tense of envoyer?
Translate this to English
J’ai demandé
I asked
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On a mangé
We ate
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Tu as envoyé
You sent
What is “He swam” in French?
Il a nagé
What is “He won the race” in French?
Il a gagné la course
What is “I ate a cake” in French?
J’ai mangé un gâteau
What is “I finished my exercise” in French?
J’ai fini mon exercice
What is “I danced all weekend” in French?
J’ai dansé tout le week-end
What is “I read a new book” in French?
J’ai lu un nouveau livre
What is “They left this morning” in French?
Elles sont parties ce matin
For past tense sentences, when do we use AVOIR (to have) + past participle?
Almost all the time, except when verbs are reflexive/ verbs that you do to yourself
For past tense sentences, when do we use Être (to have) + past principle?
When verbs are reflexive
AKA verbs that you do to yourself (e.g. je me suis habillé).
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Il a nagé
He swam
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Il a gagné la course
He won the race
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J’ai mangé un gâteau
I ate a cake
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J’ai fini mon exercice
I finished my exercise
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J’ai dansé tout le week-end
I danced all weekend
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J’ai lu un nouveau livre
I read a new book
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Elles sont parties ce matin
They left this morning
What is the past tense of nager?
What is the past tense of Gagner?
What is the past tense of finir?
What is the past tense of Danser?
What is the past tense of lire?
What is the past tense of partir?
What is the past tense of partir (plural)?
What are some verbs that use ÊTRE for past participle (change of location verbs)?
List 13
Arriver (to arrive)
Partir (to depart)
Entrer (to enter)
Sortir (to exit)
Monter (to rise)
Descendre (to descend)
Tomber (to fall)
Aller (to go)
Venir (to come)
Naître (to be born)
Mourir (to die)
Passer (to pass)
Retourner (to return)
What is “She went out” in French?
Elle est sortie
What is “They came” in French?
Ils sont venus
What is “They went out” in French?
Elles sont sorties
What is “She returned” in French?
Elle est rentrée
What do past participle verbs ending in ER end with? e.g. Manger
e.g. Mangé
What do past participle verbs ending in IR end with? e.g. Finir
e.g. Fini
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Elle est sortie
She went out
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Ils sont venus
They came
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Elles sont sorties
They went out
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Elle est rentrée
She returned
What is the past tense of dire?
What is the past tense of Lire?
What is the past tense of entendre?
What is the past tense of attendre?
What is the past tense of voir?
What is the past tense of venir?
What is the past tense of écrire?
What is the past tense of faire?
What is the past tense of prendre?
What is the past tense of mettre?
What is the past tense of pouvoir?
What is the past tense of vouloir?
What is the past tense of Devoir?
What is the past tense of comprendre?
What is the past tense of avoir?
What is “I said” in French?
J’ai dit
What is “They said” in French?
Ils ont dit
What is “I read” in French?
J’ai lu
What is “They read” in French?
Ils ont lu
What is “I heard” in French?
J’ai entendu
What is “They heard” in French?
Ils ont entendu
What is “I waited” in French?
J’ai attendu
What is “They waited” in French?
Ils ont attendu
What is “I saw” in French?
J’ai vu
What is “They saw” in French?
Ils ont vu
What is “I came” in French?
Je suis venu
What is “They came” in French?
Ils sont venus
What is “I wrote” in French?
J’ai écrit
What is “They wrote” in French?
Ils ont écrit
What is “I have been” in French?
J’ai été
What is “They have been” in French?
Ils ont été
What is “I made” in French?
J’ai fait
What is “They made” in French?
Ils ont fait
What is “I put” in French?
J’ai mis
What is “They put” in French?
Ils ont mis
What is “I could” in French?
J’ai pu
What is “They could” in French?
Ils ont pu
What is “I wanted” in French?
J’ai voulu
What is “They wanted” in French?
Ils ont voulu
What is “I had to” in French?
J’ai dû
What is “They had to” in French?
Ils ont dû
What is “I understood” in French?
J’ai compris
What is “They understood” in French?
Ils ont compris
What is “I have had” in French?
J’ai eu
What is “They have had” in French?
Ils ont eu
What is the past tense of être?
What is “Have you visited France?” in French?
Avez-vous visité la France?
What is “What did you see?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez vu ?
What is “Have you travelled to Europe?” in French?
Avez-vous voyagé en Europe?
What is “Which countries have you visited?” in French?
Vous avez visité quels pays?
What is “Have you seen a good movie recently” in French?
Avez-vous vu un bon film récemment?
What is “What movie did you like?” in French?
Quel film est-ce que vous avez aimé?
What is “What movie did you not like” in French?
Quel film est-ce que vous n’avez pas aimé?
Translate this to English
Avez-vous visité la France?
Have you visited France?
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Qu’est-ce que vous avez vu?
What did you see?
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Avez-vous voyagé en Europe?
Have you travelled to Europe?
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Vous avez visité quels pays?
Which countries have you visited?
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Avez-vous vu un bon film
Have you seen a good movie recently?
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Quel film est-ce que vous avez aimé?
What movie did you like?
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Quel film est-ce que vous n’avez pas aimé?
What movie did you not like?
What is “last month” in French?
Le mois dernier
What is “two years ago” in French?
Il y a deux ans
What is “only” in French?
Seulement / Juste
What is “once” in French?
Une fois
What is “for a week” in French?
Pendant une semaine
What is “boring” in French?
Ennuyeux / ennuyeuse
What is “to go to bed early” in French?
Aller au lit tôt
What is “to go to bed late” in French?
Aller au lit tard
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Le mois dernier
Last month
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Il y a deux ans
Two years ago
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Seulement / Juste
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Une fois
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Pendant une semaine
For a week
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Ennuyeux / ennuyeuse
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Aller au lit tôt
To go to bed early
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Aller au lit tard
To go to bed late
What is “What did you do this morning?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait ce matin?
What is “What did you do last night?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait hier soir?
What is “What did you do last weekend?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait le weekend passé?
What is “What did your friends do last weekend?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que vos amis ont fait le weekend passé?
What is “What did we do for the previous session?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que nous avons fait pendant la session précédente?
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Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait ce matin?
What did you do this morning?
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Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait hier soir?
What did you do last night?
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Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait le weekend passé?
What did you do last weekend?
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Qu’est-ce que vos amis ont fait le weekend passé?
What did your friends do last weekend?
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Qu’est-ce que nous avons fait pendant la session précédente?
What did we do for the previous session?
What is “What did you do…?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait…?
What is “What did you do this morning?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce martin?
What is “What did you do yesterday?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier?
What is “What did you do yesterday evening?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier soir?
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Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier soir?
What did you do yesterday evening?
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Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier?
What did you do yesterday?
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Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce matin?
What did you do this morning?
What is “I studied” in French?
J’ai étudié
What is “I went to university” in French?
Je suis allé(e) à l’université
What is “I played sports” in French?
J’ai fait du sport
What is “I went shopping” in French?
J’ai fait des courses
Je suis allé faire du shopping
What is “I went out with my friends” in French?
Je suis sorti avec mes amis
What is “I ate at the restaurant” in French?
J’ai mangé au restaurant
What is “I walked” in French?
J’ai marché
What is “I took the bus/train” in French?
J’ai pris le bus/ le train
What is “I relaxed” in French?
Je me suis relaxé(e)
What is “I went to bed early” in French?
Je me suis couché(e) tôt
What is “I went to the theater to see a play” in French?
Je suis allé au théâtre pour voir une pièce de théâtre
What is “I ate breakfast” in French?
J’ai mangé le petit déjeuner
What is “I went to the cinema to see a film” in French?
Je suis allé au cinema pour voir un film
What is “I saw the film Joker” in French?
J’ai vu le film Joker
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J’ai étudié
I studied
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Je suis allé(e) à l’université
I went to university
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J’ai fait du sport
I played sports
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J’ai fait des courses
Je suis allé faire du shopping.
I went shopping
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Je suis sorti avec mes amis.
I went out with my friends
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J’ai mangé au restaurant
I ate at the restaurant
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J’ai marché
I walked
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J’ai pris le bus/ le train
I took the bus/train
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Je me suis relaxé(e)
I relaxed
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Je me suis couché(e) tôt
I went to bed early
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Je suis allé au théâtre pour voir une pièce de théâtre
I went to the theater to see a play
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J’ai mangé le petit déjeuner
I ate breakfast
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Je suis allé au cinema pour voir un film
I went to the cinema to see a film
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J’ai vu le film Joker
I saw the film Joker
What is “I didn’t understand your question” in French?
Je n’ai pas compris votre question
What is “You haven’t done your homework for today?” in French?
Tu n’as pas fait tes devoirs pour aujourd’hui?
What is “I do not like (present tense)” in French?
Je n’aime pas
What is “I did not like (past tense)” in French?
Je n’ai pas aimé
What is “She received a gift” in French?
Elle a reçu un cadeau
What is “He ate cake” in French?
Il a mangé du gâteau
What is “He went to the hospital. He broke his leg.” in French?
Il est allé à l’hôpital. Il s’est cassé la jambe.
What is “She visited the museum. She went to the museum” in French?
Elle a visité le musée. Elle est allée au musée.
What is “He slept in the park” in French?
Il a dormi dans le parc
What is “She got off the bus. She took the bus.” in French?
Elle est descendue du bus. Elle a pris le bus.
Translate this to English
Elle a reçu un cadeau
She received a gift
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Il a mangé du gâteau
He ate cake
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Il est allé à l’hôpital. Il s’est cassé la jambe.
He went to the hospital. He broke his leg.
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Elle a visité le musée. Elle est allée au musée.
She visited the museum. She went to the museum.
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Il a dormi dans le parc
He slept in the park
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Elle est descendue du bus. Elle a pris le bus
She got off the bus. She took the bus
What is “small mammals” in French?
Petits mammifères
What is “dogs” in French?
What is “cats” in French?
What is “Birds” in French?
What is “Fish” in French?
Act out this scenario in French
A: What is you favourite animal?
B: I like cats
A: Why?
B: They are cute
A: Quel est ton animal préféré?
B: J’aime les chats
A: Pourquoi?
B: Ils sont mignons
Act out this scenario in French
A: Do you like animals?
B: No
A: Why?
B: I am allergic
A: Tu aimes les animaux?
B : Non
R : Pourquoi?
B : Je suis allergique
Act out this scenario in French
A: Do you have animals/pets? If yes, what animal/pet?
B: I have a dog
A: Tu as des animaux? Si oui, quel animal?
B: J’ai un chien
Act out this scenario in French
A: Do you have animals/pets?
B: I don’t have animals/pets
A: Would you like an animal/a pet?
B: No
A: Why not?
B: I don’t have the time
A: Tu as des animaux?
B: Je n’ai pas d’animaux
A: Tu voudrais avoir un animal?
B: Non
A: Pourquoi pas?
B: Je n’ai pas le temps
What is “It is cute” in French?
C’est mignon
What is “It is sweet” in French?
C’est doux
What is “It is nice” in French?
C’est gentil
What is “I love animals” in French?
J’adore les animaux
What is “I don’t have the space” in French?
Je n’ai pas la place
What is “I don’t have any money” in French?
Je n’ai pas d’argent
What is “I don’t have the time” in French?
Je n’ai pas le temps
What is “I am allergic” in French?
Je suis allergique
Translate this to English
C’est mignon
It is cute
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C’est doux
It is sweet
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C’est gentil
It is nice
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J’adore les animaux
I love animals
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Je n’ai pas la place
I don’t have the space
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Je n’ai pas d’argent
I have no money
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Je n’ai pas le temps
I don’t have the time
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Je suis allergique
I am allergic